Nightshift 34: M-C Block Bathrooms

Aug 16, 2008 14:58

[from here]Matt pushed the door open cautiously, hoping against anything not to run across another dead monstrosity lying on the bathroom tiles. Thankfully it became clear that no one else had visited the stalls yet this evening after a few quick glances ( Read more... )

heiji, matt, kaito

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Comments 16

osakapwnzu August 21 2008, 00:57:58 UTC
( From here.)

Heiji threw the door open to the bathroom, having obviously ran at full-speed to the appointed location upon hearing the announcement. He was winded a little, but not so much that he couldn't grin up at Matt and speak.

"Hey man, sorry! Robin, righ'? Yeah, sorry, had to deal with a transaction, but I'm done now! Jus' heard the announcement, so I ran over!" He pulled out his radio to indicate. "You the grunt, or the brainy-type?"


whohitreset August 21 2008, 01:14:17 UTC
There was one of the two at least. Matt didn't like the idea of waiting in these bathrooms any longer than he had to. He did raise an eyebrow at the question. Normally he might have asked what type he looked like, but in this place not every fighter stood out as one. "Brainy," he answered with a smirk, pointing at his glasses. "At least I suppose I am. If you've brought a gun or something ranged I might be able to stand in the back row and shoot things."

He held out his hand. "And yeah. I'm Robin."


osakapwnzu August 21 2008, 01:18:28 UTC
"A gun? Damn, if we could find a gun, that'd be sweet!" Heiji laughed. "But no, no gun. I barely have a weapon m'self." Since he'd handed over his pipe to Adel, all he had left were his scalpels. Probably not the best idea, but... couldn't be helped.

"Hattori Heiji," the teen detective took Matt's hand and shook it firmly, grinning away. "Y'can call me Hattori or Heiji or whatever. I don't much care, s'long as it's legal." He laughed.

"Anyway!" His grin fell into the smirk he always wore when advancing on a case. "Any ideas 'bout the radio?" He'd hear what Matt had to say, then he'd tell Matt what he was thinking. He looked around the bathroom. "Kuroba s'not here?"


whohitreset August 21 2008, 01:44:45 UTC
Once again Matt was made aware of the lack of firearms available here. Obviously he hadn't been the only one asking about them, not that this was surprising.

"Kuroba's the last of our trio, right? No, it's just been me so far." Hopefully nothing had happened to the last member of their group between his room and here. That wasn't a mess he wanted to deal with. It was bad enough they had to go after whatever clues they were given over the radio.

"You realize anything good in this place is going to have something nasty watching over it, right?" Hell, the chemical storage room had an invisible will-sucking creature and then a spider the room over. He could only imagine what might be somewhere that had actually been announced. "Are you and Kuroba fighters at all?"


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