Day 35: Bus 2

Sep 04, 2008 23:14

Wally woke as the intercom crackled to life and was surprised to find himself back in his room. The last thing he'd remembered was feeling relieved at finally beating off those dragonfly-lizard things. There'd been that weird intercom message, then... he wasn't quite sure what had happened after that, but he was certain it hadn't involved falling ( Read more... )

raine, anya, kenshin, homura, senna, tsubaki, adelheid, yuna, anise, johnny c., yuuri, melissa, danny phantom, tony castaway, wolfram, allen, luffy, seiya, miku, leon (so2), matsuda, reno, kristoph, atoli, zelnick, rukia, zim, hikaru, mikami, the flash, chopper, kenren, guy, hinamori momo, yuffie, manticore, tokito, zoro, okita, captain america, sai, leon magnus, sheena, yue, sanosuke, aidou, kaoru, statesman, tyki, hohenheim, kratos, dante, alice cullen

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adevilmaycry September 4 2008, 20:21:41 UTC
A silver-haired man twitched as Tyki bumped his arm, sliding into the same seat next to him. "Hey," Dante said irritably, "Watch it."

He gave the man a once over and dismissed him. He looked like a worthless bum. He scratched at the bandaids on his face. Laying beneath them were mild clawmarks-- tokens of parting from those giant fucking mutant cats he and Lust had barely subdued last night. His hands and arms were wrapped in bandages he'd demanded. He preferred it this way. If nothing else, having them made him look cooler. Made up for the ugly greys. He'd actually been a little pleased they were giving him real clothes instead of ugly SMILEY rags-- but then again, he wasn't a fan of white. Or blue. Black and red, black and red. But whatever. Wherever the Hell Doyleton was (christ what a boring damn name for anywhere), it was at least OUT of the institute. Had it really only been a day? It felt like much longer.

The guy next to him had a smile that just pissed Dante off. If anything, it was this edgey feeling that the guy wanted to kill him. It was a familiar vibe. Dante tried to recall what it reminded him of. Yeah, it reminded him of Vergil.


tyki_pon September 4 2008, 20:55:17 UTC
Tyki hadn't exactly been paying attention to the people walking through the bus - he was more occupied with his breakfast - so the fact he accidentally bumped his less-injured arm against a person wasn't entirely unsurprising. But as laid-back as the Noah was, he couldn't say he was all that worried about it.

"Heh. Sorry, Sunshine." Tyki answered, referring to the other guy's obviously irritated mood. In contrast to the killing vibe that even his white side couldn't completely hide, he gave an almost innocent smile, like he was actually really sorry. Which he wasn't, but hey, never let it be said that Tyki couldn't be a nice guy.

'Watch it', huh? What a funny thing to say to a person who had thick bottle-glasses. Those nearly equaled blindness, now did they? Even when he technically didn't need them, but this silver-haired guy didn't know that.


adevilmaycry September 4 2008, 21:06:42 UTC
Oh, now he had attention. 'Sunshine'? He wasn't getting away with that shit. Not after all the other stuff he'd been dealing with quite reasonably, so he thought.

He threw his arms over the back of the seat and glared. "You're pretty fucking happy for a guy in a mental institute. Did they forget your meds this morning?" Those glasses were so retarded and overemphasized- there was no way any doctor would make someone wear them. They had contacts now for people with vision bad enough to need those. So that, to Dante, obviously indicated, along with the overdone smile, that this guy was putting on one hell of a good act. A smile tugged at the corner of his mouth. Maybe he was just as crazy as Dante. The thought gave his voice a slightly calmer tone.

"Wonder where they're takin' us..." he said, glancing out the window.

Now, it's important to note that living in the apocalypse tends to make you forget what the world is actually supposed to look like. Fields, sunshine, normal, undestroyed buildings and no strip clubs; Dante hated it already.


tyki_pon September 4 2008, 22:46:52 UTC
Actually, 'contacts' were not yet invented in the 19th century. Before his Noah had awakened Tyki actually needed those glasses to see properly. Whenever he returned to the human side of his life, he stuck with them for a good reason. Not necessarily to be unrecognizable, but simply because explaining the sudden absence of them would be pretty difficult. And maybe, those glasses somewhat belonged to his white side as well. An obvious difference to his black self. Symbolism, he guessed.

"Maybe." Tyki answered. "Or maybe I'm just in a good mood." Not that he had a reason to, considering his injuries, lack of nicotine and the general shitty night he had, but this guy seemed pretty fun to prod. It'd keep things from getting boring. That, and the hobo wasn't really the type of guy to let things get to him all that easily. Unless he was going to get scolded for it.

"Some town called Doyleton, apparently." Tyki shrugged before taking a bite of his muffin. "Never been there. But somethin' tells me that they have smokes." He raised his index finger at that last statement.


adevilmaycry September 4 2008, 22:54:25 UTC
Not that Dante knew Tyki was from the 19th century, (nor did he care) since Dante wasn't going to turn around and accept that this whole thing wasn't a retarded practical joke. Pretty fucking elaborate, but he needed to feed himself some kind of lie or devil forbid that a feeling of hopelessness would start creeping in. Dante was perfectly fine and perfectly unlikeable-- when his powers worked. He didn't have to be liked. What was anyone going to do about him? But in this state, he felt sure that a perpetual state of being pissed-off was very, very likely. He realized he'd taken the stupid lunch without even thinking. He opened the bag and made a face of disgust.

