Night 18: Hallway Near Waiting Room 2/Doctor's Offices

Oct 10, 2006 21:28

"Hell if I know," Cid growled back, not quite liking the demanding tone Brock was taking but at the same time likening it to his own mode of speech. "Didn't you hear the announcement on the intercom earlier? Fucker's insinuating some weird shit and I'm guessing the patients he mentioned are a part of it ( Read more... )

revan, cid, carnage, scholar ling, eddie brock, vincent, cloud

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Comments 30

blacksustenance October 11 2006, 05:12:19 UTC
Brock dogged after Cid, the other man pulling in the lead for the moment. Brock followed silently, mulling this over. To be truthful, he had to admit that he never paid much attention to the voice on the intercom, although he was sure it was present every night. He remembered something that first night with the cat, but last night, during their hunger throes of withdrawal, he didn't really recall much. It seemed to Brock that it was probably the head of this facility, dicking around with them just cause he could and that's naturally what power trips called for.

Brock wondered what kind of mutant or mutate Cid was. He seemed far too normal for either, both physically and mentally, from what he'd seen. If Brock didn't know any better, he'd say that this Cid was just an ordinary man.

At least he could walk without limping too much now. Brock caught up to Cid, reaching out and grabbing him by the elbow.

"Hold on," Brock said, releasing Cid's arm. "Look, if some shit did go down and something happened to the patients, it'd be better ( ... )


dawning_dreams October 11 2006, 06:28:55 UTC
Cid immediately tensed at the feel of the guy's hand on his arm, ready to yank the offended limb away if Brock hadn't let go again so quickly. Cid glared at the guy, or at least as much as he could see to glare at, wondering if jerks attracted jerks and then proceeding to wonder what the hell he was saying about himself in light of that comment.

"We are sticking together," Cid answered gruffly, noting with some vague trepidation that the guy was taller than he. "I'm not stupid, and I'm not in the best shape either."

Still, the pilot could tell what was truly driving the man's words--some amount of fear, and some amount of vulnerability, though to what extent and relativity Cid didn't know. It meant that Cid was valued, even if just as a buffer. Good enough for now, especially when there wasn't a damned weapon in sight.

Cid turned and continued walking, slowing down a little so as not to send the other guy into a raging panic. Shit, and he was the wounded one ( ... )


blacksustenance October 11 2006, 07:11:53 UTC
Spears? What was this guy from, the stone age? Brock managed, just barely, not to burst out laughing in the man's face, having just enough social graces left to realize that he'd probably piss him off instead of nodding as if he perfectly understood that it was fine and all to use a pointed stick to as an honest to god weapon.

Brock hid the smirk trying to squeeze past behind a cough. Laughing in Cid's face was out of the question, but the blonde thought he was entitled to some sarcasm.

"That's good then," Brock said dryly. "If I ever need, God forbid, actual rescuing, I'll know who to run to - nothing says business like poking something with an overgrown stick."


perfect_meld October 11 2006, 07:51:45 UTC
They never remembered having this much ADD before. Kasady remembered being just a little spacy, a little scatter-brained before the symbiote. It was harmless stuff, like deciding to use an ice pick and then catching a glimpse of something more fun and using that.

He really did think he was making progress with that one patient. It was a good start....

....And then they caught Venom's vile little scent on the sterile air. He could just barely smell it amongst the winding corridors and the heavy scent of the other patients, but he knew it immediatetly.

It was like a switch was flipped. Things were nowhere near settled with that jackass, and they wanted it settled now, now, now. Brock had to be put into his place. If he would just understand where he and that senile symbiote fit in, things would be just flowers and daisies ( ... )


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