Nightshift 34: Bus Unloading Area

Aug 15, 2008 16:27

[ from here]

Wally shivered as he stepped out into the cool night air. They seemed to be in some kind of parking area - a few buses were throwing huge shadows across the ground which, combined with the general lack of lighting and cold breeze, sent a chill down his spine. Not that he was afraid or anything, it was just a little creepy, that was all.

He looked around, trying decide which would be the best direction to try for a phone. Probably the one the road was leading in. Duh, he mentally berated himself.

First things first, he had to lose Kal. Not that he really had that much of an issue with the guy normally, but he really wanted to get to a phone and call the League and he couldn't do that with a kid following him around the place. Wally glanced over his shoulder to check that Kal hadn't followed him yet. The coast was clear and it was probably too dark for him to be seen, he decided. He smirked as he kicked into speed and ducked behind one of the buses, figuring he could hide until Kal gave up and left on his own.

Hunkered down in the shadows, Wally pressed his head back against the bus and supressed a whimper. His stomach was painfully empty now and it was making him feel a little light-headed. He wasn't sure any more if he would even be able to run all the way to a nearby town. It was looking like he'd be lucky to make it over the fence, let alone however many miles away a town would be. It was hard to imagine this night getting any worse.

rhode, rainier, clark kent, albel, bella, hinamori momo, anise, luxord, edward cullen, signum, max, the flash, celes, alice cullen

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