Night 37: East Wing, Hall 2-A

Dec 09, 2008 16:20

[from here]

This hall was as familiar as the room halls by now. She quickly walked up to the door she needed, and without prelude, slamming her heel down on the knob. It broke off nicely, again. It was somewhat of an annoyance to have to do this every night.

[to here]

methos, ayumu, renamon, xellos, anise, rude, mello, indiana jones, matt

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Comments 34

yin_yang_fox December 9 2008, 22:30:40 UTC
[back from here]

The bucket was awkward to carry, but she did so nonetheless, hurrying into the next hall.


yin_yang_fox December 9 2008, 22:35:49 UTC

enigmaticmedium December 14 2008, 00:09:34 UTC
[from here]

Walking down a dark hallway with only one other person was a bit risky, but Xelloss kept his attention around them as he led the way for now. The door to what he thought he recalled being the janitor's closet was slightly off, and he paused, turning back to Anise.

"Well, do you want to look inside, or do you think it's been cleared out, since someone's visited it?" Someone or something; then again, the monsters never seemed to have any trouble getting from place to place. The mental image of some mysterious horror like the piecework creature he'd seen glimpses of downstairs fiddling with a ring of keys was fairly amusing.


gald_digger December 14 2008, 02:26:26 UTC
Having more or less memorized which rooms were where in this hall, Anise folded up her map and put it back in the sack she retrieved it from. She then picked up her pipe and hurried after Xelloss, following him to the hall they had decided on.

The girl frowned at the sight of the broken doorknob, but moved toward the closet anyway. "We won't know unless we check it out," she suggested. "They couldn't have taken everything good." She would be pretty mad if they did, even if she didn't even know what was supposed to be in there in the first place. But, flashlights! She needed one of those badly.

Certain they would find something, the girl pulled the door wide open and stepped into the closet.

[To here!]


(The comment has been removed)

showtime_matsu December 17 2008, 02:22:58 UTC
"Okay," Matsuda responded, trying to avoid sounding too relieved at not having to split up in an area he didn't know. He hadn't exactly mentioned his monster run-in with Rude, but sure as hell didn't want to run into anything like that again, especially alone.

For the moment, he just glanced around, trying to make sure that nothing was gonna jump out and try to eat them.


brightlyshine December 18 2008, 18:53:08 UTC
Elena was definitely curious about their newest aquaintance. She walked closer to him, more for his safety than hers (not that she would tell him that), her knife twisting a little in her hand as she tightened her grip on the blade's handle.

"You'd think they'd keep their supplies more well hidden," she commented after a moment. "At least considering the way they treat us during the day."


its_the_mileage December 21 2008, 15:36:43 UTC
[from here]

Okay, Jones, almost there. Don't screw this one up. Nothing moving in here. Indy counted the doors on the left as they made their way down the hall--one, two, three, and the jackpot. He stopped outside the door and turned to Pierson.

"I don't know what kind of security they've got in there, but we'd better be ready for anything," he said quietly, settling his hat decisively on his head while he still had time. "If there are unarmed guards, I can probably take 'em down, as long as there aren't too many of them. If they're armed, things might get tricky." Indy realized, with a burst of genuine affection and loss, just how much his whip really came in handy. He was just gonna have to try his luck with the pitcher. Scant comfort.

"What were you saying about encrypted files?" he asked, while they still had some time to talk. If things looked hairy, they might have to grab whatever they could and get out of there fast. Better have a good idea of what they were going after.


oldest_man December 21 2008, 18:46:49 UTC
"Yes, armed guards do generally make things rather messy," Methos replied, wry and resigned. Had there been an option for investigating the information held by the hospital that was rather less likely to bring them into close contact with such individuals, he would have been more than glad to take it. Unfortunately, the options at the moment seemed to be narrowed to 'hope for the best'. It really wasn't his favorite sort of situation to be in.

