Dec 07, 2006 17:33

While Arts and Crafts wasn't all that bad, Gray Fox was greatly relieved when an intercom announced Lunch. He had almost reached the point where he was going to start eating more of the building materials ( Read more... )

carnage, scholar ling, qui-gon jinn, axel, edward elric, obi-wan kenobi, xigbar, karasu, lust, dias, adelheid, snake, riza, azel, larxene, rufus, luffy, naminé, river, yazoo, albel, reno, tamaki, hakkai, ichigo, luxord, kuronue, hojo, hikaru, hughes, greed, roxas, phoenix, yohji, elena (ffvii), simon, fox, vincent, roy, mal, kaylee, cid, lyta, cliff, takaya, aerith, sasuke, schuldig, darman, kadaj, barret, inara, eddie brock, zack, nowe, kiden, renji, rubedo, sanzo

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heavens_too_far December 7 2006, 18:09:21 UTC
There were, Dias decided, worse ways he might have spent the last shift than talking to Dr. Wilson. For one thing, he'd gotten some burn ointment and new bandages out of it, which made the ache in his side slightly more bearable; for another, it was the first conversation (although, granted, he didn't have many of those to start with) he'd had with one of the staff in which he'd seen even the faintest hope of convincing anyone in Landel's besides his fellow patients that he wasn't insane. Granted, even if he did convince the man he was sane and telling the truth about anything, he didn't think there was much the doctor could or would do - the man wasn't exactly a forceful personality and Dias wasn't about to place much hope in the chances of him getting anything major accomplished on his behalf - but it would be a relief just to be believed by someone. Just to convince someone who was supposed to be sane, rather than his fellow patients who had all been declared insane right along with him.

Anyway, it had been slightly more productive than brooding over Simon's arrival, although almost anything would have been. And his appetite seemed to have returned in the interim, which was something, because he knew he needed to eat whether he was hungry or not.

After getting a hamburger with as many toppings on it as he immediately recognized, he found what looked to be the most secluded table in the cafeteria and settled down there, for once hoping not to attract Scar or Lust or any of his usual companions. The mess with Simon was technically his fault; he'd abandoned his usual seclusion, despite knowing better. He did best when he was alone; it had been stupid arrogance on his part to try to protect anyone else. Entirely aside from the fact that he had no right to try to be anyone's defender, hadn't he had it proved to him - with bloody finality - that he was no good at it?

He wasn't needed - and even if he had been, he wasn't qualified. Simon looked about as capable as a wet sponge, but at least he had a right to try to protect River. And, given that River had yet to be killed, he seemed to have done a better job of it so far than Dias ever had.


muted_flame December 7 2006, 19:29:53 UTC
While Roy had observed some of Hughes and Fullmetal's reunion from a distance, it hadn't been long before he'd ended up dozing at his table in the arts and crafts room. He hadn't intended for it to happen, but apparently no one else had headed over to bother him, which meant he had somehow gotten some sleep despite how many people had been around making noise.

When tired enough, anyone could sleep through anything.

Which meant he'd probably been brushing off just how tired he really was. He'd had a few rough nights recently. The nap made him feel a little better, but the catch was that he was a bit groggy when he entered the cafeteria with his nurse.

He had been around for so long that his nurse barely spoke to him. Once they were inside, she left him alone. He went to get a hamburger, not really caring what was on it. The more he ate, the stronger he'd feel when night came around. Roy didn't really consider where he should sit, his mind still a little fuzzy after waking up. He went to one of the only tables where someone was sitting and plopped down into a chair.

The guy seemed quiet. If they didn't end up in a conversation, maybe he would get some more sleep after eating.


heavens_too_far December 8 2006, 02:06:15 UTC
Dias glanced up as someone sat down near him, and was faintly surprised to find that it was the colonel everyone kept bringing up. He'd been meaning to talk to the man for quite awhile, but he'd always been busy with someone else. Who would have expected him to walk up on his own...?

After eyeing him for a moment, Dias murmured, "I've been meaning to talk to you, Colonel."


muted_flame December 8 2006, 18:06:34 UTC
Roy actually hadn't been expecting that. Had his name traveled to all the patients? If that was the case, it meant he probably wouldn't get a break.

