This corridor looked almost the same. Still quiet, though now he noticed more people about. At least that meant he hadn't run into any monsters. He ran along the hall until he saw the door that had caused him and Dr. Birkin so much trouble. From the day now, he knew that at the end of this hall was almost a lobby with the hall to the Sun Room and
Read more... )
When he left his comrades at Lunch, not much else was discussed besides the immediate proposition of siding with a former enemy. While his mind went back and forth on this issue, he always came to the conclusion that it was a necessary 'sin' to partake in. Besides, whenever he thought back to his discussion with Reno, he felt a little better about the idea. Then again, when he thought of Yuffie's reaction, he felt a little worse. That was where the conflict was coming into play.
He scarfed his dinner, and bounded out of the door when the click resonated throughout the plain jail cell. He deftly wondered about the new kid he met. Clark wasn't it? He seemed strong enough to hold his own, but it was clear that sometimes that wasn't even enough. He hoped Kasady wasn't the only one he had to rely on. If he did...he was doomed. Maybe if he saw him again he'd make it a point to learn more. He could be a useful ally. He just had a good feeling about him.
Leaving his room, he came down to the M40 hall. He was searching, staring at the numbers of rooms and trying to recall those that belonged to his friends. Something nagged at him that Cloud's was in the greater digits. He didn't want to stuck knocking on random doors.
And speak of the devil.
He normally didn't pay attention to anyone making their way through the hallways, but this was an exception. Besides, he wanted to find out how the rest of the self-proclaimed saviours of the planet had taken the news.
The pipe twirled idly between his fingers as he watched Barret peer at the doors.
"Look a little lost, Wallace. Your date try to stand you up by giving you the wrong room number?"
The thought made him glare harder as he turned to resume his work, but didn't completely ignore the red head, "I can't remember where Cloud and Cid said their rooms were. Fuck, I don't remember Cid even tellin' me his. Then again, they seem to change some of us out of different rooms like most folks change their underwear," he gave a sigh, scratching the back of his head, "Thought maybe lookin' at the numbers might jog my memory."
He placed his gaze to Reno, the hard expression on his visage easing as he regarded him with curiosity, shining his light toward the man's middle instead of his face to blind him, "You talk to Rufus and Elena about what we talked about earlier?"
He would've met the glare, but the ruckus nearby distracted him. His gaze slid over in that direction. There were a few he recognized - most notably Farfarello - and though there was clearly trouble (the blood was an obvious indicator), it wasn't his problem. Besides, there was enough people crowding there to almost block the whole damn hallway.
"Should get them to write in on your hand next time," he remarked before turning towards the hallway leading to Rufus's room. "C'mon, if we're gonna talk, might as well do it where we can hear ourselves."
[going here.]
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