Day 20, Nightshift: M1-M10 Hallway

Dec 21, 2006 04:56

Well, so far the day had been rather uneventful. Except for nearly getting his teeth punched in at breakfast, obviously, but considering the circumstances Hojo was rather satisfied with the lack of violence. Even the therapy session hadn't been entirely a waste of time.

Now, though, it was nightshift, and the scientist was restless. He had yet to be productive in any way and it was starting to bother him so he ate quickly, sketching a very rudimentary floorplan of what he knew of the Institute on the back page of the notebook that he'd assumed was standard-issue. Finding his way around the first floor naturally no longer required a map, but any subsequent floors would and this way he could map them out in layers. Well, assuming there was no basement, but that was a problem for another time.

By the time Hojo heard the customary -click- of the door, he'd eaten and finished the sketch as much as he could. Anything else would have to be drawn in later, and he'd left plenty of space for the things he didn't recall from memory. Grabbing his flashlight and sticking a pen into the spiral of the notebook, the tall man quickly left his room, not entirely sure what he intended to be up to but quite sick of not having a chance to figure it out.

cliff, jayne, xigbar, dias, luxord, ichigo, hojo, roy

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