Night 26: M1-M40 Bathrooms

Sep 11, 2007 02:15

[ From here.]Homura knew the way well by now, and he quickly led the other men to the bathrooms. The rest had done him well, only the lingering pain from his injuries hindering him now, and that he could block out easily enough ( Read more... )

okita, snape, homura, scar, hijikata

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Comments 20

notachick September 11 2007, 07:10:06 UTC
Okita slipped out of the room after Hijikata and Homura had left it, entering the bathroom only after he'd confirmed nothing was following them. If he was going to be the look-out, then he'd at least make himself useful. The shirt Hijikata wore was bloodied and likely useless if he chose to rip it for hand coverings, so Okita took off his own shirt and offered it to him.

"Those metal things are especially stubborn," he said simply. No more explanation was really necessary, and even if Hijikata refused the clothing as a tool, he might be able to wear it at least.

Without waiting for Hijikata's response, Okita turned most of his attention to the door and the rest to holding the flashlight for the other two. The borrowed scalpels and pens rested easily in his waistband, close at hand in case anything should happen.


haiku_master September 12 2007, 04:10:37 UTC
Maybe the only thing that kept Hijikata from staring when they entered the bathroom was that he'd seen it already out of necessity. He'd had ample opportunity to stare, then, even if he'd chosen not to ask too many questions. Most of it still baffled him though. How did it all work? But now was the time to work, not to wonder ( ... )


screwthegods September 12 2007, 17:24:58 UTC
Homura watched the two interact with a spark of curiosity. Just what was the relationship between them? The roles of leader and subordinate had been made clear enough, but the demi-god sensed something greater in their actions that mere professionalism.

Was he going to have to apologize to Okita for that kiss? Without speaking his thoughts, Homura grinned, then nodded to Hijikata.

"Don't strain your shoulder too much. We could still be attacked." Moving to the first sink in the line, Homura examined it for a moment before 'holstering' his sword in the loop of fabric. Leaning down, he gripped the pipe, and for lack of a better method, began pulling near the top of the pipe where it connected to the basin.


notachick September 13 2007, 01:00:05 UTC
Okita made a face at Hijikata as he refused the shirt, but followed his order and put it back on. He supposed one day soon he'd have to tell Hijikata that he no longer had that particular "cold," but right now was not the time. His commander was stubborn and probably wouldn't believe him anyway.

"If you catch cold without a shirt, I wash my hands of it~" he said, keeping his attention mainly on the task at hand. He held the flashlight steady even as he looked the other way toward the door, making sure Homura could see what he was doing without any considerable difficulty. The bathroom wasn't especially well lit, but thankfully the artificial torch was strong enough to pierce the darkness. Homura confirmed what Okita suspected - that Hijikata was ignoring an injury in his shoulder - and he frowned slightly.


right_handed September 14 2007, 03:40:11 UTC
Scar was glad that Hughes finished his business with the other group without getting too friendly with them, as more "allies" was the last thing Scar wanted at the moment and the prospect of searching through toilets had him in a bad enough mood as it was.

Grumpy, and not looking in the least bit impressed, Scar waited for Hughes to come back towards their group before he muttered:

"And how do you suggest we go about this?"


truthisntsimple September 14 2007, 07:55:45 UTC
Severus scowled, not in the least bit looking forward to the prospect of looking around toilets for whatever it was they were looking for. He glanced at Scar, then at Hughes, also wondering how the other man wanted to go about their "mission."

"Perhaps," he suggested - while making a very passable attempt at keeping his perpetually bad mood from coloring his speech - "we should start from different sides and cover areas separately."


felled_hero September 16 2007, 20:49:33 UTC
"Sounds good to me," Hughes said. He wasted no time in kicking open a stall in the center of the row and stepping inside. "Just holler if you find anything," he added, wrinkling his nose. Geeze, everything was ten times more disgusting at night. During the day it was actually nice and clean. Night was a different story.

He really, really hoped this wasn't a wasted trip.


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