Day 32: Cafeteria, Breakfast

May 11, 2008 06:29

Sylar's gears were still turning as the nurse and a burly orderly escorted him down long halls and through a strange, sunlit room. He'd been forced to drop his pen when the orderly had seen it, and since then, he'd realized that this place had better security than he'd originally anticipated, as well as a large population of patients. It looked ( Read more... )

diva, raine, zelos, axel, anya, edward elric, xigbar, skuld, nia, danny phantom, ken amada, wolfram, mason, miku, clark kent, zex, tamaki, angel, zelnick, hiei, misa, leon kennedy, peter parker, luxord, kurogane, signum, mello, rena, hikaru, roxas, xellos, usopp, nakago, peter petrelli, yohji, archer, zuko, farfarello, zoro, okita, takaya, sanosuke, kadaj, yukari, wolverine, esmeralda, kratos, alec, nathan petrelli, l, willow, haseo, kunzite, renji, sanji, rhode, shito, glados, homura, kenshin, dairine, bella, adelheid, siegfried, kaito, gumshoe, elle, sora, usagi, luffy, leon (so2), river, reno, albel, keman, amelia, rukia, edgeworth, itachi, zexion, harry osborn, roland, dean winchester, peony, brook, ren, argilla, kenren, yuber, ling, kimbley, heat, kairi, hinamori momo, reid, soubi, allelujah, roy, naomi, frey, valyn, sylar, sai, leon magnus, sasuke, aidou, falis, beatrix, edward cullen, ururu, brooklyn, kaoru, john connor, eddie brock, shadow, scar (tlk), omi, rangiku, subaru

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roses_bleues May 13 2008, 00:07:07 UTC
Awww, she missed that look. She wished it were coming from Solomon or Nathan or James, any of her Chevaliers, rather than from something she couldn’t make use of. Humans showing her concern was a situation that Diva could only turn over in her hands, poking curiously, and not knowing what to make of it.

The Chiropteran wondered if she could force her blood into someone during these stifling daylight hours. She really needed a Chevalier.

Sitting back in her chair, Diva watched Leon in an appraising way, the balls of her feet brushing the floor as she slowly swung her legs back and forth. She shrugged and said, "Don’t know," in regards to Heat’s name. When he mentioned her children, both of her hands went to her stomach, her expression dimming. Withdrawing, in a way. This human was asking about her children...

"I know they were mine. But I don’t remember... how I made them. When they came out." She gave Leon a pointed look, as she had already told him exactly why this was a problem, and why it was confounding her. "I have to find them, so don’t you know anything?"


officer_leon May 13 2008, 00:12:57 UTC
The look on Diva's face wasn't a reassuring one. And he suspected that she wasn't being entirely truthful when she said she didn't know her attacker's name, but he decided not to push the subject. He had some information to go off of, and the bulletin board seemed to be a pretty good way of finding people.

At his question about her children, she visibly withdrew. Her reply indicated memory loss of some kind. He shook his head. "I don't know about your kids. I'm sorry," he said. Maybe some of the people here really were crazy and needed mental help. His impression of Diva was certainly shifting in that direction.


roses_bleues May 13 2008, 01:57:33 UTC
She sighed. Because what else was there to do when all her life she’d been hounded by humans who all claimed to know what they were doing, what they were fighting for, and yet not one single human could tell her anything about her babies. How stupid. Diva could have killed each of them for their ignorance--she certainly had no reservations over that--but the fact that there wasn’t even a hint of dishonesty made her restless for her Chevaliers.

Turning her head, her gaze roamed over the various faces in the crowd.

As members of the Red Shield knew, Diva wasn’t like her sister at all. Part of the difference lay in her dependence on her Chevaliers. She had mothered them, and yet Diva was still the child that they looked after. She didn’t know how to take care of herself, and short of attacking the human across from her, she didn’t know how to go about finding those two little wide-eyed children.

Jeez, she hated this place so much!


officer_leon May 13 2008, 15:29:26 UTC
Leon followed Diva's gaze out across the cafeteria. "Is he here?" he asked quietly. He looked back at Diva, his gaze intense. "I won't let him attack you again. Don't worry."

