[Nightshift 28] M-B Block, 41-50 hallway

Nov 28, 2007 12:38

[from hereRenji kept his pace to a fast walk, one hand still lightly against the wall as he headed for his room. He counted doorways; that would tell him which one was his, though he could have done just as well counting his paces, too ( Read more... )

artemis, farfarello, claude, hokuto, hinamori momo, hitsugaya

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M42 stray_shinigami November 28 2007, 19:51:17 UTC
It was silent in the room. That was a good sign. Renji headed to where the desk was, feeling for the right drawer to open; he pulled out his flashlight and turned it on.

That was a lot better. He pulled the book he'd gotten for Hisoka out of his vest and tucked it away in the desk. He'd give it to the boy later.

Flashlight sitting on the desk, he pulled his sword out of its hiding place. Experimentally, he tried hefting the sword; whatever he'd done to his arm had weakened it. He needed to wrap it. He gritted his teeth. The pain also made his hand weak; he'd have to strap his sword to his hand. That wasn't the first time he'd have to do that, but it was damn annoying all the same.

He turned to strip the sheets from his bed when he noticed something black on them. He set the sword down and picked up the bundle. It was his Shinigami uniform. He stared at it for a long time, trying to decide just how he felt about this new development. Finally, he concluded that at the very least, he'd be able to move around in it a hell of a lot better than if he kept wearing these tight jeans things. He stripped out of the clothes he'd worn in the town, leaving them in a pile on the floor, and put his uniform on. After over a week, it actually felt a little weird to be wearing it. But good, all the same.

Hopefully no one would freak out too badly when they saw him. Considering they'd been telling people to run if they saw the shinigami in their uniforms. It could make for an interesting night. But the pragmatism of wanting to be able to move freely in combat won out over the other considerations.

He stripped the sheets off his bed and started ripping them into strips. Before he finished, though, he thought that he should try Suou's first aide room. If they had something he could use as a splint, it'd be a lot better than just wrapping the bandages really tight and hoping. He looped the sheets over his right shoulder, holding his sword with his left hand for now and resting that on his left shoulder. He could use it well enough with his left hand to work if he ran across something like the cats. And just in case, he grabbed some pens as well.

Good to go.


Re: M42 stray_shinigami November 28 2007, 21:58:51 UTC
[And back]


Re: M42 stray_shinigami November 30 2007, 05:50:36 UTC
[Renji is here and not conscious. Daemon dropped him in from here.]


Re: M42 whiteychan November 30 2007, 06:03:57 UTC
[from one thread down]

Hitsugaya rushed into the hallway, only to note his reiatsu in an adjacent room. Tonight was making no sense at all...first the evening's weirdness with Momo, then the bus trick, and then the magically dissapearing-reappearing vice captain. He was about to have a brain aneurism for all of the not-sense this place was making.

And to make matters even worse, as he rushed into the room he caught sight of Renji. In the dim light it was difficult to make everything out entirely, but there he was, curled up on his bed with his sword lashed to his hand, bleeding slightly from the mouth and nose in the manner that the shinigami had all become so unpleasantly accustomed to, and wearing his shinigami uniform. It wasn't special counseling because his reiatsu was so weak...so what the hell was going on? He stepped aside in the room so that others could enter, knowing fully well that a shinigami didn't go madly running off and not have at least a few confused and interested parties trailing behind. His reiatsu was still there at the very least. He glanced back briefly at the door, wondering just how much of that blood Artemis had left...


Re: M42 hajike_tobiume November 30 2007, 06:31:07 UTC
[from M47]

Momo sighed as she saw Renji's state as she looked over Hitsugaya's head the moment before he stepped aside. She continued past him and went straight to the downed man and brushed his hair back from his face. Ascertaining he probably wasn't going to die, she knelt next to the bed and started to untie the bindings holding his sword.

"You men and your need to get knocked unconscious tonight," she muttered as she worked at the blood-slicked knots.


