Nightshift 19 - F1 Hall

Nov 06, 2006 19:50

Another night in this place. And, if the intercom was to be believed, more experimentation. Lust realized that she needed to learn the fake names of her companions, to be on the lookout for things such as this. She knew her supposed name, but no others. Ah well. She could only hope that Scar, Dias or River weren't among the ones taken. And ( Read more... )

inara, scholar ling, elena (ffvii), river, dante, lust, kadaj

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lapis_inferno November 7 2006, 05:02:09 UTC
Dante fought the urge to jerk away from the other woman's touch: one part of her loving the contact and the other screaming that she was being degraded. Lust's skin no longer felt as cold against Dante's cheek, but she couldn't bask in the warmth without remembering that their roles were reversed and that this time she wouldn't be calling the shots. Lust's advances were out of her hands, and now she was the one at the Homunculus' mercy.

"Equivalent exchange," Dante growled, hating the sound of the word on her lips. She had never believed in equivalent exchange, at least not since she had helped Hohenheim create and utilize the Philosopher's Stone. The idea had seemed obsolete for the many centuries Dante had spent hurting everyone else without receiving any pain any return. But then, after Hohenheim left, she started to question the idea once again. Karma. Did she really deserve this?

No, of course she didn't. She had transcended the laws of nature and divinity the day she first held the Stone in her hands. But for now, at least, she would have to pretend she agreed, at least until some other option came to light. Dante had always gained strength through other people, and being ostracized by the other patients, in addition to being quite lonely, would only drive her further and further from her goal. She'd have to cooperate, at least for now.

Stretching up onto her toes, she sealed the distance between them, planting a teasing kiss on the other woman's lips. "I guess that's how things have to be, Lust." She murmured against the other's mouth. "As long as the others agree to cooperate with you, as well. I'm not sure you'll be able to convince the Elrics and the Colonel to leave me alone, but I hope you will try your best."


lustful_thing November 7 2006, 05:09:01 UTC
Lust waited while the woman so clearly worked things over in her mind. She wouldn't make this offer again. If refused, she'd kill the woman herself and be done with it. It was simply easier than dealing with worrying about what she would do, what lies she would spread.

But it seemed as though Dante was as desperate as Lust had believed. The woman's kiss was like poison, and Lust nipped at the woman's lower lip with her teeth. How dare the woman take such liberties?

"You do not touch unless invited," Lust warned her, her voice smooth as silk and hard as steel. "Would you like me to tell you about Mustang and the young Elrics?" More bluffing, somewhat. Her voice was a teasing, taunting whisper. "Would you like to know what Mustang sounds like when he moans? Or perhaps how the skin of one of the Elric brothers tastes? I could tell you, if I wanted."

Not exactly lies. She had heard the colonel moan in pain and she had kissed Alphonse once - on the cheek, to wind him to her and keep him loyal and in love with her. But she knew the words to remind Dante that here, she had everything and her former master had nothing.

"And I meant what I said. I give you exactly what you gave me. One step out of line, and I will kill you myself."


lapis_inferno November 7 2006, 13:25:50 UTC
That's not fair! Dante wanted to say, but she caught herself, biting her tongue as her hands balled up into fists behind her back. Sure, she had killed Lust more than a few times, but Lust had been immortal and her death had lasted mere seconds before she was able to regenerate. And even then Dante had done it for Lust's own good: she was teaching her how to act like a human, and how to be loyal to a master. But Lust seemed to be forgetting everything.

"I raised you, you know." She whispered, her voice hoarse from impending tears. "If I hadn't found you you would've died a monster in a shack in Ishbal. Don't you think you owe me a little more respect than this?"

But she was afraid she had said too much. Staring at the ground, she faked a gesture of humility, hopeful that Lust would not see through her act. But the things the Homunculus had said infuriated her beyond words. So, she had bedded the Elric boys? The very thought made her want to scream. They were hers, not Lust's! How dare she even think of such a thing?

