Day 28: Bus 2

Nov 20, 2007 18:26

The group hadn't made it to the Twin Pines before the nurses started ushering them back to the buses. Sanji didn't believe the small sack dinner he was handed would make up for the meal they would have had at the restaurant, and aside from that he'd still wanted to check the place out. Now he had no way of comparing it to what they served at the ( Read more... )

diva, sanji, jack horner, raine, argilla, qui-gon jinn, kenshin, homura, ritsuka, mousse, soubi, byakuya, reinforce, allen, farfarello, snape, okita, schuldig, mark, rukia, javert, renji, sanzo, hk-47

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i_slay_giants November 21 2007, 04:14:58 UTC
Jack took his food and took the nearest seat, nodding to the occupant and acknowleding his existence. What very odd eyebrows he had, Jack mused. No sense staring, though. He'd probably get plenty of opportunities to try and decipher the reasoning behind their appearence if his seatmate was talkative. If not, well, he'd get to eat in peace.

"Sandwiches, huh?" He said sarcastically and smirked at Sanji. "They're really feedin' us well today, aren't they?


misterprince November 21 2007, 04:29:19 UTC
The first thought on the chef's mind as Jack sat beside him was that there were plenty of open seats, and no reason for the other blond to sit there. He tried to make this thought known by giving the man a glare through the one eye not obscured by hair. It was Jack's misfortune that he wasn't a woman, in which case Sanji wouldn't have minded the intrusion in the slightest - would have been especially polite, even.

Still, there was no point in going out of his way to make enemies. "I wanted to check out some of the restaurants in town, but I didn't get a chance." He tried to keep his tone casual. "Did you?"


i_slay_giants November 21 2007, 04:40:50 UTC
"Nah, I did something-" Shit. He couldn't tell this stranger he had gone to escape and instead wound up getting some cigarettes. What if he was a smoker? He might ask him where he got them from or (even worse!) to SHARE. "...else."

Quick to change the subject, Jack motioned to the bus. "So, I guess it's back to the loony bin with us. That's a bit lame."


misterprince November 21 2007, 04:53:36 UTC
Sanji raised his one exposed eyebrow at the short pause in Jack's response but didn't question it. He just glanced out the window with a frown. Lame indeed. "If you want to make a run for it, now's your chance," he muttered. The tapping he'd been doing before Jack's arrival now continued.

In all seriousness, they had to find a way free from whatever world this was. At the first opportunity, whenever all the crew was together... if they could ever manage to get everyone together, that was...


i_slay_giants November 21 2007, 04:55:12 UTC
Jack blinked and glanced about. Were there not nurses about?

"There's no one watching?" He asked, earnestly.

If that was the case, he WAS going to take advantage of the situation.


misterprince November 21 2007, 05:08:07 UTC
The chef had started to get the impression that there was always someone watching in this place. If Jack hadn't realized that yet then he wasn't going to point it out because, to be honest, he cared very little about what happened to the man. Especially in his current mood.

"Well, with all the hustle and bustle and shit you'd think they'd have a difficult time keeping track of all the patients." He was actually beginning to hope that Jack might really try to make a run for it. It would be a good test and he wouldn't have to do anything himself.


i_slay_giants November 21 2007, 05:10:59 UTC
Jack snorted. "Maybe the other patients. But I'm a bit more important than your run-of-the-mill prisoner. I'm sure they're paying extra special attention to me."

While Jack had pretty much come to terms with the notion that this incarceration wasn't Revise's doing, it didn't mean that it lessened his importance in his mind any. Afterall, he was Jack Horner. Who the hell were all these loser, anyhow?

"But if I had a distraction..." He scanned the bus, looking for anything he could use, but coming up empty handed. Damn it.


misterprince November 21 2007, 14:11:43 UTC
"More important, hm?" That caused Sanji to chuckle just a bit. "I'm sure some of the other patients would say the same thing." His crew, for example, had a combined bounty of over six hundred million beli, and there were a good many people back on the Grand Line or otherwise who would kill to have their heads. Not that this was something he was going to flaunt. A real man had no need to share his bounty (unless asked). Quite often someone would point it out without them having to say anything.

As far as a distraction went, well, Jack was on his own. The idea of escaping at this time was really a poor one - a better chance would have been that afternoon. Sanji had too much to worry about tonight without adding sedation to that list.


i_slay_giants November 22 2007, 00:00:35 UTC
"People say lots of things, pal," The Fable smirked at Sanji. "Difference is, they're delusional and I'm not. I'm pretty hot stuff, if I do say so myself."

He laughed and leaned back. "As soon as the universe remembers that, things are going to get a lot less confusing around here."


misterprince November 22 2007, 01:46:05 UTC
Well then. Sanji was surprised this man's head didn't fall off of his shoulders with how inflated it must be from his own ego. He'd heard plenty of boasting before, but this was some of the worst - and with very little to back it up, even. He sat up straighter in his seat, giving the man a long hard glance. "Yeah? And what's so great about you, Mr. Hot Stuff?" he smirked right back. "You got a shitty high bounty or something?"

He kept failing to consider just how different this world, or rather Jack's world, might be from his own.


i_slay_giants November 22 2007, 02:50:36 UTC
Jack laughed. "I've outlived the age of bounties, though I've had a couple on my head back when they were in fashion. I was accomplishing things while you were still in diapers, sonny boy, so I wouldn't try to outdo me."

He leaned forward slightly. "That is, unless you got something REALLY special to you. But even then, it'd probably be less than impressive."


misterprince November 22 2007, 04:54:28 UTC
Sanji frowned at this. This bastard couldn't be that much older than he was. Older, sure, but... "I take it you're trying to tell me not to judge your age by your appearance?" It was a difficult thing to believe, if true, but he'd seen plenty of weird things traveling with the Strawhat Crew. "'Cause that's a nice boast in of itself."

And he could be spewing things completely out of his ass. With an attitude like that, he definitely wouldn't put it past him.


i_slay_giants November 22 2007, 17:06:28 UTC
Jack quickly withdrew. That wasn't exactly what he had meant--he had merely meant to one-up Sanji, not draw more attention to his Fable nature.

"I didn't say anything about age, pal," The giant killer insisted. "Just that I had been around a bit more than most would think. And that I've done more with my little finger than you probably have with your whole life."


misterprince November 22 2007, 17:29:28 UTC
The chef smirked. Talking out his ass it was, then. "Right. Sorry. This whole different world shit has thrown me off a little. So you're an accomplished man. Far be it from me to assume my place against yours. I'm just a pirate."

A pirate in the crew of a man who would one day become King of the Pirates, assuming they ever got out of this place.


i_slay_giants November 22 2007, 17:34:40 UTC
Jack snorted. "ANOTHER pirate? I swear, this place is full of pirates and ninjas. Isn't anyone original anymore?"

He grumbled and took a bite from his sandwich. "There are too many pirates and ninjas and not enough hot women. What we need is a sexy ninja-piratess. THAT would be something..."


misterprince November 22 2007, 17:57:06 UTC
Sanji scowled at Jack's first comment. He didn't know about ninjas, but where he came from the pirates and the Navy pretty much controlled everything. You were with one or the other. Before he could form a rebuttal, however, Jack went and mentioned women.

"Oh, sexy ninja-piratesses, definitely. I'm all for that..." He gave a goofy grin.


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