Day 32: Intercom, Afternoon

May 24, 2008 04:28

"My, my, that paper work sure is a killer, isn't it?" The Head Doctor's voice came over the intercom, laughing jovially. "However, I missed you all so much that I decided to say hello before I once again descended into the depths of burea--... responsibility!"

The Head Doctor cleared his throat and continued with his usual announcement:

"Now, it's time for some creative fun in the Music Room! Play on your favorite instruments and perhaps form a band with your friends! Haha! I'm only joking, of course, but the thought is still there. Our patients who have been selected for special therapy sessions will be escorted to their doctors, as always, though... it seems Dr. House has gone missing. Hm. I'm sure things will rectify themselves shortly!

"In any case, we also have new patients being introduced this shift, so, as always, I want you to give them a warm Landel's welcome.

"That's all for now!"

The intercom clicked off.

[ All introduction posts for this shift's group of new characters should be made in response to this post. (Have your new character wake up in a random empty room, as we aren't yet able to officially assign rooms.) Thanks!

Also, for your reference, doctor therapy sessions are here. ]

alviss, intercom, jyumonji, alkaid, goku, hohenheim, shion, trance, winry

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