NIGHTSHIFT 21: Soccer/Recreational Field

Jan 26, 2007 17:55

[[from here]]No one had been within immediate range of the door, but Sasuke took care to keep in the shadow cast by the walls as he slipped outside ( Read more... )

vincent, sasuke, greed, schuldig, alessa

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grabby_hands February 2 2007, 02:28:32 UTC
[ From here. ]

Well, that was unexpected. Greed flashed Vincent a toothy grin as he too walked out the door and took a few steps in front of the long-haired man. He took in a deep breath of the outside air, stretching his arms over his head.

"Hahaha, now we're making progress!" The homunculus proclaimed, and though he realized that the fences here might not be so easy to scale as he would hope, this was still better than being stuck in the fucking hallway.

He threw his arms back down again, shaking them out and clenching his shielded fists in some kind of small triumph as he made his way to the opposite side of the lawn. There seemed to be some kind of tall wall, the kind meant to keep in prisoners. Kinda looked like the one around the Fifth Laboratory...

He had a feeling that if they were able to get over that, their troubles might be lessened significantly.


k4t4str0ph4l February 2 2007, 02:39:22 UTC
Schuldig raised an eyebrow, but was only too happy to let the other two men precede him outside. He was just as skeptical as Vincent was that the coast was truly clear, and he was perfectly fine with the idea of letting the other two run the risks first.

Once he sauntered out after them, and got the first breath of fresh air he'd had in awhile, he turned to survey the building they'd come out of - the other two were studying the landscape already, but Schuldig was interested in the building they'd come out of.

And the roof; he'd always had an affinity for rooftops. He couldn't see any way up to it from where he was standing, which was a shame; it was high enough that if he could get up there he'd have a hell of a view of the surrounding area.


reduxvalentine February 2 2007, 03:38:19 UTC
The fog seemed to be emanating somewhere nearby, probably water, but the concrete, ivy-covered walls blocked his view of whatever was on the other side. Given the area they were in, though, his best guess was that it was still part of the compound.

They seemed to be in some kind of... field. A little uneven and rocky, but the grass was neatly trimmed and he could make out some kind of net thing in the foggy distance.

Vincent narrowed his eyes, listening for any sort of interrupt in the near-silence of the night.


damned_monsters February 2 2007, 08:42:09 UTC
It was the smell, though, rather than any sort of sound that reached the group first. A rotted, disgusting smell that was soon followed by very violent-sounding growling. It took a few moments, but soon the noises could be traced to several uncomfortably large shapes in the fog.

They were dogs -- or they had been, once. Now, though, they were somewhat doglike creatures, fur patchy and matted with something that was probably blood. Open lesions were easy to see on the creatures' bodies, open and rank. If one looked close enough, some appeared to be moving, more than likely with maggots or some other type of parasite.

None of the men got a chance to look closely for long, though, because as soon as they were visible the four creatures bolted for the group, the foremost lunging at the homunculus. Its wicked teeth were aimed for his throat.


grabby_hands February 2 2007, 13:39:10 UTC
"Talkative, aren't we?" Greed said dryly to his companions as he staunchly made his way to the other side of the field. After all, what the hell was looking back or looking around going to do when you had a viable exit right the fuck in front of you ( ... )


k4t4str0ph4l February 2 2007, 19:16:27 UTC
Schuldig, facing away from the source of the danger and thus the last for the smell to reach, had less warning than the others. Greed's growl of confusion and alarm, just before the dogs launched themselves, was the first thing to get his attention and drag it forcibly to the matter at hand.

As arrogant as Schuldig was about most things, he held no illusions as to his fighting ability. He was fast, yes, and with the edge that telepathy gave him he could take on almost anyone...but his winning hinged on two requirements, one being that his opponents were human with reflexes that weren't highly superior to his own to begin with, and the other being that his opponents were creatures with decipherable mind processes(he'd never really gotten the hang of animal thoughts - he could occasionally catch the gist of an emotion, such as contentment or anger, but on the whole they were just too foreign to decipher or manipulate; anyway, he hadn't even sensed the presence of the dogs' minds before they'd attacked so he wasn't getting anything from ( ... )


reduxvalentine February 2 2007, 22:45:33 UTC
The walls were high, but the ivy on some of them looked climbable. Vincent immediately ran as fast as he could through the wet grass, sandals long gone and pants soaked to the ankle. If they could just make it to the fence...

But when he realized Greed hadn't followed at all, he skidded to a squelching halt, straining to make out what was going on in the thick fog. The other man shouted; he'd been attacked. Vincent paused, hovering for an unsure moment and torn between seeking safety and dashing back into literally the jaws of wolves.

Then he saw the telepath, unfaltering even as his companion screamed in his mad sprint for the building and leaving them both for dead.

"Dammit," Vincent swore, and he ran back into the field.


damned_monsters February 2 2007, 22:52:11 UTC
The largest dog, the one that had lunged first, yowled in pain, but not before it managed to take a nice chunk out of the homunculus's shoulder. It dropped back to the ground, backing off for half a second before dashing for the man's legs.

