Day 38: Intercom, Morning

Jan 10, 2009 03:34

When the intercom's jingle came on, it was not Lydia's terse words that followed but instead the overly cheerful voice of the duplicitous Head Doctor.

"Good morning, everyone, and I apologize for not giving you a proper greeting earlier! Always something to do when one is running such a busy institution, hmm? Always forms to sign, people to organize, and... oh! Speaking of which, today is therapy day, or at least one of the many we have here. Due to some unfortunate changes in our staff, some of you might find yourselves with new doctors, but I'm sure they'll be glad to accommodate all your needs.

"Of course, not everyone can go to the doctors' office all at once! Those of you who are scheduled for meetings will be escorted by our nurses, but the rest of our population will find a very mentally stimulating time in the.... library! Why, yes - all patients will be able to peruse our collection for anything of interest to them and they may even borrow a book with a staffmember's permission.

"I do believe that's all for now. I hope that you find the next shift as productive as I will try to make my time with my paperwork. Ahahaha..."

The Head Doctor's laughter cut off abruptly as he turned off the microphone.


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