At least Crane felt he was more prepared for the second group. Files could only tell you so much, after all, and he hadn't expected the attitudes that some of them had had. But people were people, all different and firm in the belief that they weren't insane. Crane figured he just needed to get used to doing therapy again. Anything fairly recent
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Placing his hands upon each arm of the chair, Karasu gently shoved himself up and out of his seat, taking one small step off to the side, facing away from Crane before daring to continue, “I have always thought it so painful… the mortal life; how worthless, how short it is and yet still so lovely. The form of one so beautiful aging into time and becoming one with the dust on the ground,” he paused, raising a hand up to his chest and making a tight fist, “… So painful-to watch a dearly beloved waste away… a mortal with a shorter life. Where is the beauty in that? It can never remain, nor will the picture or the memory that once filled a lonely heart with such joy… such… love,” he said through a whisper, almost sounding as though he was in the deepest depths of sorrow.
Almost. However, his amused tone over-powered any hopes that he was speaking the truth of such sorrow. “One can never preserve time or the people in it…” he continued, his head bowed as he took a few more steps off to the side to where he could suggestively trace his fingers along the doctor’s desk, “…so one must end it. End it all and preserve the remaining memory… The memory of true beauty, of elegance, and of youth…”
Insane criminal mind. Just keep remembering that, he thought to himself before continuing hesitantly. "When did you first...begin to think this way?"
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“…however, there must have been one time-one time. A rather brief point in my life that my mind was able to handle the pain, but never again after it had ceased to burn like the hottest flame,” he chuckled, placing his fingertip at the end corner of the desk, as he stopped and then looked up with the same cold, malicious eyes to meet Crane’s gaze; to grab his attention and see to it that he was listening well.
“After then-I found that there was only one solution to my problem... one solution that would cease my bleeding heart and allow me to carry on further.”
"And this is the result," he said when it seemed the other man was done speaking. Out of all the homicidal patients he'd interacted with, this was certainly one of the more fascinating ones. Or rather, what he was saying held a sort of morbid and somewhat uneasy fascination for Crane. "And what will happen once you're able to deal with your 'beloved', as you put it? Or rather, since you say you died, what would have happened?"
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