Day 32: Lunch

May 20, 2008 08:37

Sanosuke hadn't quite been ready to part ways from Kenshin, but his nurse was insistent, and she was offering food. That second thing was what really got Sano off the couch and headed to the cafeteria. And at the very least, the thing about Okita had been settled, which meant the fighter could focus on his meal ( Read more... )

star dragon sword, zelos, qui-gon jinn, anya, kagura, edward elric, yuna, tyler, nia, melissa, danny phantom, wolfram, jade, allen, naminé, seiya, demyx, clark kent, zex, angel, zelnick, claire bennet, misa, leon kennedy, shana, peter parker, kurogane, artemis, mello, aya, ion, xellos, usopp, nakago, heiji, peter petrelli, yohji, fwiffo, archer, zuko, sync, matt, farfarello, zoro, takaya, sanosuke, haku, tyki, wolverine, esmeralda, kratos, lia, willow, haseo, bridget, rubedo, sanji, toboe, rhode, shito, glados, homura, nami, bella, kaito, elle, fayt, alexander conklin, sora, momo (xenosaga), luffy, leon (so2), albel, reno, renamon, claude, amelia, oriya, rukia, mark, edgeworth, zexion, harry osborn, max, sousuke, dean winchester, peony, brook, chopper, ren, argilla, sakura, kenren, hanyuu, yuber, guy, kimbley, kairi, armand, reid, vlad, allelujah, roy, frey, cloud, fai, sai, leon magnus, yue, sasuke, daemon, edward cullen, brooklyn, eddie brock, rangiku, omi, gin, scar (tlk), subaru

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winged_moon May 21 2008, 21:48:10 UTC
Yue pushed his tray to one side as Edgeworth pulled out the maps, stubbornly ignoring the fact that he was still hungry in favor of something far more interesting. On the first-floor map he recognized the "sun room" and cafeteria, and noted the different areas he'd seen on the way to those, as well as the parts of the building he hadn't yet visited. The access to the outside caught his attention for a moment: perhaps if he could just get outside of the building, he could find his wings again. If so, there would be no need to hunt for a mysterious hidden man in order to leave.

With some effort he dragged his attention back to what the other man was saying, reaching out to turn the map of the roof a little more toward him, then frowned slightly. Locked, bolted, dangerous - "well-guarded" was probably a rather mild description of the place, judging from what he was seeing there. Not that he really knew who had made any of those maps, though, to know how accurate they were.

"Are you planning to coordinate this effort?" Yue finally inquired, glancing up again at Edgeworth with one brow slightly upraised.


high_prosecutor May 21 2008, 22:24:46 UTC
"Once we have enough information and people who have weapons and training, I'd be very happy to assist with coordination," Edgeworth said, pushing his tray aside. "I'm not a trained fighter by any means, but I've assisted in operations of that type. I'm a prosecuting attorney back at home, and on occasion, we worked with the police in order to capture a criminal." Of course, the last time that had happened had been the SL-9 case, which had ended in the death of a very talented prosecutor, but there was no need to mention that.

"Please feel free to make a copy of the maps," he added, taking a drink of his water. "They were put together by members of one of the organizations here, and have proved to be accurate, though I do need to take the time to make some additions to the second floor." He pointed to the left side of the map, below the morgue. "There is a storage closet and another set of locked rooms here."

Flipping back to the roof map for a moment, he added, "The roof map was put together by the man I mentioned earlier, who was also working against Landel. I've not been up there myself, but I trust that it's accurate also."


winged_moon May 21 2008, 22:48:12 UTC
Well, obviously his suspicions had been correct: not only was the man neither fighter nor, apparently, sorcerer, he was an attorney. Not exactly the sort of person that Yue would expect to be able to hold his own in a fight, which would explain the scars and the man's belief that it was dangerous at night. It certainly would be, for him.

"So you have ideas but no solid plans, nor the means with which to achieve them." Though his voice was utterly neutral, Yue could not help feeling not only disdainful but also irritated at himself for beginning to hope that this man might have an actual solution. The maps were certainly useful, and lacking materials with which to make copies just at the moment, Yue did his best to memorize the basic layout; he would be certain to explore when he could, to compare reality to what had been laid out there. After, of course, he'd checked the way to the "recreational field" so temptingly close to the patient rooms.


high_prosecutor May 21 2008, 23:28:08 UTC
"The means are in the making," Edgeworth said, evenly. He sensed the disdain, choosing again to ignore it. "It's difficult to organize a large group of people at the best of times. The staff does their best to keep people from organizing, which I'm sure is no surprise."

He pushed his chair back from the table a bit. "If you're looking for weaponry, your best bet is probably the first floor kitchen. There are people who can make what you find there into weapons."

