Night 26: Basement, Grand Ballroom

Sep 11, 2007 05:04

[ From here.]

The fall was not a pleasant one indeed; Tatsumi hadn't even had enough time to blush at the kiss before the floor gave beneath them, sending Rangiku and him down into completely unknown territory. And though it seemed to happen in slow motion, time caught up quick enough as Tatsumi landed with a hard thud.

Oh, to have his own shinigami powers back.

With a groan, the secretary pushed himself up, fumbling for the flashlight that he'd lost on the way down. Thankfully it still worked; what didn't was his wrist, which protested painfully at the movement.

Feeling the ache of every wound, every bruise on his body, Tatsumi whsipered a rare curse before calling out. "Rangiku-san! Rangiku-san, where are you? Are you hurt?"

This night was shaping up to be worse than the first.

rangiku, tatsumi

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