Nighshift 29: M101-M110 Hallway

Jan 18, 2008 14:44

[from here]"Oh, this is inviting." A dark hallway and doors. It was like some sort of odd nightmare, but it felt too real for that. Brooklyn kept to the wall, not yet quite certain of his ability to balance well on these new feet, though he was adjusting well. The one night he'd spent human before was helping with this at least ( Read more... )

saetan, jaenelle, simon (gl), mozenrath, nakago, sanosuke, daemon, peter petrelli, reid, brooklyn, mello, zuko, scar (tlk)

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human_sponge January 18 2008, 22:15:03 UTC
When the woman's voice came on over the intercom, Peter made sure to tune in. A Dr. Landel was mentioned - hadn't Eddie called this place "Landels"? It seemed that the other man's information was trustworthy so far, though he hadn't been expecting otherwise. What reason would he have had to lie ( ... )


manhattan_red January 18 2008, 22:40:26 UTC
Said hair was already causing Brooklyn trouble. Whereas before he'd had large ears and horns to keep it back and out of the way, there was nothing like that now. It kept falling in front of his face a few strands at a time, causing him to push it back behind his ear again and again...

The gargoyle gave a start as he was addressed, so many things on his mind that he hadn't even heard Peter approach. Spinning around far too quickly for the tenuous grip on balance that he had, Brooklyn found himself unceremoniously dumped on his backside. He could feel himself go red with embarrassment, something that would no doubt be much more obvious on him now than it would have before.

"Who are you?" he asked quickly. "What is this place?" Though if this man was dressed in the same gray smiley shirt as he was there was a pretty good chance they were in the same situation.


human_sponge January 19 2008, 03:31:48 UTC
Peter's eyes widened and he opened his mouth slightly, reaching his hand out as he realized the kid was starting to fall. He wasn't fast enough, though, and had to watch as the other captive ended up on the floor. He hadn't meant to scare him or anything, though he could definitely understand why he was spooked.

When the stranger shot out a few questions, Peter couldn't help frowning. Had he just woken up? That wasn't fair at all - he hadn't even gotten a chance to figure out what was going on before he was shoved into the middle of things.

Peter extended his hand to the kid to help him up, letting out a sigh. "I'm pretty new here, too, but this is a facility where they're holding a lot of people prisoner. They act like it's a mental institute during the day, but at night..." Peter stopped and glanced around. "Well, this is the first time I'm going through it, but I've heard it's pretty dangerous."


manhattan_red January 19 2008, 04:08:00 UTC
Brooklyn glanced at the hand suspiciously as it was offered, but ended up grasping a hold of it anyway. Rising back to his feet had him teetering briefly, but thankfully he managed not to fall into the other man. Already there were too many new questions and no real answers to the ones he'd already asked.

"A mental institute?" And he was human. Right. Okay. This was all a spell or an illusion then, and they were going to tell him he was never really a gargoyle - that he was some paperboy with delusions of grandeur or something. Oh, he had them all figured out already.

He just... needed to figure out who "they" were.

"Brilliant," he muttered. "So who are you really?" That should reveal one of Oberon's children, shouldn't it?


human_sponge January 19 2008, 05:48:07 UTC
Peter didn't really know what was meant by that question, especially with the way it was asked, so he stared at the teenager for a moment before shrugging. "Well, my name's Peter. I'm pretty new here, too." Maybe if he made it clear that they were in the same boat, the kid wouldn't be as suspicious about him?

"I still don't really know what's going on here, but I'm pretty sure that there's experimentation going on." What else involved people getting cut open? Vivisection, maybe, but Peter didn't really want to follow that train of thought.

"Look," he said as he ran a hand through his hair, "I don't know anyone else here, either, really, so maybe we should stick together." It was better than wandering around alone, he figured. And besides, this kid looked only a little older than Claire, and it didn't seem right for him to be on his own in this place. Once again, he was tempted to ask if the stranger had any sort of power, but he didn't want to freak him out any further if he didn't know about all that.


manhattan_red January 19 2008, 06:28:58 UTC
Experimentation? In Brooklyn's mind, experimentation meant only one person - Sevarius. Whether or not he was working with someone else was another matter. He'd made mutates and clones before - what was to say he couldn't reconstruct the DNA of a gargoyle into one of a human? Impossible as it sounded...

"I'm Brooklyn," he responded, still a bit wary. He supposed he could have made it sound more normal by shortening it to Brook or something equally girly sounding, but he didn't care about that too much at the moment. There were more important matters to worry about.

"What... sort of experiments are we talking about?" Should he throw the big M word in yet? This guy was just another human, after all. ...Then again, so was he at the moment.


human_sponge January 19 2008, 07:24:37 UTC
Brooklyn? It was kind of weird that the kid was named after a place in New York, but maybe it was best not to question it. On the other hand, it would be kind of nice to know someone who was from the same neck of the woods as he was. The Company pulled people from everywhere, so if he had been lucky to find another New Yorker - well, it was worth asking. "So are you from New York, or is the name just a coincidence ( ... )


manhattan_red January 19 2008, 19:45:59 UTC
"Er.. yeah. I'm from Manhattan." Brooklyn blinked. He hadn't even thought about this place being anywhere other than New York. That was where Sevarius was based, after all. But then, it would make sense for him to have been taken to another part of the country or something, wouldn't it? It would make it more difficult for the clan to track him down. "Why? Where are you from?"

And more importantly, where was here?

Peter didn't seem to know too much either. 'Everyone's trying to escape' didn't make for the best of intros into this new environment either. He wanted to stick together, he'd said. Perhaps that was the best course of action. "All right. So let's move. Where do we start?"


human_sponge January 20 2008, 02:20:43 UTC
It looked like that had something in common, then. Peter couldn't help giving the other patient a lopsided smile. "I'm from Manhattan, too. But I don't think this place is anywhere close to that," he said with a sigh. Considering what it had looked like out in the courtyard, it wasn't very likely. Did the Company even have any facilities in New York?

As for where to start, Peter realized that he hadn't given that much thought. He knew very little about how the whole "nightshift" thing worked, but he figured that the only way he could learn was by checking it out for himself.

"I don't know, really," he admitted. "I just kind of wanted to wander around, you know?" Hopefully the kid would be up for it, though he would understand if he opted to spend the night in his room instead of actively searching out danger.


manhattan_red January 20 2008, 04:19:56 UTC
Wander around? Well, he supposed that was one way to do it. Standing around in this hallway wasn't going to get them anywhere, and it wasn't as if Brooklyn was willing to just sit in his room all night. "Wandering it is," he muttered, turning to glance down the hall. He'd just keep moving the way he'd been going unless Peter had some objection to it.

Walking was an awkward process still, but he wasn't going to keep hobbling along the wall now that he was traveling with someone else. That would just be embarrassing. "Nice to meet a fellow New Yorker," he added, not wanting to appear too rude.


human_sponge January 21 2008, 02:24:48 UTC
[ To here. ]


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