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F13 jokers_wildcard March 6 2009, 00:36:56 UTC
"Whoopsie! Looks like we're gonna have to put this little chitchat on rain check," Harley said as soon as the door lock clicked open. Normally, she wouldn't have cared one way or the other, but she had a play date to meet up with and, apparently, a bastard of a head doctor to wake up. Like he was allowed to have a good night's sleep after all the stuff he's pulled.

Maybe there wasn't a one hundred percent certainty as she would have liked but Raine had instilled some hope. A tiny minuscule ray of hope that everything was still fixable. Everyone wasn't lost. She did still have a reason to keep moving forward. And that was just what she was going to do!

She pulled out the flashlight and peeled the pillowcase off her pillow. "If ya didn't know any better, you'd think he wasn't expecting a very exciting night."


Re: F13 mizuhomaiden March 6 2009, 02:53:02 UTC
[from here]

Sheena didn't even pause, the thought of knocking not even remotely on her mind, whens he got to F13. The ninja threw the door open and ran inside.

"Raine! We've got to get mov--"

That was when the ninja, clad in her purple yayoi, realized that Raine's roommate was still there. And looked kind of familiar. What was her name again?

"Uh... hey Harley. Sorry for, uh, barging in and stuff."


Re: F13 jokers_wildcard March 6 2009, 04:10:12 UTC
Harley nearly leaped clean out of her skin when some came barging in like that. She nearly dropped her flashlight. It wasn't until she was greeted by name that she realized it was someone she knew.

It took a second to place the face. It was uh... Sheena Fubijawatowhutzit. Or whatever. The girlie from a few days ago, the one Spider was asking about before.

"Jeez! Ya scared the heck outta me! Where's the fire?" On second thought, judging from how the girl was dressed, "...There a costume party or somethin'?"


Re: F13 mizuhomaiden March 6 2009, 04:12:08 UTC
The ninja slowly blinked her eyes at Harley.

"Uh... costume party?"


Re: F13 jokers_wildcard March 6 2009, 04:16:49 UTC
A huge grin spread across Harley's face. "Yeah, costume party! What? You didn't get all dressed up just for me an' Rainy, did ya?"


Re: F13 mizuhomaiden March 6 2009, 04:23:26 UTC
It took Sheena moment to understand what Harley was referring to. The moment it did, she glared at the blonde.

"No. This is a yayoi - a fighting robe for a kunoichi," she stated. "And I like it."


Re: F13 jokers_wildcard March 6 2009, 04:29:37 UTC
Harley held up her hands in an "okay, okay, calm down' gesture. She was still smiling, so she obviously was not taking the anger very seriously. There was also no way she was even going to attempt to pronounce or remember that stuff. It looked like something she'd see in some kind of kung fu movie. ...A purple-themed kung fu movie.

"Hey, never said it was bad or nothin'! Looks kinda neat. Like you're gonna go kick someone's butt," she said,s till grinning. "I kinda want one! Where'd ya get it?"


Re: F13 mizuhomaiden March 6 2009, 04:37:00 UTC
"I'm probably going to kick someone's butt," Sheena replied with a grin. "And this is mine. It's what I was wearing when they captured me. For some reason they gave it back to me."

Sheena stood tall, unconsciously sticking her chest out in the process (posture kept the back pain away). "You're looking at pure Mizuho style."


Re: F13 jokers_wildcard March 6 2009, 04:51:59 UTC
"Ohh, lucky girlie," she sung out. And she was. Harley would have loved to be in her normal clothes again. She barley felt like a human being in these types of rags.

Harley exaggeratedly leaned in one direction than in another, like she was trying to see every possible angle of the outfit. "So everyone in, uh, Mizihu-land wears this stuff?" That'd be kind of cute, actually.


Re: F13 mizuhomaiden March 6 2009, 04:54:08 UTC
"Only the female ninja," Sheena replied. "And I'm the only one that wears this color. There are a few other ninja outfits, but they're kind of constricting in the chest. This allows me a lot more freedom in movement."

She was starting to get carried away, losing sight of the fact that she'd burst into the room with the intention of just grabbing Raine and going.


Re: F13 jokers_wildcard March 6 2009, 05:01:00 UTC
And Harley had been meaning to rush off to meet someone herself. But man, she was having fun just with this conversation.

She waved her hand in an almost 'reassuring pat' kind of movement. "Ha ha ha! Yeah, I can tell~ Probably need all the room you can get anyway." It was said as a fact.


Re: F13 mizuhomaiden March 6 2009, 05:10:06 UTC
Sheena rolled her eyes. "I can't tell you how annoying it is sometimes. When they took us to that town, the shirt they gave me pulled so badly I thought I was going to lose some buttons."


Re: F13 jokers_wildcard March 6 2009, 05:30:11 UTC
"Ouch." Harley's were never big enough to have to worry about such things. She kind of wondered if Red had issues with this stuff, too. "Ya shoulda raised hell with 'em. If ya made a big enough stink about it, they mighta gave you a new one. Sometimes nurses can be a real pushover if you give 'em a big enough headache."


Re: F13 mizuhomaiden March 6 2009, 05:32:01 UTC
"I did," Sheena replied. "She told me they didn't have anything bigger."

The ninja pouted then. "And I had to ride the bus with a guy that kept looking..."


Re: F13 jokers_wildcard March 6 2009, 05:39:33 UTC
Aww, who would have figured Sheena would be so sensitive? She'd never survive in Gotham. Everyone always looked, not just the chest, either. It was to the point where she barely noticed or cared anymore.

Harley laughed a little at the mental image of Sheena all flustered, trying to walk down one of Gotham's streets at night. "Didn't touch ya or nothin', did he?"


Re: F13 mizuhomaiden March 6 2009, 05:42:14 UTC
"No," Sheena snorted. "I'd have put him through the window if her did."

The ninja was used to the looks, but that didn't mean she had to like them. It was actually a rare thing when she discovered a man that didn't look at least once.

Some were dreamy, like Kristoph. Some were also a little off, yet fun, like Ranier. She wondered where he'd gotten to...


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