"And if you're going to go out, it's best to find someone to go with you, if for no other reason than to have a guide."


winged_moon May 21 2008, 23:46:18 UTC
"I need no weapons." Yue folded his arms across his chest as he leaned back in his chair, the words spoken with supreme self-assurance. He felt no need for any kind of false modesty, after all. And even if he needed a weapon, his chosen one would hardly be found in a kitchen, of all places.

As for having someone go with him...was Edgeworth suggesting that he be Yue's "guide"? If so, the guardian wasn't terribly thrilled at the idea, for a number of different reasons. He needed no help. He wanted no help. He especially wanted nobody around to notice if he tried and failed to use his powers again. "Your post said friends can turn on you," Yue pointed out, with a slight frown. "Seems dangerous to have them around."


high_prosecutor May 21 2008, 23:58:44 UTC
"That's true. It's called "Special Counseling," I believe. When it's happened, it's usually characters with some sort of magic power or some sort of strong fighting ability," he began. "Even with that possibility, though, it's better to have someone with you. We're not talking about little things here."

He finished the last of his water, then spoke again. "There are monsters here that have the ability to take on the appearance of someone you know - someone that isn't here. In the case of the one I met, it was a child. And that isn't even getting into the case of the monster people have taken to calling Pyramid Head." The name alone was enough to send a tiny shiver down Edgeworth's spine and cause a warning voice, but he shook it off long enough to continue.

"I was traveling with a very skilled fighter the other night, and he mentioned later that if we'd run into it, we would very likely have been dead had we not been able to escape."


winged_moon May 22 2008, 00:11:13 UTC
"Noted." Yue still appeared unconvinced, but he accordingly made a mental note to himself that if he ran into this..."Pyramid Head" creature, he might wish to proceed with caution. Although he did not entirely believe the attorney when it came to the level of danger in this place, that was still no reason to be completely foolhardy.

Another unconscious shoulder-twitch reminded Yue of what he'd already lost, though, along with his home and purpose. "If one is...missing certain things, since coming here," he asked after a moment's pause, "is there a way to get those things back?" As little as he liked to admit that he was lacking in anything, Yue did need to know that, and rather urgently. And no matter what he might be lacking, Edgeworth seemed to be sincerely trying to help.


high_prosecutor May 22 2008, 00:18:14 UTC
"There's the patient possessions room on the second floor, and the two file rooms on the first," Edgeworth said. "If it's medical..." The prosecutor trailed off, thinking. "There are two groups of doctors here, one working during the day, the other at night. The doctors working at night aren't to be trusted," he said, one hand instinctively touching the scar on the back of his neck.

"The daytime doctors might be of more use, but that's assuming they believe you. If you're stuck seeing Dr. House, you're out of luck, but there might be others more willing to help. There's also a clinic run out of one of the patient rooms at night, though I suspect their purpose is more tailored to first aid than it is treating a chronic condition of any sort."

There was an unspoken "Don't bother with the nurses," but that was something anyone could pick up within five minutes.


winged_moon May 22 2008, 00:31:17 UTC
Patient possessions? It didn't seem likely that anyone would be keeping his wings in a box. also didn't seem likely that anyone would be able to prevent him from using any of his powers, so perhaps...

Yue hesitated, frowning thoughtfully as he considered the idea. Perhaps he should go check that place. If nothing else, he might find his real clothing, which was significantly more comfortable and less stupid-looking than this grey outfit he was in. He made another mental note to look into that later, then finally shook his head once. "It's nothing any doctor could help with," he said. ", you're obviously no sorcerer."


high_prosecutor May 22 2008, 00:38:07 UTC
Edgeworth closed his eyes, stroking his chin thoughtfully. "You might find some assistance on the bulletin board. As mad as it sounds, there are patients with medical skills more suited to such," he said, remembering back to that first night - there were people throwing up shields, and others with the ability to transmute metal from one form to another, according to the board posts.

"You might also talk to someone in the Arts and Crafts or Cooking Clubs. They tend to draw a rather...creative population."

The thought that whatever happened might have been in some sort of experimental trial ran through his head, and another slight shiver went down his spine. "There's one more thing you should know about," he said, voice trembling slightly. "I said the doctors at night aren't to be trusted because they experiment on patients. I don't know for sure, but there's a chance they've moved to experimenting at other times."

Again the slight murmur in the back of his mind, but he pushed it aside. "A group of us who have been victims of the doctors are meeting tomorrow. I'll speak with them and ask their opinions, if you'd like?"


winged_moon May 22 2008, 00:57:08 UTC
"No." The word came out slightly sharper than Yue had intended, but he made no effort to apologize for it. The last thing he wanted was for his difficulties to be discussed all over the place amongst total strangers. Best that none but himself knew exactly how powerless he was at the moment. "There is no need. I was merely curious," he added, after a brief pause, and in a much calmer voice.

