Day 36: Intercom, Dawn

Oct 10, 2008 07:15

Dawn broke over the Institute with all of its usual glory, lighting up the half-clouded sky beyond the mountains with shades of pink and orange. One would find it hard to believe all the horror that Nightshift brought when looking upon a sight as welcoming and relieving as daytime at Landel's, though the intercom's jingle and the voice that came from the speakers weren't quite so reassuring despite the lighthearted guise they hid behind.

"Good morning, everyone!" the Head Doctor began, sounding just as good-humored as he had in his previous announcement. "Today is a beautiful day in both appearance and spirit, as some of you will be having friends and family come visit you very soon! Why, yes - you'll be able to see your loved ones and hear back from home; you'll also be able to share with them the progress you've achieved here!

"But first... time for some early-morning relaxation before the delicious brunch that our cooks are painstakingly preparing for you. You may either lounge in the Sun Room, or, if you feel spiritually inclined, you may ask to be escorted up to the Chapel for your own personal meditation needs.

"I believe that's all for now! Look forward to seeing familiar faces, as well as a less stringent schedule. I hope you all enjoy your morning!"

The Head Doctor chuckled and he clicked the intercom off.


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