The fact that he called him "Colonel" and not Roy clued him in as to who had spoken to the man about him.

"Adelheid told you about me?" It was only a half-question, considering he was fairly sure of its truth. There was a good chance this stranger didn't have a very good opinion of him if that was the case.


heavens_too_far December 10 2006, 04:30:59 UTC
"A bit. He's not overfond of you." This was said without any trace of accusation; as far as Dias was concerned, being disliked by others wasn't an immediate mark against someone. He wasn't exactly popular with a lot of people himself. "Lust mentioned you as well, and Scar's never actually acknowledged you but he glares in your direction often enough that he must have some knowledge of you. Alphonse also spoke of you, although I haven't seen him since." Dias was studying Roy intently now. "Quite a lot of people seem to know you, and they either think you're a good ally to have or an enemy to be wary of. I thought I'd better meet you."

After a pause, he added, "And I need a sword. It was mentioned you might be able to make one for me - Alphonse was going to do so but I don't know what's happened to him."


muted_flame December 10 2006, 04:51:51 UTC
"I'm quite aware of that," Roy responded, fighting the urge to roll his eyes. He was spreading news of Dante around, yes, but she was an actual threat. He wasn't going to manipulate people to kill for him, so why did Adelheid feel the need to speak badly of him to the other patients?

He had enough people around that trusted him now, especially since Hawkeye had shown up. He wasn't sure where Havoc had gotten himself off to. He seemed constantly scarce. Roy made a note to reprimand his subordinate the next time he saw him.

"I've been here a while. Longer than most. People get to know of you that way," he said with a shrug. Roy was no stranger to being well-known, after all. People could think what they wanted of him.

And there came the real reason. A sword. Roy tried to brush off that constant feeling of being used. "I could, provided you had the proper materials for one." After having made a sword for Ichigo two nights ago and one for Adelheid last night (and he was beginning to think he'd been temporary insane at the time for doing so), he wasn't sure if he was in the mood to zap himself of energy for the third time in a row...


heavens_too_far December 11 2006, 02:50:39 UTC
Dias wasn't insensible to the obligation he was incurring, or the fact that he was asking someone he barely knew for a relatively large favor - at least if the act of making a sword for an alchemist were at all comparable to the effort of a blacksmith of Expel making one in terms of effort. "I'll repay you for it, as much as I can," he said simply. "I'm a mercenary. Working for payment is something I'm used to. I make a decent bodyguard; someone who makes enemies as easily as you do might want one, and it'd give you all the more reason to put a decent weapon in my hands."


muted_flame December 11 2006, 04:18:27 UTC
The problem was that he didn't really need someone to fight for him - unless he was weak like he tended to be after forging together a whole sword for someone. Roy was going to assume the man had all the proper materials if he was bartering like this. He sighed and closed his eyes momentarily.

"I suppose that's all you can offer in a place like this." Declining would be pointless. He might as well get something out of it. "I have a few keys and I've been meaning to figure out what doors they open. Monsters tend to get in the way. If you come with me one night and help me keep the monsters at bay so that I could try out a good amount of the locked doors, I'll make you your sword."


heavens_too_far December 11 2006, 15:50:41 UTC
"Fair enough." That didn't sound terribly difficult in exchange for a decent sword, although he wasn't too sure how he felt about that being 'all he could offer'. The amount he'd have charged on Expel for being a bodyguard to someone would have kept him well-supplied for most of a month, and his client would have considered it worth every fol.

The nurses were already starting to usher people out again. Had the time gone that quickly?

"I don't usually demand payment before I earn it, but it would probably be in your best interest to make the sword for me first," he murmured, watching a nurse approach them. "It would make me that much more effective to help you. And I don't renege on my promises, although if I did," said Dias, a 6'4" man with blue hair down to his waist, "it's not like you'd have any trouble finding me."


muted_flame December 11 2006, 21:56:01 UTC
"You'd get the sword first," Roy responded firmly. It wouldn't make sense any other way. He would be weak after making it, but then the man could use his claimed bodyguard skills to make sure he wasn't attacked while they made their way through the institute.

"I'm in M1. Come find me." He said it quietly, since their nurses were already nearby and ready to lead them away.


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