Nightshift 25: 2nd floor hallway near staff research/medical reference library

Jul 16, 2007 00:15

[From here]

If a being that lacked his heart could somehow have a heart attack, Xemnas would certainly have one as soon as the radio broke the deafening silence. As the man blurted his message, the Nobody found himself torn between listening to said message or trying to silence it. It would seem he had no choice in the matter, even despite the ( Read more... )

rhode, yuber, kenshin, fuu, edward elric, xellos, yohji, momo (xenosaga), roy, wesker, allen, zex, albel, yazoo, relena, rukia, claire bennet, alec, hughes, gin, citan, renji, greed, aya, xemnas, krauser, rabastan, captain jack

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rabastlestrange July 31 2007, 15:41:24 UTC
Bast watched with a fair amount of interest as Yazoo tried the different doors. He was a bit puzzled by the whole thing, but willing to play along if that's what made his new Best Friend happy. On the whole, he was delighted. Not only did Yazoo not mind him trailing along, but he had brothers! If Rabastan had one (okay quite a few) flaws, it was that he loved his own brother more than life or sanity. Bellatrix, not so much, but Rodolphus was a god.

He nodded to the attacking the nurse part, his thin lips turning down in a sympathetic grimace. "I didn't get sedated. They just locked me in my room. I don't know if I'd like being all sleepy most of the time."

A sleepy Bast might be a good thing for Landel's on the whole. Would surely head a lot of problems off at the past.

"That sound wonderful, Yazoo! Severus is sure to love meeting some people!"

Yeeahhh. And the sky might turn to raining puppies and rainbows tomorrow.

When he found their way blocked, Bast watched these two people with his usual open and guileless look, as if he hadn't been talking about executing ninety percent of Landel's population a few minutes ago. He shook his head as well to them. He hadn't seen anyone with blue hair, and the only blond he had met was Youji.

"I don't either. Youji has blond hair, but he knows plants. I've never met someone with blue hair that did Transfigure it that way. Green was in when I went to school."


heraldric July 31 2007, 17:59:54 UTC
The disappointment showed clearly on Leon's face, but what had he expected, really? If they hadn't seen Claude or Rena, then the chances that they had seen any of the others were slim. Then again, it couldn't really hurt to ask. One more try and he would move on...

"Well... what about Precis? Her hair is long and sort of red-brown... often has a little mechanical friend? Or Ashton! He has two, ah, dragons on his back. Dark brown hair... headband... Or a woman with light violet hair that dresses oddly? That would be Celine."

Of course if they hadn't seen any of these people, he might come across as a bit silly. It wasn't his fault he had odd friends!


enigmaticmedium August 1 2007, 13:27:06 UTC
"Thanks for all your cooperation," Xelloss added cheerfully from above Leon's head. He hadn't caught much detail, thanks to the fact that this area seemed to be a bit busy and it was hard to hear the conversation before they were right on top of it. The lighter-haired young man had brothers, the blond knew a potion master here, escape plan discussed but not confirmed... and nurses sedating people? That fit with the earlier description of this as a 'hospital.' The voice over the ceiling communication system had implied that individuals were arriving here at intervals--perhaps when the sun rose it would be a bit more orderly. That was a pity... or not. Conversations would probably be easier to hold then, at least. Idly, he wondered how Hellmaster was faring.

The idea of dragons on the back still gave him a little shudder. Particularly if they were the more intelligent, talking sort. The nagging alone...


barium_bullet August 2 2007, 05:46:03 UTC

Yazoo looked over at Bast with a curiously raised eyebrow before tuning his attention back onto Leon. He’d ask about it later. He listened to more descriptions of Leon’s friends, but once again, nothing was ringing a bell. Well, the long red-brown hair sounded like someone he knew, but her name wasn’t Precis.

“I’m sorry,” he apologized with an almost sympathetic look on his face, “but I haven’t seen them either.” He hadn’t really been planning to say anything else after that point, but after about a few seconds of going quiet, he added, “I hope you find them.”

Yazoo being considerate was very rare when it came to anyone outside of the family, but that didn’t mean that it never happened.

His attention then turned over to Xelloss’s expression of gratitude, and he couldn’t help but smirk slightly in response. “Don’t mention it,” he replied easily, raising his shoulders in a shrug.


rabastlestrange August 3 2007, 15:50:21 UTC
Rabastan had thought he'd heard all the odd names in the world, but this strange man kept pulling out more. The descriptions alone left Bast with a 'buh?' reaction. Shaking his head slowly, he slunk a little closer to Yazoo.

What a world it was when someone figured Yazoo was safer than everyone else.

"The only dragons I know of are in Gringott's although they said there was some at the Triwizard Tourney that almost ate Harry Potter. Probably would have given it a terrible stomacheache if it had."

Shrugging, Bast scratched his temple with the tip of his glowing wand again. The firefly light didn't waver in the least, probably why he had been allowed to keep it. Flashlights were beyond his scope to grasp or make work, not to mention that they would have upset him quite a bit. Most Muggle things did.

"I hope you find them. Lots of people are missing though. The Dark Lord isn't here. Bellatrix, Rodolphus, Lucius, and all the others are missing too except for Severus. At least the blood traitors and Muggle-lovers didn't make it here. Maybe they'll show up eventually?"

Bast tried to sound hopeful. He honestly didn't care about anyone else except for Rodolphus though. After all, they were the only 'real' people, right?


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