Okita liked being the first into a new location. Certainly it was dangerous, but it also meant he could have first chance at whatever would come at them. He'd rather put himself into the line of fire than the injured puppies tagging along or his two bosses. Once would think since he served under two vice commanders, Okita would be accustomed to the feeling, but Yamanami had been rather removed from battle strategy compared to Hijikata's involvement. Okita wondered just how they were all going to get along.
The room was pitch black as he entered it, but after a moment his eyes began to adjust and he could see metal drawers in the wall and rolling metal beds lined up. That wasn't what hit him first, however. The room was icy cold. Okita stepped forward carefully, breath fogging in the air. How could the hallway be that warm and this room be so freezing?
After checking what he could, he called out, "Alright, move in."