He paused, then continued speaking, a bit awkwardly. "Try not to worry about your kids too much... I'm sure they're being taken care of. Maybe they'll come visit you again?" He liked to think that he'd gotten better at the whole comforting routine after dealing with Ashley. He'd been quite good at not telling her exactly what kind of mortal danger they were in. Sure, she'd picked up on a lot of that herself, but he'd done his best to be reassuring and calm. He could do that same thing here.


roses_bleues May 13 2008, 18:16:23 UTC
"No," she burst out, because if her daughters weren’t with her, were with that boy instead, the one from the Zoo... the one who’d said she’d never see them again... then they weren’t going to be safe. "This is just another place where they’ll cut you up and experiment on you! They aren’t going to be toys for them." Her gaze snapped back to Leon, and Diva narrowed her eyes, suddenly irritated. Any insinuation that her children were all right being away from her touched on her violent temper.

She’d killed humans for less.

Biting her bottom lip, she looked more like an upset child. She didn't want the nurses to stick her with more sedatives if she jumped the table to kill him!


officer_leon May 14 2008, 01:05:18 UTC
Leon shifted away from Diva at her sudden, angry outburst. "Sorry," he said quickly. "I didn't mean to upset you." Damn. Guess he wasn't as good at being reassuring as he'd thought.

He decided to keep quiet for a bit, rather than risk angering her again. If she got too upset, they'd attract the attention of the nurses, and he certainly didn't want that.


roses_bleues May 14 2008, 01:50:49 UTC
She continued to nibble her lip, tilting her head so that silky strands of hair slipped over her shoulder. Her expression was open, looking like she were considering his apology. Or considering her outburst like someone capable of guilt or tact might. But, naturally, it was for neither of those reasons: seeing him shift away was a small reassurance, thinking that somehow Leon just knew and was frightened of her as most things were.

That, she understood. Her superiority apparently reinforced through his body posture and apology, Diva let her attention slip from the imagined insult.

"Now you understand, I just can’t let anything happen to that precious life. Even if I don't know where they are now and there’s dozens against me." She was a mother, after all, and she’d do anything for her family. It was something worth telling, even to a human. "So you’ll tell me if you find out anything at all?"


officer_leon May 14 2008, 17:20:40 UTC
Leon nodded, not quite following what Diva was saying. "Of course," he agreed. "If I hear anything at all, I'll let you know." Information on the visitors might be useful to him, too. He'd have to ask Hitsugaya or Rangiku about it. Or maybe Javert. He had a whole list of things to investigate today... hopefully he'd get the time to do so.


roses_bleues May 14 2008, 17:58:13 UTC
Hee, that worked out so well, then!

Diva let a soft laugh of delight escape her, before she smiled warmly. "Thank you." Of course, he was human, and Diva being extra thoughtful to follow her Chevaliers’ suggestions didn’t make him any less susceptible to her penchant for bloody havoc, but following Diva’s whims usually allowed for a longer lease. The humans who all worked for Amshel and had actually met her knew that.

She thought this one would also make a good Chevalier, but those surprises would have to wait for night. Weighing things in her head--not something she was used to doing--made her think to wait until the best possible moment.


officer_leon May 15 2008, 13:50:59 UTC
Leon smiled. She seemed to be doing a bit better, now. He took a few bites of his breakfast, then realized that Diva hadn't gotten any food. "Are you hungry?" he asked. "You ought to eat something. It'll help you get better quicker." He glanced at the bandages on her neck and arms again. He had to find out who'd attacked her like that. He couldn't just let someone get away with it!


roses_bleues May 15 2008, 19:51:19 UTC
"That’s right," she said with a whimsical smile, but made no move to get up and visit the cafeteria line. Diva found the suggestion quite funny--a secret piece of knowledge that she had, and he didn’t. "I’m going to dine late, though."

Was she hungry? Should she eat something? All very kind offers made to a creature that drank human blood to survive.

Diva wondered if Saya-neesama ever found it as quaint as she did.


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