May 11, 2008 00:26
The intercom crackled on for a few seconds before the Head Doctor's voice echoed through the halls.
"I am glad some of you seem to be enjoying the basement. Why, yes, in fact, we might just start installing new ways in which you can descend into the depths of the Institute, new ways you can start off where you were without a long traversal through the grounds.
"Ah... and speaking of the grounds, I'm sure all of you are just dying to escape..."
Dr. Landel's voice trailed off, as if he'd just fallen into deep thought. He took a breath and began again.
"Ah, yes, escape. Sometimes it means triumph and sometimes it simply means another cage, except this time... with the illusion of being free. You're all like dearly departed Alec in a way, aren't you? Pretending to have an iota of power against authority only to die a dog's death... like our new friend, Jill. Jill, Jill, Jill."
He paused.
"Rhymes with 'kill,' doesn't it?"
The intercom's static slowly faded out along with the darkness...