Some day, he really did intend to go to the game room, just to see what they had in the way of games. But not today. He was simply not in the mood to do anything approaching fun, and he was starting to feel like shit from a combination of being sedated and not having eaten anything yet all day
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She wasn't expecting to see him and Renji actually talking, or some semblance thereof, rather than trying to beat each other into a pulp. Would wonders never cease? She frowned, getting her first good look at Renji since his somewhat odd posts on the bulletin the previous day. Yeah, he looked like crap. She sighed softly and walked to a nearby sofa, close enough to let them know she was there but not close enough to be able to overhear. She wouldn't interfere unless they asked or they started trying to kill each other (again).
Momo wandered in from the Game Room and cast a tired look around. No Hitsugaya, but there was Renji and he was talking to...
The vice captain pursed her lips for a moment before sighing. It seemed she'd have to wait even longer to actually talk to and be in the company of the ornery redhead. It'd been almost two days now and not being able to talk to him was starting to really get to her.
Looking around, she noted Integra's presence, but the woman seemed in deep thought and honestly, Momo wasn't in the right condition to deal with her roommate. She'd have to come next shift, but until then she could find someone else to talk to.
And there was Rangiku. Momo traversed the room and tiredly sank down on the couch next to her fellow vice captain.
"The boys better get done soon," she muttered to Ran with a nod toward Renji and Gin. "It's been almost two days and I still haven't gotten to actually say hello to Renji." She looked over and her face softened seeing the bandages.
"Need a heal?"
"I figured you probably didn't need healing, but it never hurts to ask," she said. "Looks uncomfortable, though. What manner of creature was responsible?"
She kept an eye on the two men, waiting for them to finish.
"I should be asking you the same question," she said dryly. "I hope you aren't hurt too badly. She leaned back on the couch after a moment, wincing a little at the pain. "A spirit. I suppose it could be considered this place's equivalent of a Hollow. It touched me and suddenly I ended up cut up like this."
A spirit... "Laughing girl in a blood-stained kimono? In the Sun Room?" Momo asked, feeling slightly queasy in the pit of her stomach that the spirit had managed to injure another vice captain.
"That's what I ran into. I got hit by some really cold orbs of blue fire," she said, her voice reflecting how incompetent she'd felt that night, especially without Tobiume with her. "Bakudo #4 does work on it. Just not as long as I would have liked it to have."
She nodded in response to Hinamori's description. "Yes, exactly that. We were trying to get into the cafeteria and unfortunately our distraction didn't work." A shame, especially since Tatsumi had been hurt too.
"Bakudo #4, I'll remember that. But she'd sealed the entrance into the cafeteria and I had to use kidou to open it and it left me drained." She sighed softly, annoyed by how much energy it had taken to do even such a small amount. "Hadou # 4 worked, so at least it's something which takes relatively little energy, but it still takes enough to leave you off balance for a while." Which made it a bad choice for attacking if it took a while to recover.
Gin hung back for a while, waiting until Hinamori left Ran alone before he even tried approaching. He'd rather not stay where it seemed all the other shinigami were gathering; it was about time to make himself scarce.
He knew there was another room available, so he'd try that next. Before he left though, he wanted to at least get a word in with Rangiku. She should know who to look out for, at the very least. He brushed her shoulder as he passed, intentionally, of course. He half turned to smile at her, "I'll be in th' other room if y'not busy." Without waiting for her reply, he exited the room and followed his nurse escort on to the game room.
[[ Sun Room~]]
The comment about big sisters made her wrinkle her nose, although she was still smiling. It was better than being called a mother at least?
She caught Gin's look and nodded, waiting only a couple of moments before following the other shinigami out into the games room.
[Following Gin <3]
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