Day 26: Intercom, Dawn

Aug 05, 2007 00:34

As the sun rose up into the blue, cloudless sky, it seemed as if this day would be a particularly warm one. The Head Doctor, at least, seemed happy about it as the intercom clicked on and he began his first announcement on a cheery note.

"New faces, new places! Well, more new faces than new places, but there are plenty of them for you befriend and make connections with, which helps everyone in the end, doesn't it? So, nurses, if you'd please awake the members of our first group for the day? Thank you very much!

"In any case, the breakfast that you'll be sharing with our new patients will consist of belgian waffles with your choice of butter, syrup, whipped cream, and assorted fruits to put on top! Our regular sides are of course available; sausages, tater tots, and toast should be in the same area as the waffles, and our salad bar should be piled high with fresh fruit and healthy cereals to choose from! Our regular drinks of milk, water, and assorted juices are there for the taking, and... I do believe that's all! Good day, everybody!"

The intercom clicked off as the delicious smell of warm food wafted throughout the institute.

mewtwo, fran, anthy, auel, ana lucia, leon magnus, intercom, anise, cyrille, jade

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