Nightshift 25: Hallway between M-blocks

Jul 28, 2007 01:43

from here

The silence continued here, as Elphaba slunk through the shadows, her shoes softly clopping as they slid off her feet. She passed another door to her left, but was determined to continue along this corridor. Where were the guards? With a passageway this long, she should have been accosted by at least one, if not more. If this were some sort of laboratory, perhaps a place where they made reluctant Animals into their deaf and dumb counterparts, where were the cages, the bars, the scientists making nightly rounds?

Catching sight of a door ahead of her, Elphaba began walking more briskly, the bottom of the long coat catching the self-made breeze and flapping slightly behind her. For a moment, Elphaba felt a bit normal. She stopped abruptly at the door, noticing a bar across it, though a small window peeked into the outside. So it appeared she'd found the first of their security measures.

elphaba, clark kent

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