(coming from here) Rufus wanted his longcoat as he walked down the empty corridor. The air wasn’t chilly exactly, but he craved its folds of protection. What he wanted more was either his guns or Reno’s EMR. While he didn’t know how to use the latter weapon, he could hold it until he saw Reno tomorrow. If he made it that long. Kadaj had spoken of there being another Kadaj before. Did that mean that if he died that another Rufus Shinra would be here tomorrow? One from another time or place?
Listening as well as he could, Rufus paused between the nurse’s station and the stairs. While he doubted the door to the nurse’s station would be open, it never hurt to try. Laying a hand on the knob, he gave it an experimental twist, wincing already in preparation for an alarm or the like to go off. That would be just his luck. If it was locked, he was going to try to head upstairs.
So far he’d managed to avoid Barret and his friends as well as the remnants. Perhaps it would be a better night than last. He’d never put much faith in Fate. She enjoyed making his life miserable at the most inopportune times far too often.