Re: M42 akarusa November 30 2007, 06:39:47 UTC

"What's he wearing?" Hokuto asked, confused. This was not the time, but that had kind of slipped her mind. Renji didn't seem to be dying, and they weren't in any danger, so--there shouldn't be any harm in asking.

Somehow, being surrounded by people in various uniforms ranging from plain to hideous had just increased her interest in fashion...


Re: M42 whiteychan November 30 2007, 08:32:53 UTC
Hitsugaya might have smiled if he had a sense of humor worth mentioning. Instead he just raised an eye briefly at Momo, then went about examining Renji.

"It's the uniform of the Gotei 13...specifically his, judging by the arm badge," Hitsugaya answered. "The question is how the hell he got it. Let's get him fixed up."

Hearing Artemis' cry was helpful. He imagined Farfarello wasn't intending to come help. After all, he wasn't that kind of guy. "Go grab the blood from Fowl's dresser." he ordered Hokuto.


Re: M42 hajike_tobiume November 30 2007, 08:45:11 UTC
Thankfully, Momo had nails and she was able to get a good enough grip on the knots to get them undone. She eased the sword out Renji's grip and laid the blade beside him.

"Yeah... We didn't feel his true reiatsu so he wasn't turned tonight," she said softly. She picked Renji's sword hand up again and gently massaged his palm as she waited for Hokuto to get the blood.


M42 to M47 and back again! akarusa November 30 2007, 08:58:49 UTC
Hokuto nodded. "On it." She grabbed the flashlight they were using--there was no way she was rummaging around Artemis' room completely blind--and ran out the door.

The hallway was still mercifully clear; she didn't want to have to grab Momo just to go a few doors down. She ducked into the room they'd just left and shined the light around; aha, that dresser. She reached for it--then finally remembered the nail polish tucked into her bra long enough to actually do something about it. Snickering a little, she reached under her shirt, took it out, and slipped it into her pocket. The bottle of gold-colored blood (she was going to have to ask more about the story behind that later) was simply grabbed, and then she ran back to M42.

"Here," she said, handing the bottle to Hitsugaya. She was familiar enough with healing potions from video games (she didn't usually play, but some of her friends had a Super Famicom and loved it) to know that origins varied, but blood...? If it worked, it worked, but she wondered how hard it was to keep that stuff down.


M42 whiteychan November 30 2007, 17:59:57 UTC
Hitsugaya took the small vial and forced the golden blood into Renji's mouth. He wasn't a healer by trade, so he couldn't tell for sure if the blood was enough to heal him completely, but Renji would be sure to tell him once he woke up. "That should be enough to wake him at least," Hitsugaya said, then leaned back against the wall. "It wouldn't make sense to waste our resources to try and heal him further if he doesn't need it. Let's see how he feels when he wakes."


Re: M42 hajike_tobiume December 1 2007, 03:55:59 UTC
Momo remained kneeling, kneading Renji's palm, and she watched. It did seem like Renji's breathing eased up a little, but she wasn't completely sure. A small frown tugged at her lips.

"He should have woken up, or at least groaned involuntarily," she said quietly. "Yet, if he used shunpou twice like I think he did, the blood might not be enough. Fowl-san didn't seem to think the blood was working well enough on you so he healed you with his own magic." She glanced up at Hitsugaya.

"And his hand," she indicated the one she was working on, "seems perfectly fine but yet he had his katana lashed to it. The pieces aren't adding up."


Re: M42 akarusa December 1 2007, 04:50:01 UTC
"Should we get him sitting up more?" Hokuto suggested, uncertain what kind of first aid techniques were known a century ago. "If he's still bleeding, I'm worried about him choking on it."

She also wasn't sure what kind of responses should be expected from an unconscious person, but if they really got worried they could try seeing if he responded to pain. Just a little pressure on a sensitive spot like the underside of his wrist wouldn't cause him any harm, but would hurt enough so he should probably react.

If they did go that route, though, she planned on backing up a little first...