"I don't believe you've been with Edward." Her eyes narrowed slightly. "He's in love with...somebody else. As is the Colonel." She wasn't certain of what she was saying, but it was at least reassuring. "Those boys are like their father. They're loyal." Unlike you, Dante wanted to add, but she digressed.


lustful_thing November 7 2006, 17:18:44 UTC
"Yes, you did raise me." Lust wet her lips, still grinning. "And this is what I have become - you. And don't pretend to see the future, Dante. You've no idea what would have happened to me. I owe you nothing. You took from me everything I had after years of false promises. You destroyed all that I held dear in the world and in the end... you destroyed me. I owe you nothing but the same deceit and trickery you gave to me. But I'll be kind to you - what with your condition."

She chuckled as Dante attempted to refute her claims. "And love and loyalty matter in a place like this?" She threw back her head and laughed. A good thing she had warned Mustang about her bluff before hand.

"Ask the colonel himself. And as for the Elric boy's..." She bowed her head, smiling. "I never did say Edward, did I? But they're as weak to a pretty face as any man. Or shall I show you the gifts and notes of affection? If you're in need of proof....? But come. We're wasting our time here."

Lust straightened up then, looking down at her former master with disdain. "You never answered my question. Are you armed?"


lapis_inferno November 7 2006, 18:19:12 UTC
"Of course I'm armed." Dante smiled, bringing her hands to her chest as if preparing to perform a transmutation. She was the most powerful alchemist in this place, and perhaps even the most powerful patient. Although the hospital had weakened her abilities, she still believed she would be able to regain them. She only needed allies now to protect her while she reevaluated the situation and worked to find a possible solution. After that, her escape would be easy, and she would certainly remember who had helped her and who had not when that time came.

"Loyalty is a very valuable thing, Lust. I'm afraid that's what the Elric boys just don't understand. We are from the same world. We know the same science and together we can find a way to overcome these "doctors". Edward is young and stubborn, but I have seen enough in my lifetimes to know that sometimes making an allegiance with those who have wronged you to protect your own life isn't necessarily a bad thing. I'm glad you have finally come to your senses about this."

Reaching forward, she touched the woman's arm in a gesture vaguely reminiscent of their former relationship, withdrawing as she noted the scowl playing on Lust's lips. "We'll be powerful together, you and I. I've always admired your strength, even though sometimes I was unable to express my feelings. If you'd like, I can teach you alchemy, but we'll have to start after the sun comes up. Equivalent Exchange, and such."

Lust had won. She had forced Dante to show her some respect, and Dante was willing because she was out of options. But the tables would soon turn. Dante would make sure of that.


lustful_thing November 7 2006, 18:41:22 UTC
"You misunderstand the nature of our arrangement," Lust said, raising an eyebrow. "We have no alliance, you and I. I will protect you and look after you in the same way a human would look after a pet - nothing more." She scoffed then, a small noise. "Edward and Alphonse understand loyalty far better than you ever will. Loyalty is just a word to you. You've never been loyal to anyone or anything in your life. I understand loyalty. Loyalty to those who have helped me, loyalty to those who care for me... you've never had anyone care for you, not really. Only for your pretty little lies." She shook her head.

"Alchemy is worthless here. Have you a real weapon?" She didn't have time for the woman's games. She hoped Dante would drop them soon enough, but she knew she was asking the impossible. "I have no need of you teaching me anything. You will be quiet unless you're spoken to, and you will not touch me unless given leave. Do I make myself clear?"


lapis_inferno November 7 2006, 18:54:59 UTC
Dante sniffed, but remained silent. Loyalty. Sure, she understood loyalty. She had once been loyal to the man she loved, but when he left her everything she had once thought about alliances and relationships fell apart completely. She had lost the ability to care about anyone other than herself, and it was all because of him.

It was easy for them to blame her for all the unfortunate events that had befallen Amestris, but what they failed to acknowledge was that it was Hohenheim, not her, who had acted as the catalyst. She had only been his pet: the wife that stood in the shadows while he made all of the choices. But it was so much easier for them to blame her and not him, because if they were to blame him they would have to admit that the blood running through the Elric boys' veins was filled with malice and deceit. She saw it, but the others tried their best to pretend it wasn't there.

