Day 27: Library

Sep 29, 2007 09:18

Libraries, he'd found, were rarely as dull as people made them out to be.  Though he felt no magic in these tomes, they were still full of useful information.  Maybe some of them could tell him a little bit more about this world he'd landed himself in.

For that matter, why hadn't he run into any of the others yet?  They'd all been fairly close ( Read more... )

diva, kyon, qui-gon jinn, axel, edward elric, thursday, snake, mousse, sam winchester, utena, ginji, peter parker, luxord, artemis, raiden, harry, hikaru, xemnas, aya, sparda, usopp, integra, heiji, quatre, yohji, heero, phibrizzo, fox, zoro, kadaj, barret, haku, kratos, kain, l, bridget, renji, jack horner, rhode, homura, kenshin, dairine, siegfried, touma, malik, sora, saetan, luffy, ashton, river, leon (so2), claude, keman, birkin, kikyo, rukia, faust, sousuke, raven, ren, radical edward, guy, kimbley, kairi, byakuya, roy, wesker, valyn, fai, riku, snape, sai, sasuke, daemon, statesman, gin, hisoka, rangiku, scar (tlk)

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hajike_tobiume September 30 2007, 15:54:27 UTC
[from here.]

Momo entered the library, her eyes flickering over the many occupants as she passed through the shelves. She spotted Reinforce and smiled at her, but decided to leave the weaponwoman in piece with the books she seemed to be taking joy in reading. She passed another stack and stopped, her eyes widening as she saw Byakuya.

"Kuchiki-taichou," she whispered, the words escaping her lips before she could stop them. No, no... she really didn't want Byakuya's attention at all. Al least he seemed to be more focused on Renji than anything else. Thank goodness...

Momo quickly turned down another set of shelves and, as luck would have it, spotted an older woman holding her head in pain at a nearby table. Momo quickly hurried over and knelt down next to the woman, putting a hand on her shoulder.

"Are you okay?" She asked, her voice raw and a bit gruff sounding thanks to the shinigami's current physical condition. She took in the woman's expression now that she could see it and it looked an awful lot like this woman was going to throw up.

Actually, this woman looked like she just took some spiritual backlash like the shinigami did when they tried to use some of their powers. "Just breath. It'll pass eventually," she said as she rubbed the woman's shoulder.


jurisfictional September 30 2007, 16:40:18 UTC
Thursday started slightly at the hand on her shoulder, then peered blearily up through her fingers at the young lady kneeling next to her. At least it wasn't a nurse - GSD knew she'd probably have gotten herself sedated again or been told off for being delusional or something.

She relaxed and managed a slightly shaky smile. "Thanks," she said faintly. "The guys on the bulletin board said something about powers being repressed. Didn't think it'd be quite this bad." She grimaced. "Guess I should've listened to them."


hajike_tobiume September 30 2007, 16:46:37 UTC
Momo moved her hand over to gently rub the woman's back and gave her a slightly sad, knowing smile.

"I am well acquainted with how much this place restricts people's abilities. It varies for each person depending on the extent of their ability, but those of us with stronger abilities tend to suffer physical damage for the things we can do and severe disorientation to flat our unconsciousness for our more advanced abilities," she replied. "Though some of us need to learn from experience. But it does pass."

"May I ask what you were attempting to do?" Momo them paused and her cheeks colored slightly. "I apologize for my rudeness. I am Hinamori Momo - Hinamori being my family name."


jurisfictional September 30 2007, 16:57:37 UTC
Thursday nodded, faintly surprised by the young woman's apparent maturity. Then again, she didn't give kids these days all that much credit - her own son had been attempting to save the world for months and she'd only thought he'd been skipping school because he was a budding delinquent. It was kind of embarrassing, really.

"Oh, don't apologize," she said quickly. "You were trying to help, and I appreciate it. Pleased to meet you, Ms. Hinamori - Thursday Next's the name."

She gestured at the two books on the table in front of her. Jane Eyre was still half open where she'd dropped it. "I'm a bookjumper," she said, pausing slightly. Was there any chance Momo had heard of them? Thursday had only met two other Outlander bookjumpers besides herself, and one of them had been Japanese. "Er. That is, I can enter a book if I read a passage from it aloud. I was thinking I might be able to get help, but I should've known it wouldn't be that easy."


hajike_tobiume September 30 2007, 17:07:15 UTC
"A pleasure to meet you, Next-san," Momo said finding the woman's name very odd, but assuming it was backwards just like all the other Western prisoners here.

As Thursday seemed somewhat recovered from the backlash, Momo stopped rubbing the woman's back and turned the book toward her. She skimmed the page briefly before looking back to Thursday.

"I am unfamiliar with bookjumpers," she said, "but that sounds like a very interesting ability." How was Thursday planning to get help from inside a book anyways? "Whomever has imprisoned us has a vast amount of power available to them and any contact to our own worlds as well as any outside help are cut off."

Momo's expression turned frustrated. "The ability to contain some of us so is very... unsettling."


jurisfictional September 30 2007, 17:17:50 UTC
Thursday nodded, smiling slightly. "It sounds pretty weird, doesn't it? I had a hell of a time convincing my colleagues back home I wasn't just vanishing into thin air every now and then." She was kind of thankful Momo hadn't asked about how exactly the BookWorld worked. It was hard enough to explain to someone who was from her world, never mind someone who wasn't. Land hadn't even believed her at first, and he was a bloody author.

The expression on Thursday's face matched Momo's for a moment. Bookjumping was a pretty rare natural ability; how on earth had they found a way to suppress it?

