Nightshift 36: Main Hallway, 1-West

Oct 28, 2008 15:53

[From here.]

For once, this hall was devoid of traffic, though people were beginning to appear in the adjacent areas. Ken simply looked on and ran, seeing little point in staying in one place.

[To here.]

qui-gon jinn, homura, obi-wan kenobi, senna, tsubaki, lust, siegfried, anise, johnny c., hanatarou, elle, yuuri, alexander conklin, ken amada, sora, wolfram, forte, naminé, allen, leon (so2), renamon, brennan, leon kennedy, luxord, kurogane, joshua, harry osborn, harley, dean winchester, harry, brainiac 5, kenren, dib, kio, xellos, armand, mitsuru, peter petrelli, akihiko, archer, matt, tokito, yue, falis, yukari, brooklyn, tyki, hohenheim, scar (tlk), dr. horrible, toph, rubedo, subaru, tanaka, sanzo

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per_ardua October 29 2008, 05:01:04 UTC
[[From here.]]

To change the subject, Raine asked, "Would you mind if I watched you with Forte? Obviously, it's been a while since I was taught any self-defense." She wasn't going on kid herself on that; she didn't want a repeat of what that woman had done to her.


mizuhomaiden October 29 2008, 05:16:40 UTC
Sheena turned around and started walking backwards so she could see Raine a bit better, confident that she wouldn't hit anything as long as no one stupidly ran out in front of her. She blinked a little and cocked her head.

"Yeah... Like I'm going to tell you no when I'm teaching someone who may as well be the biggest baby ever. Who knows how much he'd wail if he stubbed his toe during training." She rolled her eyes. "I'm also really worried about him. Aside from the whole robot thing."

The ninja scratched the back of her neck. "I think he got a visitor or something. Did you see his rambling post about doppelgangers on the board?"


per_ardua October 29 2008, 05:26:31 UTC
"Yes. Honestly, having had them a week ago, I'm still not certain what to think of them." She could have lived without seeing her "mother", but the child that looked like Genis... she just wanted to be there for him, true identities be damned.

"Though despite not being fully human, at least I had the advantage of keeping my real form... I can see why he would be so disoriented."


mizuhomaiden October 29 2008, 05:30:44 UTC
"Eh. Would you really miss the pointy ears?"

The ninja glanced back over her shoulder before looking back. "I dunno... Forte seems to think he might not be the real Forte because of this Wily guy." she said. "I... want to help but... well, I'm not sure what to do if he doesn't think he's the real him. It'd really suck if that was true and someone just stuck his memories in another body."

Sheena shivered at the thought. "I just creeped myself out."


per_ardua October 29 2008, 05:37:09 UTC
"There's more to elven heritage than that, you know," Raine said dryly. "Really, it's the human blood I wouldn't miss." There were supposed to be certain advantages physically to being a half-elf; she supposed she wasn't quite as delicate as a full elf (she rarely got sick in any sense), but she was so used to pretending she didn't have any human blood at all that she mostly dismissed its influence on her.

As for the reference essentially to copies... she didn't want to think about it.


mizuhomaiden October 29 2008, 05:42:26 UTC
Sheena glared. "Of course there's more than that, but the ears are the part you hide." She sighed. "Okay, so not having your magic would really suck, so I'm glad you're still all elfy."


per_ardua October 31 2008, 23:48:30 UTC
"I hide them because they're the most obvious sign I'm not a full elf," Raine pointed out. "If I were, this hairstyle wouldn't really conceal them." Her mother's ears were mostly hidden, yes, but they could be glimpsed occasionally when she moved. Raine and Genis' couldn't be, or at least not enough to determine anything.

"However, if I weren't half human, I likely would have never left Heimdall... and I never would have gotten interested in ruins." She smiled faintly. Without an interest in those--really, what would she be doing with her life?


mizuhomaiden October 31 2008, 23:55:10 UTC
"So... uh... I wanted to ask you your thoughts on something, but I swear to Luna that if you use it as a chance to treat me like a child, I will hurt you in interesting ways," Sheena said with a defensive glare.

"Got that?"


per_ardua October 31 2008, 23:58:18 UTC
She managed not to chuckle. "All right." She'd do her best, in both senses.

And hopefully Sheena knew better than to go to her with romance questions.


mizuhomaiden November 1 2008, 00:01:53 UTC
Sheena added another glare just to punctuate her point. The her expression turned inward and she seemed a bit more like the lonely young woman that had originally tried to assassinate Colette, before they'd all become friends.

"So... umm... What do you think about the idea that friends are kinda the replacement for parents when a person's grown up?" Soubi had brought the concept up and it made sense to Sheena. She'd never known her parents, so she wasn't sure how to compare them, yet Raine had. Sure, the half-elf had been abandoned, but she did have a decent amount of years with her parents.


per_ardua November 1 2008, 00:09:13 UTC
That was unexpected. Raine actually thought about it for a few moments before replying, "I can see some people doing that, but while most people do seem to equate close friends with family, considering them as something like parents seems unusual."

Honestly, she wasn't even very close to some of the people who had helped look after her when she and Genis first got to Iselia. She liked them, but fear had kept her from attaching much, and after that--she'd grown up enough to technically not need the help.


mizuhomaiden November 1 2008, 00:12:57 UTC
Sheena shook her head. "No, I don't mean an actual replacement, but more that friend fill that niche." She fell silent for a moment. "Like when thing happen and parents aren't in your life anymore..."


per_ardua November 1 2008, 00:21:45 UTC
"...I can't say I did," Raine admitted quietly. She did have friends her age and older, but she almost preferred younger; it was just easier to be the parent than the child, for her.

For a lot of reasons, life would probably seem a lot easier when she was a few centuries old.


mizuhomaiden November 1 2008, 00:29:10 UTC
"...oh." Sheena turned back around and walked until the end of the hallway.

"We're all a bunch of broken idiots, aren't we?" The question was barely audible and the ninja wasn't looking at Raine.


per_ardua November 1 2008, 03:11:37 UTC
"No," Raine said firmly. "A lot of us may have pasts we regret, but that doesn't make us broken--at least, not beyond repair." She had been broken before, but she'd recovered, if slowly, for the most part. Not always the same as she had been, and she didn't like all the changes in herself that had resulted, but she refused to give up for good.

She had people to take care of here, and people waiting for her at home; having something to hold onto helped.


mizuhomaiden November 1 2008, 05:35:14 UTC
"Never said we weren't beyond repair."

Sheena still didn't look at Raine as she peered around. "Let's hurry up."


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