Jan 24, 2009 18:30

Finally! The doors had unlocked, and Blitzwing could go. Tonight would lack the frustrations that made the night before such an irritating exercise in futility, not least because he'd have nothing to do with the traitor at all. He also had a slightly better idea of where he was going, at least for this first stretch of the journey: it was with no ( Read more... )

valyn, adelheid, peter petrelli, itachi, kaoru, kira, hikaru, sam winchester, wolfram, takasugi, sanzo

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hangenki January 26 2009, 01:56:51 UTC
Kaoru slowly woke up to the sound of the radio. He blinked a few times, trying to piece everything together. He was hugging someone, clearly his brother. But they were in a mental hospital and didn't share a room, right? They weren't home because...well, the radio.

And the, of course, he saw the blond hair in front of him and remembered. With a sigh, he tried to snuggle a little more, too tired to really wake up and realise what he was doing.

But...wait. Hikaru.

Kaoru sat up straight and shook Wofly's arm, tiredly.


arrogantflame January 26 2009, 02:37:47 UTC
Wolfram was usually a sound sleeper on a normal night. Add in some sedatives to the mixture, and a nuclear bomb could probably go off and he could have probably slept through it.

As it was, he twitched in annoyance at the shaking, whining in sleepy protest as he tried to curl back up with wherever his heat source had disappeared to.

When the movement didn't stop, he shifted reluctantly, still much more asleep than not. "'Shwah..?"


hangenki January 26 2009, 03:17:21 UTC
Kaoru frowned and leaned over Wolf, shaking him harder.

"Come on. I'm not leaving you here on your own all night," he sighed. He tried pulling Wolf up into a sitting position. "I'll leave you with Milord if you're too tired, ok? He's just up the next hall and he can look after you."

Hopefully he was over his kissing addiction and happy to settle with Ed.


arrogantflame January 26 2009, 03:24:53 UTC
With Kaoru's help, Wolfram managed to sit up, but the words that filtered through his brain made him whimper, and he clung to Kaoru tightly.

"N-No leave," he protested. "Please...?"

He was vaguely becoming aware of the fact that he might be moving, and he rested his head on Kaoru's shoulder.

"...Can we take the bed with us?" He tugged at the blanket underneath them, intending on at least wrapping it around him if he had to move.


hangenki January 26 2009, 03:33:12 UTC
At first Kaoru thought Wolf wanted to be left alone, but the clinging said otherwise. It was 'don't leave me', not 'no, leave me'.

"Well...alright," he said. It wouldn't be too far before he met up with the others, so...they'd be safe, right?

He helped Wolf gather the blankets up and wrapped them around him. It ought to keep the monsters claws off of him a little. "I'm gonna borrow your sword, ok?" he added. If Wolfy got the blanket shield, Kaoru got the weapon. "Where is it?"


arrogantflame January 26 2009, 05:23:56 UTC
With the blankets to help keep him warm, Wolfram yawned, eyes staying closed more often than not.

"Um... second drawer down, under the warm things," he offered after a pause, meaning his extra clothes in the dresser. "Careful with it, though."

Normally he'd insist on carrying it, but he was conscious enough to know that he wasn't really in a condition to be doing any fighting. He'd rather try and convince Kaoru to stay here with him, but that'd take effort too.

"Where 're we... ummn, going?"


hangenki January 27 2009, 18:11:11 UTC
Kaoru let go of Wolfy, once carefully trying to balance him so he might sit up. He moved to the drawers and found the sword, pulling it out. It was pretty damn heavy... you know, considering and stuff. He wondered if he'd get away with dragging it?

"We're gonna find Hikaru and a few others, it'll be fun, don't worry. Now, time to get up." He leaned the sword against the wall and tried to pull his roommate onto his feet before keeping a hold with one hand while the other reclaimed the sword.


arrogantflame January 27 2009, 19:12:00 UTC
He was so very tired, and Wolfram's only motivation for not insisting on going back to bed was Kaoru's presence and his fear of being left alone. Usually he wouldn't care so much, but this place and all the recent events had changed his thought process.

He managed to remain standing, but he stayed close to Kaoru's side, leaning forward to rest his head on the other boy's shoulder.

"Fun...?" Yawning, he pulled his blanket wrap tighter on himself. "Mkay, we can look..."


totallytheseme January 29 2009, 00:10:27 UTC
[from here.]

"Kaoru, I--" Hikaru burst into the room, looking agitated, before he spotted his brother with Wolfram, the blushing and sedated bride. Once he saw them like that, all of his annoyance and fear and whatever else he had been feeling vanished, and he found himself smiling a little. Everything was okay. He wasn't too late. Kaoru hadn't left without him. Wolfram looked sleepy and rather adorable, all wrapped up in his blanket like that. And Kaoru was holding a...


"What do you think you're going to do with that, Sir Pokesalot?"


hangenki January 29 2009, 13:07:03 UTC
Kaoru almost jumped when the room was invaded, but settled right away, almost dropping Wolfy in favour of his brother. Luckily he noticed Wolf's body tipping to the side and caught him in time.

"You're alright? Are you feeling okay?" he asked his brother, quickly, eyes all over him as though looking for any signs that'd say otherwise.

Giving his brother a mock unimpressed 'ha ha ha', he said, "You're going to have to take one. Which is it, sword or human shield? I mean- Sedated Roommate." He figured Wolf wasn't about to let go all that soon and held the sword out to his brother. Or tried, it was pretty heavy.


totallytheseme January 29 2009, 14:03:07 UTC
[tweaking posting order a bit]

Hikaru rolled his eyes, pretending to be annoyed at his brother's concern. "I'm fine, I'm fine. Yeesh, you're worse than Mom." Which...wasn't exactly true, actually, since their parents tended to be so busy that they didn't really notice things like that, but he figured it would work for Wolfram's benefit. Not that he was very sure Wolfram was lucid at the moment, especially since he would have fallen over if Kaoru hadn't been there to catch him.

Hikaru opted to take the sword.

Which was...surprisingly heavy, much heavier than the props they'd used in various Host Club reenactments. It was...the real thing.

"You can keep the meat shield--I mean, the sedated roommate. He seems to like you better than me, anyway."


arrogantflame January 29 2009, 18:13:59 UTC
While it was true that Wolfram was more than a little out of it, he wasn't deaf. And while he wasn't entirely sure what a "meat shield" was supposed to be, it didn't sound very pleasant.

He made his protest clear with a disgruntled "hmph" as he proceeded to wrap himself around Kaoru's arm.

"D-Don't know you much yet," he mumbled softly as his excuse for staying close to the other twin.

He was also vaguely aware of the fact that his sword had switched hands, and tried to convince himself that if something really happened he'd force himself awake to fight.


hangenki January 29 2009, 18:19:32 UTC
Kaoru looked at Wolfy, smiling a little. This was definitely new for the twins to be some sort of support. Or for just one of them. Of course, once Wolfy let go, it'd probably be pretty easy to switch places.

Kaoru kinda wanted to play with the sword.

"He's the same as me," Kaoru assured his walking rug. "Let's go then..."

[ here.]


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