"I take it your powers have been restricted too, huh? What are they, if you don't mind my asking?"


hajike_tobiume September 30 2007, 17:29:31 UTC
Momo chuckled lightly as Thursday spoke of her time with her colleagues. That certainly would be hard to explain to regular humans that weren't aware of such things. She was curious about this bookjumping but didn't feel the need at this point to inquire further about it.

"I don't mind at all," Momo replied to the woman's question. Momo theorized that if this woman was such an avid reader that she can enter book themselves, she may have read books about the Japanese legends and such and would therefore know the term.

"I am shinigami." She idly wondered if Thursday would know humans usually weren't capable of seeing shinigami should she even know what one is.


jurisfictional September 30 2007, 17:39:28 UTC
"Shinigami?" Thursday's knowledge of literature was mostly limited to the English canon, but that hadn't prevented her from hearing the word once or twice. She'd been to Japan a few times before, and she'd considered it fairly important to read anything concerning the culture that she could find. Which hadn't been all that much, of course, but...

"The term sounds a little familiar," she mused. "They're kind of like our Western Grim Reaper, aren't they? Ferriers of souls to the underworld and all that?"


hajike_tobiume October 1 2007, 03:48:33 UTC
"Something like that," Momo confirmed. "Shinigami are death gods, responsible for maintaining the balance of souls and protecting humanity from spiritual threats."

Momo sighed. "Humans normally cannot ever see shinigami, much less interact with them. Here, we are trapped within bodies of flesh and severely limited in our abilities."


jurisfictional October 1 2007, 04:06:43 UTC
Thursday looked more interested than anything else. "I have a friend back home who'd probably be dying to meet you if he knew. Well. Probably not literally. He does something similar in our world, except, uh, he's human and his work is mostly limited to dispatching vampires and stuff."

She had the feeling that most people would probably react more violently to someone announcing that they were shinigami, but what with all the times she'd done rounds with Spike...well, it was unusual and pretty cool but not exactly mind-boggling.

"Must be a bugger getting stuck in a human body," she added, frowning slightly. "At least I'm used to that. I can't imagine what it'd be like if I weren't."


hajike_tobiume October 1 2007, 04:19:52 UTC
Now that was a first - someone finding out she was shinigami here and not disbelieving her or looking at her blankly. How interesting...

Momo smiled. "It would be interesting to meet a human that did similar work. I find the things humans create and their tremendous ability to adapt fascinating. It must be the limited lifespan. They burn bright while they can."

The shinigami shrugged. "It is.. inconvenient and makes interacting with things feel weird. Like, I know I'm touching something because I can feel it, but the sensation is as if coming through a filter. My senses are all screwed up here."

"Shinigami usually only adopt the gigai when they have to interact directly with humans. It's not normally needed, so any time spent in a gigai is limited." Momo sighed. "I think this is the longest I've ever been in a gigai."


jurisfictional October 1 2007, 04:34:12 UTC
Thursday grinned. "I guess you're right about that." It was interesting how those with longer lifespans always seemed to say that about humans. In her opinion, it could be a good thing or a bad thing, though she'd seen enough to lean slightly towards the latter.

She listened attentively after that. Gigai, presumably, was the technical term for the physical body in which Momo was currently trapped - but she had another question.

"You said 'we' earlier, didn't you? How many shinigami are here?"


hajike_tobiume October 1 2007, 04:48:34 UTC
Momo's eyes unfocused as she counted and checked the various reiatsu she felt.

Shiro-chan, Renji, Ran, Ichimaru, Rukia, Byakuya, the ryoka, Uruhara... And two others she didn't recognize.

"Eleven, including me, though two of them aren't from my world," Momo answered, her eyes refocusing on Thursday. "It's an alarming amount given the majority of us are officers. Containing us so speaks greatly of the vast power out captors."

She tilted her head at Thursday. "Have you met anyone you know here?"


jurisfictional October 1 2007, 04:54:51 UTC
"Eleven?" Thursday said in disbelief. "Considering I have yet to met anyone from my world - yeah, that is a hell of a lot."

She leaned back in her chair and frowned thoughtfully. "That isn't to say I haven't met anyone I know, though. I've recognized plenty of people - Alec Trevelyan, Harry Potter, Severus Snape, and I'm pretty sure I saw Armand St. Just and Javert writing on the bulletin board earlier. The problem is - well, in my world they're all from books, and Trevelyan's from a movie that came out a couple years ago."


hajike_tobiume October 1 2007, 05:05:34 UTC
Momo's eyes widened at that last bit. "There are people form books here?"

She cast a look around the library to see if she recognized anyone from the books she'd read. Well, aside from Alucard she didn't know of any. "Dracula's here, but Bram Stoker's version of that tale was far-fetched and not accurate."

"I wonder what these book people would think if there was a copy of the book they were from ion this library." Momo paused a moment. "This certainly does give more creedance to the overlapping worlds."


jurisfictional October 1 2007, 05:27:54 UTC
Thursday paused to make a note of Dracula in her journal. "I wouldn't know, I'm afraid; I've only met the version in Bram Stoker's book."

She sighed. "That's the problem, really. The - people I've spoken to here don't seem to be aware that they're in books - at least, not until I or someone else mentions them. Back in my world, people in books are fully aware they're in books - kind of like actors on a stage who know they're in a play. They are the characters they portray, but when they aren't being read they're sometimes different people entirely."

Now that she thought about it, the play analogy worked better than the rambling explanations she'd been throwing up on the bulletin board, even if it was still pretty confusing.

"I worked in Jurisfiction - that's kind of like being a stage manager - you know, doing stuff behind the scenes and making sure everyone knows their lines. Arriving here and realizing that no-one from the BookWorld actually knows they're from the BookWorld is kind of like talking to the actors one moment and then talking to them again a few minutes later and finding out that they've completely and totally become the characters they portray. It's...well, it's kind of creepy."


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