There was no ignoring the impending struggle in the Sun Room below, nor how it must have been indicative of far worse cruelties in places unseen, but Anthy did well to separate herself from it. A darker instinct of hers; one she had supposed would shed as she grew, blossoming in the freedom of the world outside, following in Utena's
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But what kind of name was freaking Jiggle n' Bounce? She had a face, too! And a name. Two, actually. Two whole names. And neither of them had anything to do with boobs. Even though they were kinda jiggly. Still, she could take it if she was gonna dish it. And she had to admit she didn't really mind a man taking the lead. "Okay, oh fearless addict. Lead the way."
Still, as they continued, Alkaid turned her head to look around, spotting both a fight and some blond girl who looked a whole lot like Atoli. Was it her? Naaahhh, she wouldn't show up in this place, would she? She'd probably break under the strain!
Turning to Haseo, she spoke as if she didn't have a care in the world, "Hey. We're still the only two from The World here, right?" If Atoli was here, Haseo would surely know about it. Right?
That guy better not have had any clever ideas about giving him any stupid nicknames. 'He of fair eyes' was as stupid as he was going to put up with.
Haseo answered the question he was asked with a certain amount of exasperation. "No. It's only us two that are here that I know about." Which was part of the reason he'd been so happy to see her. With the looming Network Crisis and all that had been happening before he'd come here, Haseo had worried that something worse had happened to them. Alkaid was fine (in a sense..) which meant that the others were probably fine too. Now it was just the Avatar users he had to worry about..
"But I was here a week before I found you, so I guess there's a chance that there are other people around here we haven't met yet." This place wasn't as efficient as The World in terms of finding other people. There was only that paper-written forum that they could only check once or twice a day; no notifications of other people in the area, no short mails, and nothing convenient like that. If there were others from their world they would have to put in the footwork into finding them.
He passed the flashlight along the walls, getting his bearings as they walked. Assuming they'd gone up the right set of stairs, he just needed to keep walking in this direction, right? Simple stuff. Judging from the rails on the other side of the hall, this should be the right way.
Badou sighed silently. Sure they were in a bad horror flick, but navigating was sort of boring as hell. He let himself eavesdrop seeing as how he had all of nothing to contribute. Had Alkaid mentioned that her boyfriend was from the same world as her? He couldn't really remember. Whatever. He shrugged and moved on into the next hallway.
[to here]
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