Nightshift 36: Main Hallway, 1-Center

Oct 28, 2008 16:39

[From here.]

He was quick to approach the hallway leading into the Sun Room and consequently, his first obstacle of the night. With an intake of breath, Ken slowed his pace to a walk, his eyes focused on the space between the double doors. Nothing.That, however, could change once he ventured inside. It happened the same time yesterday; it was ( Read more... )

qui-gon jinn, kvothe, tsubaki, lust, mitsuru, elle, akihiko, yuuri, melissa, vlad, tony castaway, ken amada, wolfram, near, naminé, renamon, sasuke, luxord, aidou, falis, harry osborn, brooklyn, hohenheim, gin, rangiku, brainiac 5, subaru, tanaka

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Comments 135

traitors_smile October 29 2008, 05:30:19 UTC
[[from here]]

It wasn't long before Gin had reached the meeting point. He didn't know about the Tsubaki person, but it didn't look like there was anyone at all in the area just yet. He tapped his fingers against his arm, glancing down either hall as he waited.


fuyunohanabi October 30 2008, 20:01:15 UTC
[From here]

She spotted Gin quickly enough when she arrived at the Sun Room door and gave him a tired smile before going to lean against the wall next to him. "Fancy meeting you here."


traitors_smile October 30 2008, 20:34:17 UTC
There were plenty of interesting people to watch pass by as he waited. Some he made a note of visiting later, others he could care less about. But he returned the smile when Rangiku approached, adding a wave just for good measure.

"I'd say what's a nice girl like you doin' in a place like this," Gin smirked in return, "cept I know just how naughty you c'n be when you've got a mind for it."

Pleasantries aside, he raised a curious eyebrow, choosing to ignore last night. She hadn't asked, he hadn't told, simple as that. "So what's th' plan for tonight?"


thecamellia October 31 2008, 01:32:24 UTC
[from here]

So far, so good!

When she got within a few feet of the first lobby, Tsubaki began to pick out people in the dark, some of them with their flashlights off, like her. When she estimated she was only a few feet shy of the Sun Room, she distinctly heard Matsumoto’s voice within the sound of the other’s.

Finding the people she was supposed to meet wasn’t that different from securing a mark in a dim environment; the assassin just had to stay alert…

“I must be late. Sorry, I’m the last one,” said Tsubaki, as she came into range. And when she’d wanted to be on time, too. She smiled apologetically, also meaning it for her interruption, since it seemed like no one was having trouble carrying on conversations in the dark with each other. With her flashlight tucked safely in its sling, she had her hands free to give a quick bow, what with Matsumoto’s comrade being there. “Nakatsukasa Tsubaki!”

Was that light flickering around within the doorway opposite them? She gave the entry room a lingering look from the corner of her eye.


blood_and_pocky October 29 2008, 21:37:21 UTC
[from here, waiting on others.]

It was good to be on the move before the rest of Landel's population. Fewer tangled smells, less obstacles to avoid. It'd be even better if the other two would hurry up and arrive, so that they could keep that tempo.

Someone had already been creeping around the Sun Room by the looks of it...

Casting Ichimaru Gin the shortest of glances from behind the veil of his lashes, the vampire kept his silence, and made no sound at all when he leaned against the wall opposite the cell block's intersections, keeping the item in his possession out of sight of any curious eyes. His inner clock continued to keep time as he waited (however impatiently) for Naruto and Sasuke to show their faces.


sasuke_of_sound October 30 2008, 07:50:20 UTC
[[from here]]

As Sasuke neared the point they were supposed to meet, he slowed, an irritated frown crossing his features. This was the most annoying part about meeting other people -- he had no way of knowing whether they'd arrived or not. Unless he asked every person who passed by or something ridiculous like that.

The frown deepening, Sasuke pressed closer to the wall, moving cautiously and listening as carefully as he could for any sound that would hint at someone else's presence.


blood_and_pocky October 31 2008, 00:34:01 UTC
“Right here,” the vampire said, though he didn’t move out of his reclined position.

He was sure Sasuke would have picked up on his presence by following the wall, preferably before he walked straight into Aidou, but who really knew. It was hard to judge, knowing that vampires weren’t the easiest creatures to spot when they were trying to go unnoticed.

Sasuke had a good expression on, anyway. It suited the mood.

Casting one more glance at the passing people, Aidou frowned too, though it was more pensive, and disappeared quickly enough. No need to make it easy for the crankiness to take hold.

“Somehow I’m not surprised the other one’s late.”


sasuke_of_sound October 31 2008, 05:27:38 UTC
Sasuke had been trained as a shinobi too long not to know when he was in the presence of someone else, but as much as he'd managed to adapt to being blind, he still hadn't managed to pinpoint someone who wasn't making some kind of noise. Which Aidou wasn't.

Fortunately he did, although Sasuke had been slowing just a little, sensing someone. If not who or precisely where.

Something to work on. He made a note and stopped a few feet away from the vampire, dropping the sword out of immediately threatening range.

And it was obvious Naruto wasn't here, because if the Konoha-nin were he'd probably have called out a loud and obnoxious greeting already. Aidou's words made Sasuke frown, though. The moron had always been excessively hyped-up about missions and the like. It was unlike him to be too late. Maybe he'd gotten lost.

Or maybe the passage of time had somehow caused Kakashi to rub off on him. Who knew.

"Do you have alternatives?" In the meantime, it couldn't hurt to be sure.


emotionl4arobot October 30 2008, 01:01:08 UTC
[from here]

This area was surprisingly empty, considering how many people he'd seen in the last hallway. Only two humans in his immediate vicinity, both of them appearing to be waiting for someone else to arrive. Brainiac 5 cautiously walked past them, feigning as much confidence as he could muster while feeling decided vulnerable and unarmed in his current form. He wasn't expecting either of them to try anything without provocation, but he would have felt a lot better if he'd been equipped with his multiple cannons, or even his forcefield.

There was a door just beyond where the humans were stationed which offered both a possibility of further information on his situation and the ability to leave behind the hallway and its occupants. Not that he was overly concerned about them, but being cautious never hurt. He experimentally tried the handle, smiling to himself as it turned and the door swung open, admitting him to the room beyond.


emotionl4arobot October 30 2008, 04:48:37 UTC
[to here]


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sir_savien October 30 2008, 01:07:27 UTC
"You mean our room? I guess we could steal the finger paints while we're in the Arts and Crafts room to decorate it but I think the nurses would notice." He grins and moves a little closer to the door. "Yeah, let's listen. If there's something in there and we draw it's attention we won't have a way to defend ourselves."


(The comment has been removed)

sir_savien October 30 2008, 23:29:42 UTC
"Yeah, and we got attacked right away." He frowned at the door. "Do you want to go in anyway and make a run for it?" It was risky, but there was no way to know what was going on in their until they went through the door. They had a better idea of going on now he thought, and Arts and Crafts was near the door, so maybe if they went straight for it they could outrun anything in there that might come after them.


ellectriclights October 30 2008, 07:54:45 UTC
[from here]

Fingers curling around a glowing ball of light, Elle hurried towards the entry room. She still kept as close to the wall as she could, not wanting to draw attention to herself.


ellectriclights October 30 2008, 08:36:48 UTC
[to here]


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