Nightshift 39: M81-M90 Hallway

Mar 05, 2009 15:51

[ from here ]

At least S.T.'s room wasn't at the opposite end of the hallway. Spider was on the verge of just leaving without him as it was. Instead, he walked up to the door and knocked loudly with the butt of his flashlight.

"Hey you motherfucking sack of shit," he said, cheerfully. "Three seconds and I'm coming in after you."

ronixis, leon (so2), batman, leon magnus, statesman, brook, bourne, daniel jackson

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Comments 35

M90 iwascloned March 6 2009, 00:12:00 UTC
"That's three seconds!" bellowed Spider. Holding his flashlight in his mouth, he used his good hand to throw open the door and charge inside. But wait ...

"Sangamon? Sangamon? You better not have stood me up, you shit-sandwich-eating ..."


Re: M90 brokenweapon March 10 2009, 03:48:34 UTC
The newcomer's voice blared through Bourne's skull like...something that could burrow through bone. He stood, albeit wobbly, and glared at the loud and foul-mouthed man in the door.

"He's not here," Bourne said, licking dry lips. Damn, were they upping his dosage? "They took him. M-U tonight. Tried to stop didn't work."

The asset took a few deep breaths as he walked to the closet, trying to clear his fogged head. "Who are you?"


Re: M90 iwascloned March 10 2009, 05:56:06 UTC
Whoa! Who the fuck was this guy? Had he ... eaten S.T.? No, his mouth looked to small. But snakes had those jaws that could ... No no no no no.

"My name is Spider Jerusalem, and I am recovering from a broken hand." Damn. Just didn't ring like his introductions back home. Fewer dead dogs here to play off of, possibly. "What the fuck is MU, where is it, and how fast can I get there? Additionally, are you sure you didn't EAT him?" No harm in making sure.


Re: M90 brokenweapon March 10 2009, 13:59:12 UTC
"Jason Bourne," he said, and grabbed his own outfit out of the closet. Like hell he was going to go out wearing this patient uniform. "MU is when they take people upstairs and experiment on them. I think it's on the western side of the building." God, his head was pounding, and it was only made worse by the bewildering question that followed.

"What? No!" he said, looking back at Spider like he was a crazy person. Why would he...oh, it was probably because he'd unconsciously licked his lips. Jumping straight from dry mouth to cannibalism was a bit of a leap.


gothamnight March 7 2009, 09:32:05 UTC
[from here.]

Contrary to popular belief, darkness was not something Bruce generally welcomed: it found him, yes, and it was necessary to so many facets of who and what he was that he chose night after night to live within it. But that alone did not change the fact that it was at essence unnatural for the human creature to enjoy the dark; more than a simple absence of light, darkness was symbolic in a way that both frightened and mesmerized. And just so long as happiness was transient, people simply could not live bound constantly by fear and enchantment; rather, they adapted, sought better situations. Gravitated always for the light that offered blindness and comfort from the darkness--the confrontation, realization, imagination--within.

Not even the Batman could live in darkness. Not forever. As he flicked on his flashlight and stepped into the hallway, Bruce realized with a sense of deja-vu that he had already begun to adjust to this place; the hallways were familiar, the sounds and the tastes and even the smell becoming ever ( ... )


M83 chocomancer March 7 2009, 20:46:37 UTC
Snoring. Fascinating. Between this, and the constant back-and-forth over the "caverns", and the substitute two nights back, Wonka was beginning to wonder whether Landel had always been as seat-of-the-pants as this, or if it was a recent trend. Of course, it remained to be seen whether the good doctor had delegated well enough to keep things running while he was asleep.

Wonka had been more focused on his dinner than anything else, so it took him a little while to get his supplies in order. But soon enough, he was ready - flashlight, broken chocolate, pillowcase and all - and out into the labyrinth of hallways that linked his cell to the outside world. Or at least to the rest of the Institute.


M83 chocomancer March 7 2009, 21:33:56 UTC
[to here]


from M86 for_marian March 8 2009, 01:20:29 UTC
The nap Leon had rather inadvertantly taken right through fourth shift and dinner had apparently done him a world of good--he woke in an almost serene sort of mood. But that might have been less the nap and more the fact that tonight was the night he got to use his new sword for the first time. At last, a real blade.

Almost reverentially, Leon took the sword out from its hiding place and examined it one more time. He needed to do something about the hilt, even if it was only temporary, though. A few shredded strips of bedsheet made adequate wrapping for the hilt for now, and a number more were quickly woven into a sword belt of sorts--no sense carrying the sword around in his one good hand all night.

As he was heading out the door, Leon had one last thought and turned back to grab the pillowcase off his bed--he might not need it to carry anything tonight, but better to have it and not need it than the reverse.


Re: from M86 for_marian March 8 2009, 01:24:23 UTC
[to here]


zeus_incarnate March 8 2009, 07:04:15 UTC
The fact that his room mate hadn't shown up was a little bit disturbing. Marcus was sure Xelloss had been there this morning, but tonight... people were vanishing way too frequently, even during the day.

This had to be stopped. Marcus had changed quickly into the familiar, comfortable costume and stepped into the hall as he was fitting the faceplate to the cloth mask. He was faced with the very familiar problem that he just couldn't be everywhere at once. No matter how fast he was, no matter how strong he was, he wouldn't be able to save everyone. Not alone. Thankfully, he didn't have to do it alone, but the heroes were so few here and so many of them wanted to hide their identity.


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