Nightshift 39: M01-M10 Hallway

Mar 05, 2009 14:56

[Currently in M01, from hereKurt exhaled loudly and suddenly when Kon sat on him. Jeez, way to knock the wind out of someone! Kurt was barely half Kon's weight, he would be crushed ( Read more... )

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Comments 169

M2 theroadsofar March 5 2009, 23:43:44 UTC
[From here, still in M2 with Angel ( ... )


blurred_divide March 6 2009, 00:04:39 UTC
Angel sensed that comment was supposed to mean something, but he had no idea what. Three years surrounded by teenagers, though, and he was used to being lost halfway through conversations, so he let it go.

Besides, with the doors unlocking at last, he was busy with getting down to Willow's room as soon as he could. She was gone, he was almost sure of it, but he needed to see for himself. Just in case.

He'd managed to avoid having Brian catch sight of his weapons so far, but that was apparently changing tonight. It seemed Brian was going to be awhile longer and Angel knew it'd be just as awkward if he hung around for no apparent reason. Never mind. He supposed most of the truth had come out at this point, so it wasn't important anymore.

He pulled the axe out from beneath the mattress and slipped quietly out of the room before Brian could say anything about it.

[out here]


theroadsofar March 6 2009, 07:45:24 UTC
The fact Angel had somehow hidden a friggen ax under his bed was faintly alarming. But it also told Dean that one, he should be happy he hadn't woken up with the damn thing in his back and two, apparently the nurses didn't frequently check obvious hiding places like under a mattress. Or, y'know, inside a closet. Despite how much of an amateur he thought Angel was, he made it a point not to get too much on his bad side before he started giving the guy ideas ( ... )


In M2 theroadsofar March 7 2009, 08:27:43 UTC
[Back from demon "hunting", he brings back the abducted Reid from here to get down to business and wait for Sam ( ... )


M1 gottabetactile March 5 2009, 23:57:27 UTC
Kon didn't pay any attention to the intercom. The change in Kurt from 'normal good-looking guy' to 'babe with blue fur and a tail I'd love to experiment with' was the best way to tell when night finally fell.

Catching Kurt's tail - something he was going to do until Kurt stopped being nervous about it - Kon shifted up onto his knees so as not to crush it and to allow him to draw it up to rub his cheek against it.

"Ah, sometimes? I think. Last night they were working fine - as fine as they do here - then when I tried to use them again I had a killer headache." He frowned, looking away. It wasn't right that his TTK could hurt him no matter what else had been done to him. But that had to be the reason. It just really, really sucked.


Re: M1 fuzzy_diablo March 6 2009, 02:29:22 UTC
Kurt frowned and pulled his hips out from under Kon, managing to sit up. He thought for a moment, watching Kon playing with his tail. Hey, as long as he wasn't pulling it...

"Maybe you can only use them once?" he said, tilting his head in question.


Re: M1 gottabetactile March 6 2009, 03:38:32 UTC
"It was more than once," Kon answered distractedly, still playing with Kurt's tail. It felt like one minute everything had been fine and the next it wasn't.

Sighing he let go of Kurt, standing up and offering him his hand. "I'll figure it out. Later."


Re: M1 fuzzy_diablo March 6 2009, 03:46:26 UTC
Kurt looked at his hand a little dubiously. Not because he thought Kon was going to pull something, but just because this seemed like the sort of thing that should be figured out immediately. He took Kon's hand and stood up though, trusting that Kon was the best authority on his own ability.

"Well, you're the expert," Kurt said, failing at not looking worried at all. He moved over to his bed and started ripping the sheet off.


littlestrawdoll March 6 2009, 02:22:51 UTC
Well, the man liked to draw out his point, that was for sure. Making intercom announcements each night without reusing material must be tough, the doll thought, and felt a distinct lack of sympathy towards Landel and his theatrics ( ... )


littlestrawdoll March 6 2009, 19:36:42 UTC
[to here]


(The comment has been removed)

thyapocalypse March 6 2009, 04:08:29 UTC
[from here]

Finding his way though the darkened halls was thankfully easy enough, especially since it wasn't a very far distance to travel. When Van turned into the hallway, he slowed his pace so he could read each room number.

At M3, he stopped and smiled softly. No matter what would happen during the night, the biggest challenge would be regaining Asch's trust. There couldn't possibly be anything this institute could throw at him that would be any more daunting than that.

Or so was his hope.

"Good evening, Asch." He kept his voice low and soft as he stepped into the room, smiling just a bit wider. "I trust you have the map ready?"


(The comment has been removed)

thyapocalypse March 6 2009, 04:45:30 UTC
Van took the map and the scalpel, glancing over them both before looking up at Asch again. "It'll do for now." If worse came to worse, he'd simply have to make sure he aimed the blade well. Even monsters have trouble once they lost an eye.

He looked down at location Asch pointed out and quickly tried to think of the fastest route to M60. The kitchen was a fair distance away, but there were at least two bathrooms in the male patient block. "It would be best to start with the bathrooms. If there isn't enough metal there, we'll see what the kitchen has to offer."

Moving his gaze up to the layout of the second floor, he frowned deeply. "Is there something upstairs that Zex wants?"


whos_da_man March 6 2009, 03:05:53 UTC
Baseball bat - check.

Awesome modded jersey - check.

Flashlight - check.

Sheet to wrap metal in - check.

Hat - still missing.

Damnit. It was a conspiracy, no matter what Yukari said.

Junpei rest the bat on his shoulder and headed out. He had a hot date. A couple seconds later, he backpedaled to check his room number. M8. Cool.

[to here]


whirlingwinds March 6 2009, 20:07:36 UTC
Naruto was amused by his roommate, but also kind of confused. He figured he should talk to him eventually, but for now he wanted to meet Jiraiya quickly (as usual) before he left to join the rest of the team. He didn't want to be late and be in trouble again, and wanted to prove Kakashi that he was worthy of keeping around in the team.

Grabbing his weapons from under his pillow (well, a scalpel and a map), he stepped out, ready for the night despite the day he'd just had.

[ to here]


whirlingwinds March 10 2009, 19:46:22 UTC
[ From here]

Naruto put the box on the ground next to his bed and hesitated a second, looking down at it. He wanted to look at the things in there more carefully, but he knew he had no time. He pushed it under the bed and stood, making his way out again to find Kakashi and Sakura.


whirlingwinds March 10 2009, 19:51:43 UTC

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