Two of the dogs, meanwhile, turned to face the sound of another approaching person. All four weren't needed to take down a single human, so the two broke off, sprinting to one side before closing in on the newcomer and snapping at his legs.


grabby_hands February 3 2007, 03:09:36 UTC
Greed staggered backwards, one clawed hand clutching at his shoulder as he stared with wide eyes at his attacker. The pain was worse than it ever had been back home, and even as he jumped back when the dog went in for another taste of, he realized suddenly that the flesh of his shoulder wasn't growing back.

Even without the stones that Dante had drained him, even with Edward Elric's automail plunged into his chest, his body had never felt this useless and weak in a fight.

The homunculus didn't even have time to notice how his "follower" had quite literally left him to the dogs as he whirled around with his good arm and lunged at the thing with his carbon claws.

It was a rare moment indeed that Greed felt this sentiment and truly tried to abide by it: Kill or be killed, and if he didn't learn fast, it'd be the latter.


k4t4str0ph4l February 3 2007, 17:19:06 UTC
Schuldig found himself disappointed by the wall. He'd thought that the drainpipe he'd seen would hold up a little longer under his weight than it had - but then he'd also thought that the wall wasn't quite as high as it had turned out to be. Possibly in his alarm at the wolves he'd mistaken the height; whatever the case, he hadn't even made it a third of the way up before the drainpipe gave and left him without any decent handholds, forcing him to drop back to the ground ( ... )


reduxvalentine February 10 2007, 19:11:38 UTC
And immediately Vincent slammed his arm into the skull of one of them as it snapped at his legs, by now thankfully used to the shock that rocketed up his shoulder. Maybe this hadn't been such a fantastic idea.

Teeth sunk into his right leg and he nearly buckled at the sudden pain, kicking viciously at its source before diving into an evasive roll. Ignoring the sting of gashes in his calf, Vincent whipped around to face the onslaught with fists curled and an angry snarl.


damned_monsters February 11 2007, 02:52:21 UTC
But now blood had been spilled, and the prey seemed much easier to acquire. After taking a chunk out of the first man's shoulder, the biggest dog dove to the ground before springing back, aiming again for the throat of his victim. The second snapped at his heels, aiming to throw the homunculus off-balance for an easier kill.

The other two, unfortunately were not having such an easy time. One of the unlucky creatures got beaned in the skull and stumbles stupidly for a moment or two, completely disoriented and probably slightly brain-damaged. The other, not sparing a moment's attention for its packmate, circled his opponent warily, for now that strange arm had been made clear as A Weapon and he didn't want to put itself in a position to get hit with it.


grabby_hands February 12 2007, 13:19:54 UTC
FUCK, two of them now?! The hell was this?!

Greed couldn't do anything but stumble backwards as fast as he humanly could, left arm useless at his side from the wound in his shoulder that now bled down his arm and mingled with the red of the ouroboros on the back of his hand. Lot of good that damn insignia was doing him now, reflexes and senses feeling all the more mortal and sluggish as he realized the first mutt was coming at him again.

Greed didn't have much time to think as he threw himself to the ground to avoid another blow from the rotting thing, though he realized only a moment later that he'd only put himself right in the path of his second attacker.

"Shit!" He hissed through his jagged teeth, chest heaving hard as he attempted to pull it from the ground, and it was all he could do to whip out his clawed hand towards the thing and try to get its eyes.


k4t4str0ph4l February 12 2007, 19:18:38 UTC
Schuldig swore, quietly but colorfully, in German. Maybe it was a result of his distraction - there were evidently a number of patients being attacked tonight, and the sheer amount of terror and pain was as deliciously difficult to ignore as a blowjob; his mind was practically marinating in it - or maybe his powers were weaker than he'd realized, but he couldn't seem to get anyone's attention. So much for calling in reinforcements.

On the other hand, that meant that he'd done everything he could short of being down on the ground and getting ripped up with the rest of them. He was free to simply observe; he might not like watching a potential ally ripped to shreds but the sheer agony of Greed's mind right now was worth luxuriating in, at least if Schuldig had nothing else to do.


reduxvalentine February 13 2007, 08:47:06 UTC
It was circling him, searching for weakness and opportunity to strike while the other one fortunately stumbled around dazed. There was absolutely nothing Vincent could do except wait pensively with gritted teeth for one of them to move. If he took a step from his guarded, defensive crouch while the "wolf"'s muscles coiled with potential energy, that would be it.

He flexed his real fingers.


damned_monsters February 13 2007, 19:30:53 UTC
It was a standoff, and dogs were far less patient than prey that was already bleeding. If he wasn't going to move, he would have to be made to move so that a better opening could be found. The attack didn't come from the front, though.

The homunculus was putting up more of a fight than the dogs had been expecting, it seemed. There was a loud yelp as one of them was caught across the face -- whether blinded or simply injured was hard to tell -- and the other seemed to think that its current target was far more trouble than it was worth. Rather than hang around and risk further injury, it turned to study the other group for about half a second before realizing what was going on. It moved quickly, positioning itself outside of the crouching man's line of sight before making a running lunge for the neck.


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