"Another suggested I join the Arts and Crafts group, but...I don't entirely see the point." Yue shifted slightly in his chair, flicking a glance around at the increasingly crowded cafeteria as he spoke. Ururu had seemed to think it was a good idea, and he had contacted them on the bulletin board, but he wasn't sure if he wanted to bother finding the other "shinigami" she'd mentioned.


high_prosecutor May 22 2008, 01:08:16 UTC
"I understand," Edgeworth said, and with that, the murmur went away. "We're meeting at lunch tomorrow, if by any chance you change your mind."

He made a mental note to try and look at the file rooms again that night - if people were being operated on before, that was something others needed to be warned about. If all else failed, he supposed he could ask his doctor, though that would more likely than not be a futile exercise.

"The main point of working with any of the organizations here is attempting to take this place apart from the inside. The maps I showed you were made by members of Arts and Crafts, for example. I've been working with the History Club; we're a bit more focused on fighting than some of the others - I mainly work with recruiting and strategy, as well as other things. The Cooking Club is largely responsible for weapon-making."

"Is there anything else you'd like to know?"


winged_moon May 22 2008, 01:34:22 UTC
"Recruiting?" Yue returned his gaze to Edgeworth, curious. "Is that what you're doing?" Not that he minded all that much if so, but still, it was good to know these things. He refrained from commenting on the fact that an attorney was in a club focused on fighting, but that didn't stop him from being briefly amused by the idea.

But...anything else he wanted to know? What did he not want to know? Questions rushed through Yue's mind faster than he could put them to words, first and foremost concerning the mistress he had unwillingly abandoned, or lost, and he felt a sudden aching hollowness in his chest at the thought. Despite how skilled he was at hiding his feelings, he flinched slightly and looked away. Though he had refused to ever admit it, he was...fond of the girl. And not just because it was his duty.

"Do Sakura here?" Yue's voice was soft, the question reluctant. But he had to know.


high_prosecutor May 22 2008, 01:44:41 UTC
"Not at the moment," Edgeworth smiled. "Only when the others can't meet with someone." The smile faded at the last question, though.

Edgeworth closed his eyes, focused on thinking back over the two weeks he had been inside the Institute. The name sounded vaguely familiar, but it was also a fairly common name in Japan. Hadn't there had been something on the message board at one point about someone meeting with a Sakura? That had been days ago, and the last thing he wanted to do was start a case of mistaken identity.

He flipped the notebook back to the patient list he had been making, carefully checking it over. "I've been putting together a list of patients. Unfortunately, if there is a girl named Sakura here, she hasn't mentioned her name or room number on the bulletin board," he answered. "Though the number of female patients who have given that information is much smaller than the number of male patients." That made sense, if for no other reason than protecting themselves.

"What does she look like? I'll keep an eye out for her." The sympathy in Edgeworth's eyes was genuine - he knew better than most how much it hurt to lose someone in this place.


winged_moon May 22 2008, 01:56:38 UTC
It was almost like a physical blow to hear it, but Yue couldn't decide if he was pleased or disappointed that she likely wasn't there. Best that she not be in such a situation, really, but without her - he had already unwillingly lost his previous master and been forced to continue once before. Yue did not wish to do so again, especially not like this, and not alone. For all his faults, at least Cerberus had been there.

The guardian drew in a long breath, closing his eyes briefly before turning back to Edgeworth with his equilibrium at least outwardly restored. "She is...only a child. And they seem fortunately rare here," he said, trying to sound completely incurious, though he couldn't help but try to steal a look at the list in the notebook. The lion-like sun guardian would hardly fit in here, but perhaps one of the others....

Even as he did, though, he rather unsubtly changed the topic again. "I do not know if I have a room number. My name, however, is Yue."


high_prosecutor May 22 2008, 02:12:08 UTC
Edgeworth nodded. "That is true - I've only seen a few children here. And even so, it's been quite a long time since I've seen anyone that young; the monster from a few nights ago hardly counts. I will keep an eye out for her, though." He pondered the question again - a daughter or sister? It seemed too personal a question for the moment, so he let it pass without comment.

He passed the notebook across the table when he noticed Yue trying to look at it. "Please, feel free, Yue. If you know anyone else that's here, the list might help you contact them. I've also made a copy on the bulletin board, though I'll be taking that down before nightfall. I don't want anyone following people back to their rooms."

Now that he thought about it, hadn't it been some time before his own room number had been assigned? It was hard to remember. "If you don't have one now, a room number will probably be assigned tonight."


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