Nightshift 26: Hallway between F and M Blocks

Aug 24, 2007 09:08

[From here.]

Still no sign of any patients or monsters, and no word from the radio man yet. Turning right, Rukia continued on around to the first M-Block.

raine, axel, anise, cyrille, sora, jade, usagi, birkin, clark kent, albel, ami, hokuto, rukia, claire bennet, peter parker, gremio, mion, signum, peony, rena, celes, hk-47, matsumoto, yuber, subzero, guy, hinamori momo, wesker, leon magnus, ashe, wolverine, jean

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lady_general September 13 2007, 22:08:40 UTC
[[From here]]

The hallway was quiet as they stepped out - perhaps it had been too long since the night had begun and most people had fanned out. Celes switched the flash light to her off-hand, and rubbed her fingers together. "I faintly remember stairs being over there," she nodded towards the end of the hallway.


inb4crazy September 14 2007, 18:08:37 UTC
Mion grinned a little. It was good to se royalty not being stuck up or anything, like you always hear about. "Larsa it is."

Stairs...? Mion knew that at least Celes had been here longer than her, so of course she'd have a better idea of the layout of the place. Making sure to try to get a handle of it herself, Mion began making a mental map of where she'd been so far, while still keeping up conversation.

Perking up a little at the mention of him meeting people from Japan, a little bit of hope popped up. "Uh, say... Any of those people happen to be named 'Rena'? Short brown-orange hair...?"

Mion blinked. "Okay... Well, I kind of expected something like that! What's your home country called then?"


judgemagister September 14 2007, 22:54:19 UTC
He made no comment to her thanks, only leading them out of the female's block. Honestly, he had no where to go and no where in mind... perhaps exploration of this basement the radio had spoken of? Though he had not a clue where to even begin. If only someone had found where the patients' possessions were; the rapier he carried was not suited to his tastes. Once he had had his custom broadswords made at his request, he'd not touched another weapon's handle.

When Celes mentioned the rapier, his eyes flicked to it. "It was given to me - not personally, mind - a few nights past. Larsa and I are the only ones accustomed to such a weapon. Most likely made by the alchemists that run amidst us."

Noah's eyes followed the lady's, trying to see where human eyes could not. He nodded to her suggest, assenting. "It is a idea as any."


entrust_to_few September 15 2007, 19:10:01 UTC
Larsa kept his ears open whilst Gabranth and Celes talked, though he proceeded to contribute to his own with interest. He shook his head disappointingly at Mion's first question, wishing he could be of some help to the young woman. "I am afraid to say that I've yet to come cross anyone with that name."

And then came the subject of his own country. A sense of homesickness overwhelmed him momentarily, but he quickly shook it off and pressed a finger to his chin. "My home country had been named Archadia of which resides in the world of Ivalice. If I remember correctly, the world that holds Japan is... Earth. Or at least, from most of the Japans I've heard of."


lady_general September 16 2007, 00:35:02 UTC
"Mm," Celes sounded thoughtful at this information. Alchemists in her world contributed to the potions industry, not to... sword making. "May I examine your blade?" she asked politely. "I'm curious to see how an alchemist could properly understand a sword's balance. In my world, they make potions and elixirs and ethers, not weaponry," she added. Naturally, they made other things, but, that wasn't here nor there.

Besides, if others weren't using swords, did they have weapons like Edgar's tools, or pugilists like Sabin? She'd have to observe the mix of people, though she doubted it was any more dramatic than her homeworld. The hall opened and if she just turned her light, she could see the second floor stairwell.


inb4crazy September 16 2007, 01:01:03 UTC
Mion knew Rena was fully capable of taking care of herself, and of the band of misfits also known as their club - and as one of Rena's best friends, Mion was their leader. She couldn't not be at least a little worried. But it kind of annoyed her that she was worried too. Rena's been here for THREE DAYS! She obviously has been managing fine, and by herself no less! What kind of leader am I, being all worried? I believe in Rena, and from here on out I forbid myself from any thinking about that until I see her next! She can handle herself just fine!

"You haven't seen her, huh?" Mion grinned sheepishly and scratched the back of her head. "Well neither of us have been here long so, though her long than me... I guess it's natural, in such a big place, not to know everybody. Thanks anyway though."

"Well I've never heard of a Japan not on Earth, so it looks like out info matches us," Mion's grin grew a little and she winked at Larsa. "Can't say I've ever heard of Ivalice or Archadia though! Is it nice?"


judgemagister September 16 2007, 22:06:38 UTC
He handed the sword over after a moment of hesitation, pondering her words. "I am surprised as well, but the balance is nigh-perfect." It wouldn't be too surprising to think the alchemists had some experience in sword-making. Though the alchemists in Arcadia had, like Celes' world, been involved mostly in potion-making.

Following the light, he also caught sight of the stairwell, making his way to it. Looking up, it felt as if the darkness was quite tangible. It was luck that the pockets of the uniforms would be large enough to store a flashlight and the elixir without much discomfort.

Noah turned back to his group, hearing the trace edges of Larsa and Mion's conversation. "Shall we move upstairs, then?"


entrust_to_few September 17 2007, 00:27:42 UTC
Despite Mion's playful teasing Larsa found himself blushing regardless, nodding quickly in an attempt to correct his statement. "O-of course, how silly of me to say that."

But he did not let the subject drop just yet. He was aware of a certain post made regarding the several kind of Earths with an array of traditions and customs. It surely was not something to ignore, especially since the teen arrived only recently. Yet Larsa answered her next question first, as it was the proper thing to do so.

"Yes, the country is located in the northern part of Ivalice and most of the country's edges runs along the ocean. Its capital, which resides within the northern portion, is probably the most technologically advanced in the world."

He laughed lightly.

"Though we've yet to manage to find the means of traveling through space. I've heard of worlds where such a thing was practically the norm."

[To here.]


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