Day 29: Sun Room

Dec 19, 2007 09:08

It was with some relief that Yuuhi awoke the next morning, in his own bed, sore and tired and achy.  He would've slept more had they let him, his face down in the pillow, away from all the others and their questions and their concern.  He didn't want to see them, but he managed a little smile when the nurse came in and didn't object when she lead him out into the open hallway that had been splattered with blood, plenty of it his, just last night.

The Chapel or the Sun Room?  He felt he had good reason not to be terribly religious and had a feeling he wouldn't be very welcome there anyway.  The Sun Room would be nice though.  It was bright and cheery and he could always doodle or write notes on the community board if he'd nothing better to do.  Besides, the nurse was kind enough to let him take a book with him.

He found a seat on one of the couches, far from the entrance and seated himself in the far corner, legs scrunched up against his chest so he only took up one of the cushions.  He opened up where he'd left off, fingers carefully turning the worn pages  of Dorothy and the Wizard in Oz. 

star dragon sword, rika, jack horner, dairine, obi-wan kenobi, bella, mousse, sora, naoya, mason, saïx, birkin, clark kent, keman, zex, tamaki, albel, ai, oriya, mark, shana, peter parker, luxord, sousuke, peony, hughes, aya, ren, kenren, hanyuu, yuber, naomi, cid, farfarello, fai, cloud, relena, leon magnus, kadaj, ururu, shadow, omi, sanzo

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