Nightshift 25: Cafeteria

Jul 15, 2007 17:37

[From Here]Slipping into next room, Cloud allowed the door to click shut at his back as he looked around. Now this was a place he could easily recognize from his early days. This had to be a cafeteria, if the long tables and the arrangement spoke of anything. He had paid many of his days away in Boot Camp at arrangements just like this ( Read more... )

matsumoto, seishirou, demyx, axel, cloud, kikyo, xigbar, kadaj, max, kunzite, celes, excel

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transgenix July 24 2007, 01:28:50 UTC
( Coming from here.)

Max and Excel burst into the cafeteria, escaping the creepy laughing girl and the blue flame and the sunroom behind them. Slamming the door behind her, Max leaned against it, taking a moment to get her bearings and catch her breath. This room was darker than the last, and again, she was having a harder time focusing within here than she had out in the halls they'd travelled to get here. Still, though, she could make out some things, the darker shadows of the long rows of tables she knew were there.

Recalling her time here during the day, she remembered that there were doors to her right and left that led out into the courtyard, but they weren't headed outside yet, although it was a handy thing to remember, once she was ready to go. The food bar where they were served their meals was straight ahead, on the other side of the rows of table, and the kitchen, she assumed, must be behind that.

The kitchen should be on the other side of this room," Max spoke up, flashing her flashlight straight ahead in the direction they must go.


bulletofjustice July 24 2007, 02:13:34 UTC
"Foodfoodfoodfood," Excel sang, practically skipping across the cafeteria towards the kitchens. "What should I eat first? I hope there is pie. Salmon pie. Fish sticks. Beef tips. Boiled yak. Oh, I can't take much more of this anxiety!"

She broke into a run, only tripping once over a table. Excel laughed and picked herself up before heading towards the doors that led to the kitchen.


transgenix July 24 2007, 02:30:10 UTC
Max followed her with a rueful shake of her head, wrinkling her nose at some of the things Excel was babbling about finding. She really hoped there was no salmon pie or boiled yak. What the heck? Where was this kid from anyways?

Reaching the door a moment behind the girl, Max reached for the knob and found it locked. Bending to inspect it, she found it was like the locks from last night, aged and not well maintained at all. "Stand back," she cautioned Excel a moment before she lifted her foot and delivered a sharp kick to the doorknob.

There was a crack as the lock shattered and the door to the kitchen swung open with a creak.

( Going here.)


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