Nowe was only slightly cheered by the thought of getting to meet up with Renji and Sora this evening. His conversation with Kadaj had gotten him thinking, and despite how good the food smelled he found himself unable to eat.
Caim was here. Weakened. If there was any opportunity to exact his revenge, this would be a perfect place, wouldn't it?
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The problem was that he hadn't known that the others would be taken in such a manner. While he didn't recognize any of the names, he wasn't one to just lay around while all of that happened. Not tonight, anyway, not now.
But he had to be patient and wait for Eric to show up. Until that time, he occupied himself with finishing up the drawings of the creatures and concluding his notes; he just hoped the Eric wouldn't be late.
...gah, and he'd have to go to Edward and tell him that alchemy practice was off... there were far too many things to do, as always. If only he could be in more than one place at once. Ah well; he had vast stores of energy and the food had helped out in that regard. He'd be fine so long as he could get moving.
When he reached the door, he checked the room number and then knocked softly. He spoke mostly to himself, quietly, with a little smile, while he waited for Adelheid to open it. "Suddenly, there came a tapping, as of someone gently rapping...rapping at my chamber door."
Adelheid couldn't quite hide his grin as he opened the door and motioned for Eric to come in and join him. "...'and nothing more.'"
Of course, reciting part of Edgar Allen Poe's work, considering what happened to the man and moreover what happened to the protagonist in his story, wasn't exactly the most auspicious sign for his new plan. But so it went.
The teenager went over to his desk and retrieved the medical kit, his journal on top of the desk and with a pen for notes. "Sadly," he informed the man, "you'll have to wait until tomorrow to learn if there is balm in Gilead. While I don't recognize any of the names that had been spoken, I wouldn't leave any of them alone this time. And as the Head Doctor seems prepared for us this time... I doubt that I'll be learning alchemy tonight either."
A bit of a shrug as he added, "We'll have to wait until tomorrow to compare notes, as well; it seems that the voice behind the radio was listening to us quite
He smiled slightly. "Yes, I was in my room when that one came on, so I heard that. It seems as though he's not too happy with us. I do appreciate the help he's offering, but that doesn't mean that I'm completely content to let the wizard stay behind his curtain. But tomorrow then, when we have more time to talk."
Eric watched him change the batteries with a little internal sigh. He wanted his friend to be able to see, of course, but he found flashlights annoying if just for the fact that people had a tendency to turn them on him without thinking, effectively blinding him for a short while at night.
"That is very true," he said with a nod. "Who knows, really? All we can do is wait and match his actions with his words."
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