Nightshift 30: Equipment/Chemical Storage

Mar 08, 2008 22:02

[from here]

Anya's eyes lit up when she saw the hazardous warnings on the cabinets. Hazardous warnings were always fun. She padded quietly over to those cabinets, and was surprised but pleased to see them lined with bottles of chemicals, most of which had their own hazardous warnings.

How exciting! She couldn't help but do a minimalist Dance of Capitalist Superiority. It made it even better that she could take some of it for herself - the sword-maker didn't need to know.

It would probably look highly suspicious if she closed the door, so Anya opted for hoping that the other Scoobies wouldn't follow her. Willow, she knew, would be enthralled by the computer, but Angel was unpredictable.

The vengeance demon looked around for something she could use as a bag, but didn't see anything. The other cabinets only had medical equipment. Some of it would make decent weapons, but she already had a weapon. What she needed was a bag.

Should she share her discovery with the other Scoobies and then surreptitiously take a few bottles for the sword-maker later? They'd certainly share with her. They were all Scoobies, they shared and shared alike. Until they, like Buffy, decided she could serve the community better by being not in it. Meaning dead.

Maybe no sharing, then.

An idea struck her. It was probably a stupid idea, but there hadn't been anything obviously bag-like in the other room, either, and she was slightly desperate. As quickly as possible, Anya headed back for the door.

farfarello, faust, anya, peony, angel, haseo, siegfried

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