Nightshift 20: M11-M20 Block

Dec 21, 2006 20:08

Junior was a bit happy that he was able to rest in the corner of the Sun Room undisturbed during the last shift. The nights were always exhausting, but he always felt like he had to go out and get something done, no matter what say shape or form these feelings took.

The redhead wasn't used to sitting around in such a small space, and especially not being in the same building for such a span of time. At least back on the Durandal, he'd been free to go anywhere safely; after the few days that he'd been stuck here, he was starting to get that 'caged animal' feeling. He didn't want to stay inside his room and get some sleep, not unless he passed out from exhaustion then and there.

When the click finally came, it seemed it hadn't happened yet. He'd been waiting impatiently, anyway; the flashlight and the rod from his bed frame that he used as a weapon were already out and waiting on his bed, and his dinner had been wolfed down almost as soon as he'd gotten it. So all that was left was to grab the things and go, which Junior did with as much speed as he could manage, quickly leaving the hall and moving around the corner towards the door that led to the rest of the building.

(( Going to here ))

carnage, axel, dias, hojo, eddie brock, roy, scar, rubedo, mal

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