Nightshift 27: M12

Oct 07, 2007 12:39

If anyone had been waiting outside M12’s door they would’ve been sorely disappointed to find out that the entire room was unoccupied. However, there seemed to be several slips of paper poking from underneath the door, all conveying the same message just in case someone decided to take one for any reason. If they choose to pull one of the slips out ( Read more... )

ashton, leon (so2), axel, claude, dias

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full_score October 8 2007, 01:41:39 UTC
Claude was relieved Dias had heard him. He didn't really want to go over and try to shake the taller man out of his thoughts. But the relief was short-lived. He's been taken for experimentation, Dias had said, and the blond's heart almost stopped.

Ashton...taken for experimentation...

"Those bastards!" he hissed suddenly, his grip tightening almost painfully around his flashlight. "Why Ashton? Why him?! He can't even walk properly. He didn't even have a fighting chance!" As soon as he found out who took him, Claude wasn't going to let anyone escape. It was bad enough that they'd all been brought here in the first place, but to take one of their own and torture him--

Claude abruptly took a deep breath, willing himself to calm down. Dias had trusted him enough to sit here and wait for him. He wasn't going to betray that, or let him down. They needed to move, and they needed to move now.

"I have to get Ashton's sword, or I won't be good to anyone," he said, his voice a lot more subdued now. "Hold on..." He turned and glanced around the room. If he were hiding a sword, where would he keep it? It had to be a place that wasn't too easy to get to, or else he'd risk the nurses finding it, so that at least ruled out the closet.

He made his way over to Ashton's bed, his gaze sweeping over the bedspread. There was Ashton's journal, along with two felt belts with loops fit for swords, a sketch of Ashton, and...a bullet? That was strange, but he didn't have time to dwell on it.

"Here," he said suddenly, tossing the blue belt over to Dias. "I have a feeling you'll be needing this." He glanced at the purple one, which was undoubtedly for Ashton. Frowning to himself, he figured his friend wouldn't mind if he borrowed it for one night -- especially since he'd be using it to save him.

After hastily fitting the belt (which was surprisingly well-made, considering it was made from felt and yarn) around his own waist, he cleared the rest of the stuff off of the bed, including the tray of uneaten peas Ashton had left behind, and placed them onto the table. He nudged the mattress over with all of his might, and he was pleased to find the edge of a sword gleaming in the dark. He pushed the mattress further until he was able to grasp the blade's handle, and he lifted it up.

It was different from the sword he'd used back on Expel, but its weight was oddly comforting and friendly. Claude would make sure to use Ashton's sword particularly well tonight.

After that, he turned towards Dias, his mouth pressed into a thin line. "I'm ready to go."


heraldric October 8 2007, 04:01:13 UTC
[please to be ignoring the actual wording of the post leading here - he didn't knock]
[from here]

Leon came rushing into the room at that point, expression curious as he hadn't expected the door to be open when he arrived. The words Hey, I'm here! were on his lips, but never made it out as he stared at the two men who'd made it before him. He hadn't expected to see both Claude and Dias there, either.

"Big brother?" he asked hesitantly. "Dias? Where's Ashton? He... asked me to come see him tonight..." he trailed off, taking in their unhappy expressions. "Did he go out somewhere? He wasn't well enough to go out, was he..?"

Ashton was wheelchair bound. That was the whole reason he'd asked him to come see him in his room anyway. The boy couldn't think of any reason he'd left - unless he'd been forced to leave. The thought caused Leon's heart to drop to his slippered feet.

"Has he been taken somewhere?"


heavens_too_far October 8 2007, 05:26:56 UTC
Claude's outburst of the obvious earned him a condescending look through narrowed eyes from Dias; yes, it was all true, but standing around and ranting about something they were both well aware of wasn't getting them anywhere and it certainly wasn't helping Ashton. Fortunately, Claude shook himself out of it after a moment, precluding a growl from Dias about more effective ways to use his time.

He hadn't actually noticed the belts, even though he'd been staring across the room at Ashton's bed; he'd been too detached to notice anything. But looking down at it, his expression softened for a moment before it set into one more grim than ever - there was no way in hell that they were going to let anything happen to their friend.

Leon's arrival, although not exactly anticipated, didn't even cause Dias to look up from putting the belt on and sliding his sword into it - what he wouldn't give for a proper scabbard. Leon had proved the night before that he was capable of at least some spells, and any help they could get was appreciated - Dias wasn't about to question the circumstances. "He's one of the people who was taken to be experimented on tonight," he informed Leon brusquely. "We're going after him. Are you coming?"


full_score October 8 2007, 09:21:11 UTC
Claude wasn't entirely surprised when Leon suddenly arrived, and he looked over at the boy with a soft frown. "What Dias says is true," the blond added. "With every second we waste, something awful is happening to Ashton. But we need all the help we can get, so..." Claude had a feeling Leon would want to come along. Ashton was his friend as much as he was any of theirs, after all, timeline difference or not.

"If you're coming, we need to head out now." Claude situated the sword into his belt and made his way towards the door. "It'll be dangerous, but Ashton is depending on us."

He had faith in Leon's abilities anyway. He wasn't like ordinary kids by any means, and it made Claude feel a little better that they were going out as a team instead of separately. Even Dias looked like he was going to cooperate with them, which, for Claude, was a miracle in of itself.


heraldric October 8 2007, 09:47:27 UTC
"Experimen...." Leon's eyes widened, and he bit his lower lip to stop it quivering. The idea of Ashton being taken away to be used in some sort of science experiment was horrific. He felt his heart drop nearly to his slippered feet. As a scientist himself, even working on animals had never sat right with him. How could they do that to Ashton?

"Of course I'm coming", he half-whispered. He yanked his journal from his pants, snatching it tight as if he might need it any moment. "Let's go, then! We've gotta save him!"

Even if there was hardly anything he could do.


heavens_too_far October 8 2007, 20:52:30 UTC
"No one suggested waiting," Dias growled. More useless statements of the obvious; Claude and Leon both were reiterating the need for haste as if they all weren't perfectly well aware of the necessity already. If anything, their chatter was wasting the very time that they were declaring so precious. "So move." He swept past Claude and only narrowly missed bowling Leon right over on his way out the door, heading for the nearest set of stairs he could think of. Axel's note hadn't actually detailed where on the second floor the experimentation rooms were, but the sooner they got there the sooner they could look for them.

[Moving to here, unless anyone has any objections~]


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