No matter how much Rukia wanted to stay unconscious and forget everything that was going on, her mind wouldn't let her do so. Not long after the nurse and orderly put her in bed, she stirred, looking around her room and blinking slowly. Things were still blurry from the sedatives, and her vision still dimmed from the strange child the night before
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Arriving in the Sun Room, the talkative orderly continued speaking. "I'll be back later, I'm going to leave Ralf here to make sure everything is just peachy for you, okay? If you need anything, just ask him."
Right. He's here to make sure I don't kill anybody. Riddick simply turned away as Ralf let go of him. The killer ignored everyone else in the room (a bunch of kids?) and walked over to the bulletin board. Information, badly disorganized, but still information... he perused it at his leasure, with a surrepticious glance up at the high balcony surrounding the room. Too far to jump.
Haku had found nothing interesting to be gained at breakfast, aside from finding that his Master was alive and, presumably, well, and finding another person he would have to keep an eye on.
He declined the Game Room, telling the male nurse that came to collect him that he was simply not up for any games right now. He was led into the Sun Room, where he walked over to the board, checking for any new information.
He glanced up at the man already there, then returned to browsing the messages. He always did seem to find himself around large, potentially deadly men. Why was that?
Ah, a partial map showing the way to the patient possessions room... but a note it wasn't the belongings you'd expect. Damn. From the corner of his eye he saw a nurse approach the orderly who had been left to watch him, and after a quick whisper they both left the room. So much for "if you need anything." Good riddance.
There was so much information and bad handwriting on this board it was difficult to sort through it all, but he kept reading for the moment. The room was becoming more crowded and scraps of conversation proved worth listening in on.
The large man beside him was harder to dismiss. He did not fail to notice that the orderly that had seemed to be watching them had left with a nurse, probably to deal with a fight or other such futile issue. He fought the urge to sigh in exasperation and kept his gaze focused on the board.
"Play along for now," he said, voice soft and empty of anything that could be called an emotion. He hoped he'd read this man right. He wasn't in the mood to play the happy, sweet, innocent boy if he didn't have to. "Makes life easier for you and everyone else."
"I don't play well with others," he said coldly. "And nothing's ever easy..." Then he grinned, though whether from amusement or other thoughts was anyone's guess. "...Except killing."
His mouth twitched into a smile. "There is plenty of time for blood shed when they release you at night."
"Night time, eh? Just how far do they let us run, or are we stuck in this shithole?" The management of this place already lacked enough intelligence, it would be nice to know ahead of time just how much freedom would be allowed once the lights went out... if they went out at all. And "stuck" was relative, but he didn't care to elaborate on his own history at this point.
"They'll let you run as far as you can," he said. "And as far as they want you to." His not-quite smile widened. "The two are often the very same distance." He let out a soft sound that could have been a laugh.
"Perhaps a man like you will find that you even enjoy the nights here. So quiet and peaceful..."
"Too bad I have to wait to find out," he replied out loud.
He didn't really feel like waiting, but the threat of sedation and the complete lack of a visible security system (besides the occasional nurse or such gazing down at them from above) made him uneasy. He studied the information before him in grim silence.
"It won't be too long," he said. "Or perhaps it will. Time moves in an ... interesting fashion here."
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