Nightshift 33: M61 - M70 Hallway

Jul 09, 2008 06:31

The beginning of nightshift, mmm? What a strange and funny thing had happened. It wasn't like normal Landel's nights by any stroke of the imagination; indeed, the radios and the intercom were playing this time. How fancy! It was like three voices talking at once, once from the wall and twice from the two radios in Peony's and Siegfried's room ( Read more... )

sanji, zex, guy, xigbar, siegfried, luxord, reid, kurogane, tyki, peony, mori

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Comments 63

contentincloset July 9 2008, 13:33:43 UTC
A few firm swings of his bat and he was ready for the evening despite feeling just slightly slower. He'd have to cope with that since he couldn't afford to waste any time getting used to yet another handicap. And while he was at it, he did manage a few rushed bites of the noodles that weren't the kind he was used too before downing his drink and hurrying out. He couldn't waste any time, not with anything. It had been nearly a full week and they'd still yet to accomplish anything towards finding a way out of here and out of this world aside from talking! Not tonight! Tonight he was going to get something done!


contentincloset July 9 2008, 13:36:50 UTC
[gone here]


vessavana July 9 2008, 16:39:49 UTC
That was quite peculiar, Kunzite mused to himself, staring at the speaker affixed to his radio in quiet disbelief. Why bother going through such charades...just what are you playing at, Dr. Landel? The warrior took heed of some of the words...shielding, a mention of a mainframe unable to be 'broken', the short walls around the institute...

"What can this mean," he now said aloud, stepping out from his room - armed, as usual, with his bat, makeshift satchel, radio, notebook, and flashlight - and peering out into the darkness. The it possible, surely it's much more complicated than that. At any rate, he had his mission. Perhaps tomorrow would be best for exploring that venture. He may even suggest it to Homura, given the right opportunity.

A brief sweep of his lantern caught one, maybe two patience lingering in the vicinity. Ignoring their presence, he made his way to the larger hallway to his right.

[Heading here.]


willhexabitch July 9 2008, 18:36:02 UTC
Reid was always ready for action, no matter what was going on, but tonight he felt more like his normal self. He didn't know why. Maybe because the gash on his back was finally feeling all right, enough to let him stretch without feeling a jolt of pain. If they were scaling walls tonight, that could only be a plus.

Considering how fucking weird the intercom announcement had been, Reid thought tonight had been a pretty good night for it, he guessed. Whatever. Reid liked to own a few video games like any normal teenage boy, but he didn't give two shits about computers and sci-fi shields. Now magic and shield... He knew a little bit about that ( ... )


willhexabitch July 9 2008, 18:50:34 UTC
[to here]


tyki_pon July 9 2008, 21:02:40 UTC
Dinner had been pretty silent, which for Tyki hadn't been entirely a good thing. There was only so much time you could devote to eating a meal and looking at maps, but he couldn't do much else but to wait impatiently for nightshift to fall.

Which started with one hell of strange announcement over the intercom.

But night fell, which came along with the transition from white to black. He removed the thick glasses and placed them on the nightstand, not having any use for them while in his black form. His black hair he slicked back, tying it together with the rubber hand he had found on his desk (a far better use than holding the pens together). Simply pulling the hair out of his face revealed the cross-shaped markings on his forehead, but the Noah wasn't too bothered by it.

After making sure he had everything with him, he stepped into the dark hallway. Tonight, he was going to find some smokes...


tyki_pon July 9 2008, 21:09:06 UTC
[To here]


razing_phoenix July 9 2008, 21:32:03 UTC
Even though Guy knew that whatever was going on over the intercom (and the radios?) was a big deal, he was too focused on what had just happened to his roommate (or rather, what was about to happen to him) to really pay attention ( ... )


rappigs July 12 2008, 07:54:52 UTC
Peony had been ready with some sort of quip on how times changed, or how there might be rappigs in grazing fields if they could get outside, or something like that, but the sudden announcement, coming from a rushed Gailardia, caught him entirely by surprise. He'd never quite come so close to something like this, a roommate getting taken or some similar thing.

"No sweat," Peony said, smiling as if completely unshaken by the entire ordeal. He didn't even really skip a beat. He'd probably do the same if Siggy had any friends that he knew about, after all. Maybe. He wasn't even sure he knew where to go in case of something like that. But these guys probably did, if his servant was acting so businessy.

"Here. You do that - but I got an idea. Why don't you go tell his buddies and meet me in the hallway right before the Sun Room? I'll be there with Haseo," he said. Hey, this way things would work out just perfect!


razing_phoenix July 12 2008, 10:33:42 UTC
Guy almost found it hard to believe that Peony still wouldn't take things seriously even in this case, but it wasn't like the older man knew Okita. Maybe he just didn't understand the severity of the situation -- he hadn't heard about Luke, after all.

It wasn't like he had the time to think about it, though. At least Peony was able to respond quickly and work out a good plan that accounted for this little hiccup. Getting to the Sun Room wouldn't be hard, and he could only hope he didn't keep the emperor and his friend waiting for too long.

"Got it! I'll be there." He couldn't delay for any longer, so without another word he started down the hallway, yelling back a quick apology for having to leave so quickly. At least he was fast. Not as fast as he should have been, probably, but it was something.


razing_phoenix July 12 2008, 10:40:12 UTC
[To here.]


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