Nightshift 21: F1-F10 Hallway

Jan 26, 2007 21:14

Naminé realized all too late when she returned to her room that she had neglected to ask where Kairi's room was. There was a good chance that she was close by, but at the same time... there was a chance she was all the way in the very last halls. Or maybe she had already left!

Naminé didn't bother eating her dinner, leaving it on the desk with a note indicating it was alright if some scavengers wanted to eat it, and then she went out into the hallway, armed only with her flashlights and a few pens.

There was no way she could fight like River, but Naminé had to have something.

She had half a mind to call out Kairi's name softly as she wandered the halls, but remembered what happened last time. She had attracted some... nasty visitors to say the least. The woman with the poker. Naminé had never seen her again, so it seemed safe to assume that one really could die at Landels.

Shuddering at that sobering thought, Naminé hurried along a little quicker than she intended.

naminé, reno, alyssa, kairi, inara, elena (ffvii), kiden, kaylee, mal

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