"I don't smoke, but if they don't sell pizza, I'm gonna bust someone's damn face."


tyki_pon September 5 2008, 20:30:12 UTC
"Whoa! Are ya pizza-deprived or something?" Tyki asked. He remembered eating some on his first day here, but for all he knew this guy could have showed up later. New patients each few days seemed to be normal here as far as he knew.

But to each their vices, he guessed. The Noah continued to eat his muffin for a moment before suddenly asking:

"How come you have white hair?" He looked a bit too young to be graying, and the only other person he knew with that hair color was cursed by Akuma. The Noah was almost surprised that he didn't take Dante for an old man.


adevilmaycry September 5 2008, 20:48:15 UTC
Dante looked at him, head resting on one hand against the sill of the bus window. They'd started to move. Fantastic. Only 142436 million more miles until they would be anywhere Dante knew about. Straight up. Probably on another planet.

"It's not white," Dante said, looking out the window and not bothering to turn around, "It's silver. Those glasses obviously aren't helping you very much." He sighed. Stupid place, stupid people; it was like Temen-ni-gru all over again. Nothing but a big empty palace full of wackos, retards, and power-hungry control freaks. What else was new?

"As for why," Dante said flatly, "Hell if I know why I was born this way. It's not like I ever knew my parents. I don't even have a father."

While it was true Dante had not known his parents much (his mother Eva had been killed by demons), he did, in fact, have a father. That father was the most powerful demon to have ever lived; The Dark Knight Sparda.

Dante resented his father and the legacy he had left on Dante's shoulders. He'd cleaned up enough his old feuds in the demon world to be satisfied to never hear about Sparda again. Besides, when people kept comparing the two of them, Dante was kind of offended.

He was much better looking.


tyki_pon September 5 2008, 21:22:41 UTC
Silver. White. Not much of a difference, at least not to Tyki. It still was a pretty weird hair color to be born with, though. But whatever.

"Right." He glanced at the other man from behind his glasses for a moment, looking thoughtful for a moment. Most people would apologize for asking, but the Noah had met plenty of people who had never knew their parents. Being orphaned himself from birth, he never understood why people apologized for something like that.

"I'm Tyki."


adevilmaycry September 5 2008, 21:28:48 UTC
If nothing else, this guy was persistently sociable. Dante could be sociable too, and even though he didn't particularly feel like it, sulking was a one-way ticket to Boredom County so he'd better start putting his attention away from the blank fields of out there and focus on the weirdoes inside the bus.

"Name's Dante." He jerked a thumb at his chest assertively. "I'm also the Captain of the Really-Fucking-Pissed boat right now, so unless you can exlain why I was attacked by mutant cats or give me a worse story, I'm going to try and eat this crappy food without gagging."


tyki_pon September 5 2008, 21:43:03 UTC
Tyki had kind-of already noticed Dante's bad mood. Not that it had stopped him.

"Mutant cats now too, huh? Well, this ain't a monster-infested asylum for nothing I guess." Tyki answered. "Why we're here? Beats me. I haven't met anyone who knew." That or they collectively decided not to tell him.

"Maybe the guy in charge doesn't have anything better to do." Not love, but boredom could make people do strange things.


adevilmaycry September 5 2008, 21:54:28 UTC
Dante snerked.

"If someone's in charge, they're doing a really shit-poor job of keeping things together." He sighed deeply.

"Maybe there'll be a weapon shop in this town, too. I dunno, do mental patients need a license to own a firearm?"


tyki_pon September 6 2008, 22:12:06 UTC
"Well, there's a head doctor." Tyki announced. "It's the guy on the intercom." The Noah couldn't say he was all that interested in that man's ramblings, though.

As for weapon shops...
"You can always try to steal knives from a restaurant." Tyki announced, as if it was very normal to do such a thing. It was for a vagabond, at least. It seemed easier to accomplish than trying to find a story selling weapons in all shapes and sizes - and somehow sneaking it back into the institute.


adevilmaycry September 6 2008, 23:02:23 UTC
Dante laughed, loudly.

"Knives?" He grinned widely. "It would be offensive to demon hunters everywhere if one was witnessed brandishing a steak knife. Come on. Maybe I can't get a good sword, like anything forged in Hell, but if I can get something better than a cooking utensil, that'll be just fine."

He shook his head, silver hair falling in his eyes.

"This place sucks. I need a drink when we get there, too."


tyki_pon September 7 2008, 12:25:17 UTC
"Oi, it's better than nothin' right?" Tyki had to admit that cooking utensils were a bit lame, especially compared to the Tease. He could change those butterflies in large throwing-blade if he wanted to, which were a lot more fun to play with than a kitchen knife. But his white side was supposed to pass for a 'normal' human, so killer butterflies simply wouldn't be mentioned in this conversation.

But Dante's comment still caught his attention. Offensive to demon hunters? The Noah titled his head in curiosity. "Are you a demon, then?"


adevilmaycry September 7 2008, 14:59:04 UTC
Dante yawned.

"Half and half, you know. Good for coffee, but bad mix for a hunter. It's always 'you smell like humans' or 'you're not even a complete demon' this or that. Eventually I start telling people I just don't goddamn know. Nice way to meet girls though, sayin' I'm half-demon." He laughed again.

"I am going to go stir-crazy if this busride lasts any longer." He stood up in front of his seat and started stretching and jogging in place before flopping down again.

"So fucking bored."


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