Re: M42 whiteychan December 1 2007, 23:48:21 UTC
"I'm not a healer," Hitsugaya said in answer to Hokuto's suggestion. "If you think it's best for him, then do it."

Hitsugaya pondered Momo's words next. "I don't know," he admitted. "We won't be able to tell what happened until he wakes up...it's difficult to tell." He shook his head slightly. He hated the idea of using kidou again and leave two shinigami weakened, but taking Renji to the healer's room didn't strike him as a practical idea, either. "Hokuto..what do you know of medicine?"


Re: M42 hajike_tobiume December 2 2007, 05:55:40 UTC
Momo frowned. "If it is necessary, I will heal him further," she said quietly as she rubbed Renji's hand once more.

"But for now, I will find the knights," she said as she shifted her position so she was sitting, her legs crossed, with her back against the bed. She closed her eyes and relaxed, breathing deeply, and concentrated on the spirit threads of both Signum and Saber. Almost immediately, the shinigami started having a headache. In theory this shouldn't take too long since both knights had very unique threads.


Re: M42 akarusa December 2 2007, 06:05:03 UTC
[[All godmoding NPCing done with permission.]]

Hokuto was already grabbing the pillow and blankets off the other bed when Hitsugaya asked his question; she hesitated a second, not sure how to reply. "I learned a little in my karate classes," she admitted. "And we had a unit on first aid last year. Um... tell me if I'm wrong, but Abarai-fukutaichou just seems weakened to me." She couldn't be sure if Renji's nosebleed was from injury, or using his powers too much. "I think he'll wake up on his own."

She folded the blanket from the other bed to make something of a wedge, then came back with it and the pillow. "Can someone help me make him sit up? I just need a few seconds to arrange all this." Why couldn't they have normal hospital beds? If they did, she would have been able to just press a few buttons and gotten the unconscious shinigami sitting up as much as she thought he needed.

They worked with what they had, though. It was more makeshift than she liked, but when Hitsugaya eased Renji back down, at least he was propped up enough so she wasn't as worried about him drowning in his own blood. He hadn't seemed to react when touched, though... deciding to assume his reflexes weren't that good, she reached out and took his hand as if checking for his pulse. When she found it, after she'd made sure his heartrate didn't seem erratic she pressed her fingers into the underside of his wrist, watching his face as she increased the pressure. It would very quickly start to hurt, but didn't cause any damage.

As soon as he winced and pulled away, she stopped and backed off. Looking at the others, she said, "He reacts to pain--probably a good sign--and since he hasn't groaned or anything, I don't think he's hurting too much. I think the only thing left to worry about is a concussion..." If he was suffering from that, then he just might need to be healed after all. "Let me just see one more thing." Grabbing the flashlight, she gently pried one of Renji's eyes open and shined the light near him. The pupil seemed to be contracting okay; she tried the other and got the same result. "Okay," she said, relieved. "Doesn't look like he's bleeding inside his brain. He should be fine."

So, still, all they could do was wait.


Re: M42 whiteychan December 2 2007, 06:14:37 UTC
Hitsugaya nodded slightly as Hokuto offered the last bits of her advice. It reminded him slightly of the actions of the fourth division, although they often used kidou to determine injuries. The other shinigami had a shotgun effect when they healed, pouring reiatsu blindly into a target until their injuries healed, but the fourth division...they were true experts in the healing arts.

"If he's fine, then there's no sense all of us waiting until he wakes up," Hitsugaya said after she had finished. "You're bringing your team here, I should go wait for my team in case they get lost or need looking after on their own. Let me know in the morning what happened."

He waited for Momo to acknowledge his orders, hoping she didn't catch that it was less Renji and more Momo that he didn't want to be around right now. Their conversation on the bus had made things...complicated...and he needed to get away from the situation for the moment. The orders were perfectly reasonable, though, so it wasn't likely she'd catch it. After all, leaving two teams in hiatus over one man was foolish, and Momo did know Renji better.


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