Scar didn't have to think long about which direction to be escorted in for the third shift. He didn't quite enjoy the human activities these nurses forced them to do, so it wasn't much of a surprise that he soon found himself sitting on the grass in the courtyard
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"Hello, Kenren." Homura didn't attempt anything more than a mild smile, a courtesy he'd give very few in that moment. What thing to touch upon first? Homura found it exceedingly hard to pick any particular topic, largely because there was none he wanted to give so much acknowledgment to by bringing it up in conversation. He didn't have the luxury of denial, however; even if he only silently mulled over each, the issues were still real.
"How has your day been?" That was safe, perhaps. It would depend on who the elder god had spoken to, and what he had learned. If Homura was fortunate, it would be a new perspective on a matter he already knew about. Otherwise it would be something new, which he certainly didn't prefer, but that would match the course of the day so far.
He shrugged in response. "Nothing amazingly exciting yet and I haven't had a visitor this shift at least." His feelings were mixed about that though, he had to admit. On the one hand, he hated having to play into the Institute's hands but on the other, it was Tenpou and he'd never not be glad to see him, no matter what he claimed. He sighed softly though. "I talked to Sanosuke though, 'bout Okita."
The demi-god didn't focus on the visitors. There was still a shift left, and Homura didn't know how he would handle things if he was called--or if he wasn't. Not this soon after he had remembered everything, after he had done that last night. Homura didn't want to face Rinrei until he could somehow settle all these things in his mind. And yet at the same time, he desperately wanted to see her, as proof that the thing in the hall had just been a thing, and nothing more.
"Kenshin spoke to me about him as well, this morning." By no means a savory topic, the situation with Okita was at least easier to consider. And each time he did so, Homura was faced with that nagging feeling that the answer was vital and important, not just for the man in question. That imperative had motivated his choice, perhaps even more than whole of the picture itself had. "I'm going to see him tonight. Alone."
Well, at least he didn't have to break the news to Homura then. It was a selfish thought, but he really hated having to ask Homura to deal with more than he was already. Tonight was going to be a long long night, he just knew it. His expression hardened when Homura said that he was going to meet Okita. He didn't like it one bit. He sighed, stopping and turning to face Homura. "Be careful. He's hurt and abandoned. Making him feel cornered is a really bad idea." He wasn't going to say 'don't do it' because that would just be stupid and Homura wouldn't listen to him anyway, but he could at least express his wariness. "And it might be best to get Kenshin and Sanosuke as far away as possible for tonight at least. If you're going to talk to Okita, distractions are the last thing you want."
And once Kenren was done, Homura couldn't help but feel a bit of pride.
"I'd already thought of that." It meant he was doing something right, despite how lost he felt. Homura already intended to send Kenshin and Sanosuke as far away from where Okita would be as he could, even without prompting from the elder god. As for the rest, Homura couldn't help but agree. Okita would no doubt lash out, and Homura was still relearning much of his skill with the sword.
Yet it couldn't be helped. "I have to do something. I still can't remember, but I wrote a note for him, before I was taken." The question of why he had written the note still remained unanswered, but the timing had been fortunate, in the end. "I asked him to save Rinrei. I can't help but think that means Okita was--is especially important to me." In a way that even Kenren hadn't been, at least at the time. Now was quite a different story, of course.
His smile turned wry at Homura's next words and he nodded. "I figured you wouldn't be doing this without a good reason," he said. "And that's a pretty damn good reason. You two seemed pretty close. You seemed close before History Club really even started." And that was definitely something to be fought for, tooth and nail. "And we'll save her. If there's a way, then we'll find it and we'll save her and Tenpou."
What would he had done, after all, if Kenren hadn't been where he was in those critical times over the last few days? Besides, it seemed the man had a way of making things look brighter for Homura, even now.
He again nodded when Kenren confirmed his reasons, and the validity of them. Hearing it from an outside source made it seem all the more imperative, and that much more justified. Homura appreciated it, along with the man's firm belief more than he could express.
"We will." Homura agreed, and believed the words. He had to, or else all the efforts he was making now, for himself and Okita and everyone else, all of it would be pointless. He would remember in time, but even without those memories, there were gaps he could fill in on his own. One had come during brunch, in fact. "I want to find out what those keys we have are for. I have one, and MOMO has another. Since she can heal, I was thinking of having you and her try and find out what door her key opens. Provided you're up for it, of course."
Hearing that agreement, that belief was reassuring in a way. Sometimes, everyone needed a little reassurance. He wasn't certain how Homura's plans had changed now, or whether they would change in the future, but as long as getting their people back was a priority, then Kenren could support that. "Keys huh?" Kenren mused. The ones from the nurses he assumed. "Of course I'm up for it. And if we're just trying doors, then we shouldn't even have to go through the areas which are normally heavily guarded." Normally he wouldn't mind, but he didn't want to have to try and protect someone against anything big and nasty with his arm like this.
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