Nightshift 36 - M1-M10 Hallway

Oct 28, 2008 09:48


And now it was nighttime.

Hughes had ignored dinner, for the most part, only bothering to make sure he put aside the juice. He reclined on his bed, lost in thought, and trying to make sure he got all the sort of thinking that would distract him later out of the way.

It had been a long as hell day. And it wasn't over, not by a long shot. How many people were supposed to come by tonight? He'd lost track. He had a list to give to Ed, and it looked like a dozen plans to make, and tomorrow would bring more of the same.

And somewhere in there, he needed to find time to properly grieve.

Now wasn't the time, though. He got up once the intercom started its nightly tortures on the ears and ran a hand through his hair. Soldier's work was never done and all that. And while he knew damn well how to lead...

This was supposed to be Roy. He was the help, the behind the scenes, the support. That was how it had always been. This...this wasn't right. If anyone should have been taken or killed or whatever it was the institute did, it should have been him.

Well, he'd just do what he could.

ren, s.t., kagura, edward elric, kvothe, heiji, adelheid, johnny c., hanatarou, yuuri, sora, wolfram, forte, leon (so2), renamon, kristoph, sai, zexion, hughes, scar (tlk), mello, willow, mikami, phoenix

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