Scar didn't have to think long about which direction to be escorted in for the third shift. He didn't quite enjoy the human activities these nurses forced them to do, so it wasn't much of a surprise that he soon found himself sitting on the grass in the courtyard
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Unfortunately, his hand had gone numb - a result of the break, and he knew it would right itself eventually - and so he felt even further crippled as he walked down the dirt path of the courtyard and looked for a place to sit.
The place was still fairly empty, since he had managed to leave the cafeteria early while some of the other patients were probably still wrapping up conversations. Sighing to himself, he picked out a bench that was near the pond and sat down, crossing his legs as he looked over the surface of the water.
Now he needed to consider what he was going to do with himself tonight. He knew that trying to actually go out and do something was a terrible idea, but staying locked up in his room wasn't so appealing, either. The chance of there being someone else he knew who needed to take the night off was slim, and he wasn't going to ask anyone to sacrifice their time for his sake.
He might just have to give in and actually get a proper night's sleep for once. He would have said it was well-deserved at this point if it weren't for the fact that his own mistakes were what had gotten him injured in the first place. He didn't like the idea of not doing something to help, but he didn't want to be a burden, either - and considering the state he was in, he most certainly would be.
It was looking like he would have to post to the bulletin and let his friends know that something had happened and he couldn't be of service tonight. It left a bad taste in his mouth, but that was better than leaving them in the dark.
Frustrated and at a bit of a loss, Leon took a seat on a bench near the pond. Another boy was already there, one with a broken arm, so Leon nodded in his direction and managed a mostly-civil greeting, "Hello." Ugh. This place was really starting to get to him, if he was greeting everyone semi-politely simply out of habit now.
"Hey," he greeted, looking the teenager over and realizing that he had seen him around the institute quite a few times before. The stranger was no newcomer, that was for sure. Guy was surprised that he hadn't gotten any questions about the broken limb, but maybe everyone was used to their fellow patients being badly injured by now.
"How's it going?" he asked, not seeing the need to start getting into any sort of heavy conversation right off the bat. Sometimes it was nice to just have a normal chat with someone.
"Same here, actually. Well, I... sort of went out last night, but I'm fresh out of ideas about what to do tonight. My options are pretty limited." The reason for that was obvious enough, and so he chose not to insult the other man's intelligence by pointing out his arm.
Instead, he half-turned toward the stranger and held out his left hand, as awkward as it was to be using it. "Name's Guy Cecil, by the way."
[OOC: If I'm hallucinating that message board conversation, please forgive me. x.x]
"Yeah, that's me," he confirmed with a quick nod. He had tried to organize a meeting with this Leon Magnus over the board as well, if he remembered correctly, and now he felt bad that he had never followed through on that. Better late than never, though.
"So would you mind telling me a little about your world, and maybe the power source that you draw on to do those sorts of attacks?" Hopefully he wasn't being too forward, but seeing how they had at one point agreed to discuss this, he didn't think it would be a problem.
[No, you didn't imagine it!]
"I think I mentioned that I'm not from Kratos' world, either, in that message. I'm from the kingdom of Seinegald, on the world we typically call Er'ther. It's nothing like this place, the kinds of technology they have here is found only in relics from the ancient Ae'ther civilization, in my world." Well, close enough. Leon was not going to get into the sticky topic of his father's company and their revival of Ae'ther technology.
As expected, Guy perked up at the word "technology." Even injured, he wasn't going to let a chance to talk about his favorite subject just pass him by. The mention of an ancient civilization with advanced technology certainly brought the Dawn Age to mind.
"That sounds kind of similar to what happened where I come from," he expressed out loud. "What happened to that civilization?" There was a possibility that Leon didn't know, but there was no harm in asking. The younger man hadn't shown any signs of disliking this particular conversation topic, so Guy didn't see why he shouldn't pursue it as far as he could.
But before he could ask for more details on that, he was distracted by the mention of people becoming weapons. What did that even mean? He raised an eyebrow at the younger man, not willing to question what he was saying since Leon was being perfectly serious about it.
"Sacrificed their bodies? What do you mean by that?" Was it something like what Tear had done, taking in the miasma for the sake of helping everyone? And yet the way it was phrased implied something else. Either way, Guy's curiosity had been grabbed.
"The Ae'therians were winning. The situation was desperate. We never fully came to understand the technology that accomplished it, but the spirits and personalities of six chosen soldiers were transferred into swords. They became known as Swordians, and when wielded by the right people they provided powers and strength that were impossible separately." Berselius. Dymlos. Atwight. Clemente. Igtenos. ... Chaltier. It was hard for Leon to imagine his dear and only friend going through a war like that, a thousand years before Leon was ever born.
Spirits transferred into swords? Well, that was a new one. Guy raised an eyebrow, knowing better than to question this sort of thing, as farfetched as it might seem to him. After all, things like fomicry probably seemed like mere "science fiction" to some people, and in Auldrant it had been a reality.
As a swordsman, the concept was interesting to think about. He couldn't imagine what it would be like to wield a "Swordian," but maybe...
"The right people, huh," he said, eyeing Leon carefully. "Did you know any of these people?" Or was he one himself? That would be the best way to explain why he had all of this knowledge on hand, after all.
He would have wanted to ask more, but it was around that time when the intercom went off and they were given the chance to move elsewhere. Guy realized that he could have just remained here to continue this conversation, but he didn't want to take up too much of Leon's time. There was a chance the teenager had other matters he had to see to, after all -- such as figuring out what he was doing that night.
Besides, Guy need to get in contact with his friends over the bulletin, so he couldn't just laze around for the remainder of the day, as much as he needed some rest.
"Well," he said as he stood gingerly from the bench. "It was nice to meet you, Leon. I'd like to talk more about all of this sometime, if we ever get the chance." He smiled briefly, hoping his questions hadn't come as too much of a bother.
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