Nathan had never actually been in a nuthouse before and had only recently contemplated checking himself into one in a fit of sarcastic, self-depricating humor as of late. It was safe to say that he wasn't terribly familiar with the typical layout, even though he guessed it wasn't too hard to assume in this case. Everything was clean and painfully
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He'd do his best for them, but he needed to deal with all of this. He couldn't be his usual self with all of this happening all around him. He sat down with his tray and poked at his food, almost scared to talk to anyone for fear of more bad news.
He'd spotted Tamaki's blond hair on the way to the cafeteria and slipped in after him wanting to check that he was alright. He didn't look... well, he didn't look right and it worried Ed.
He grabbed a tray and some food and went over to slip into the seat next to the other blond. "Hey," he said, frowning a little at the look on Tamaki's face. This wasn't right!
A new wave of worry and sadness swept over him when he remembered he'd failed the other boy, and he pushed his tray away, his appetite lost once more.
Ed returned the smile and then shrugged. "Don't worry about it," he replied. "Helping someone who's hurt is more important. I think everyone got out fine anyway. I meant to come and check on you, but night ended just as I got to your clinic."
He was never going outside again.
He blinked in surprise when Tamaki continued, a little baffled by how upset Tamaki seemed to be over this. "You... you aren't disfigured!" he replied insistently. "It's... have you even had anyone look at it? They could heal it! Besides..." he said, grasping desperately at straws and the covers of romance novels that he'd passed in various bookshops and libraries, "Girls think scars are attractive!"
A mark of honor. It was a mark!
"But it's on my face! I have scars all over now, but I don't look like me anymore. And...oh, everything's awful today. People are missing and everyone's disappointed in me... but I can't be happy! My best friend is gone, and I don't care what the twins say, I don't think anyone goes anywhere good when they disappear here!"
"Of course you look like you!" Ed insisted, awkwardly running his thumb over Tamaki's cheek. "You look like Tamaki and you're still you." Who cared about scars? Ed had loads of them and it didn't mean anything more than that he'd got hurt.
But the news about people disappearing worried him. One of Tamaki's friends had gone? "No-one is disappointed in you!" he said fiercely. "You're doing a great job. You're helping people when most of them are being selfish. You don't have to be happy all the time. This place sucks."
He paused for a minute, thinking about what he'd been told. "And I don't know where people go when they disappear, but they aren't dead or anything. I was here before, apparently and then I disappeared but I'm ehre now, even if I don't remember anything about it. And the same happened with Al. So they can come back."
"They expect me to be happy all the time. The Idiot King." He gave a hoarse little laugh, that sounded very forced. "But I just can't. And... how do we know it's the same? If you don't remember, how do you know it was really you? They say there's dimensions where everybody exists, or something like that. It could have been a different you."
At least if Kyouya did come back, he wouldn't have forgotten about Tamaki. He'd still have his memories from home, right?
He was more worried now than he had been that morning. This wasn't right, that this place could hurt Tamaki so much. Because he should be happy all the time. He shouldn't have cause to be miserable. "You can't be happy all the ime," he said quietly. "But I wish you could." He hated the thought of Tamaki being forced into the kind of life that Ed had to live.
That was a good question though, but... "The people who told me, I trust them. They know me better than anyone. Al told me. And... if they remember you and remember being your friend and all the same things, is it so different?"
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