"Electronic encryption," he clarified. "A popular method of making things difficult for prying eyes in the information age. Of course, if we're looking at hard copy, we've just got to deal with omitted information. And medical jargon might as well be code."


its_the_mileage December 21 2008, 21:07:03 UTC
Indy's suspicions had been growing ever since he got here. As a scientist, he tried to avoid jumping to conclusions, but now the sense that something was off around here was more than just a hunch.

Cameras and intercoms weren't his field, but he liked to think he was pretty well up on new gadgets (he got the Sears, Roebuck catalog, after all--made for good plane reading). All right, Landel's had some shady technology that was more advanced than anything he'd ever seen--fine, he could buy that. Governments all over the world were trying to get the jump on each other, especially in terms of communications systems. If this place was government-sponsored (and whose government?), he could accept that, say, their radios were a helluva lot smaller than the ones being sold to the public. Fine ( ... )


oldest_man December 21 2008, 22:05:21 UTC
"Perfect," Methos muttered. "Stuck with a bloody paranoid Luddite." He turned a singularly unimpressed look on Jones. His own posture was deceptively relaxed and remote, the picture of irritated academic boredom. "Electronic encryption is exactly what it sounds like. The encoding of electronically stored or transmitted data to disguise its contents ( ... )


whohitreset December 21 2008, 22:03:32 UTC
[from here]

Thankfully, aside from some other patients milling about, there didn't seem to be much going on here. Matt placed his hand on top of Sen's, his momentary boost of confidence only further aided by the current lack of monsters.

"Which door?" he asked, glancing to Mello. If someone had already been in there, it might make things easier for them - no breaking down the door, and anything inside might have already been taken care of.


cnflctofintrst December 22 2008, 03:40:33 UTC
Once they turned into the side hallway, Mello switched on his flashlight once again. "This one," he said, giving a soft kick to the fourth door on the left wall. "Then we'll go to the patient possession's room, which is that one." He indicated the doorway behind them with a tilt of his chin. Didn't Matt know the map?

Apparently, just worrying about Sen's motives wasn't enough. Now, he had to consider the effects of the decrease in blood making it to his friend's brain as well. Mello cursed under his breath as he balanced the flashlight against his shoulder to dig into his pocket. "Here," he said, passing the capped syringes to Matt. He wasn't sure if he'd regained the fine motor skills needed to pick a lock yet, but since Matt was here, there was no reason to waste time finding out.


tostepforward December 22 2008, 06:33:49 UTC
Ayumu couldn't help but feel a tiny surge of triumph when Robin actually set his hand on hers, though naturally it didn't show at all. He'd tensed a bit when she'd first touched him, and she'd worried for half a second that she'd pushed a little too far, but apparently not. She still didn't quite understand why he was being so shy - right now it could be due to Mello's presence, but that didn't explain previously.

Ah, well. Clearly he'd had a rather different upbringing than most of those men she was used to dealing with. She could adapt, she always did.

She glanced over at him in the dim light from Mello's flashlight and smiled just a little, apparently trying to reassure either him or herself, or both. They'd managed to get this far without incident, fortunately, and she was relieved. A little encouragement couldn't hurt, could it?

The door they were going through seemed to be locked, though the things Mello handed to Robin were rather strange-looking. Perhaps they were for picking the lock? Odd tools, then.


whohitreset December 22 2008, 07:27:58 UTC
Right. He knew this. He was getting distracted. "Yeah, that's right," Matt muttered, hardly making up for it. "I remember now."

Mello offered him syringes and he almost asked him what they were for before rationality smacked him in the face. Picking the lock. Because Mello only had one hand to use. Let's work on that reaction time, shall we?

Immediately focusing, the young man uncapped one of the makeshift tools and got to work. These locks were simple, though the unorthodox picks made the job take a few seconds longer than it normally would have. Soon enough he was back on his feet and giving the handle a twist.

"In we go."

[to here]


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