Lust's words hit her like a knife. You've never had anyone care for you. As she listened to Lust voice her deepest fears she had to look away, hoping the darkness would mask the pain in her eyes. She had given everything to be with the man she loved, only to find that in the end he had little interest in her at all. She had been used, and for what? To prolong his own life, and give him the chance to find someone he could truly love. If anyone knew about being used, it was Dante. But Lust would never see that. Dante wouldn't let her.

"No, I don't have one." She glared into the shadows. "I was supposed to make one with Adelheid, but I'm afraid your friends got to him first."


lustful_thing November 7 2006, 19:00:31 UTC
"I have no idea who Adelheid is, but if he's been warned against you, all the better." Lust struck out down the hallway and snapped her fingers, indicating that Dante should follow her. "I suppose we'll have to find you one, then."

Lust didn't quite feel like wandering all over the hospital to find the woman a weapon. And she certainly didn't trust Dante with anything dangerous. If they found her something, they found her something. If they didn't....

"I'm meeting with one of my allies in the men's wing," she explained. "And don't bother trying your wiles on him, he's already well aware of who and what you are."


lapis_inferno November 7 2006, 19:10:40 UTC
Lingering back for a moment, Dante looked over her shoulder, scanning the shadows for a trace of the woman she had seen before. But the hallway seemed deserted, consumed by the shadows once again.

"I suppose you've made it your mission to warn them all about me, correct?" She knew she was stepping out of line, but she couldn't help herself. Dante wasn't used to holding her tongue. "Do you really want to see me dead that badly?"

But inside, Dante knew this wasn't the case. If Lust wanted her dead, she wouldn't have made this deal in the first place. No, Lust wanted something even more painful than death for her master. She wanted to humiliate her and shame her, because she knew that Dante was weak against such attacks. Regaining her dignity after Hohenheim's disappearance had been a top priority for Dante, and yet now the very children of the man who had shamed her in the first place, along with a creature who had once been her pawn, were doing their best to shame her again, and she could do little to stop them.

Besides, Dante was curious to see the men's wing. If she found Adelheid she might have some chance at taking her own path. She would have to make him her top priority for now.


lustful_thing November 7 2006, 19:18:11 UTC
"I simply have no desire for you to interfere with my plans. I warn who I think to warn. Don't flatter yourself in thinking you play into my grand scheme in any way." Lust swung the beam of the flashlight down the hallway, eyes open for monsters and other patients.

"I don't care what happens to you, to be quite honest. But I'd like to have a bit of fun with you before you finally slip loose the mortal coil. I owe it to you, after all." She turned and gave the woman a hateful grin over her shoulder.


soulofdiscord November 8 2006, 00:19:34 UTC
((From the next post down, lolz.))

Ling had been listening quietly the whole time, still awaiting the awaited contact and thus far being intensely disappointed in the matter. Perhaps she wasn't as strong as Ling had hoped... perhaps she had second-guessed the offer. Or perhaps she simply didn't trust the Scholar. Ling didn't know, and at that point, she honestly didn't care.

There was a much more tempting target at that moment.

Therefore, when the beam of light played across her delicate features, Nu Zhi smiled softly, taking a soft and chiding tone. "Lust, have you not wasted enough time with that woman? For now these halls are safe, but soon enough that protection shall be taken away and we shall all be delayed. Why waste more time with one who is not worthy of your attention?"

A pause, and she added, "And I hope that your explorations will prove fruitful once more. Our last exchange was most enlightening, and I would hate to be disappointed or to disappoint."

If only she could get Dante away from Lust! The taller woman's posturing had worn at Ling's nerves, and now she saw an opportunity to advance the Way. If only she could get a chance alone with the pathetic one, she might yet be able to forge her anew...


lapis_inferno November 8 2006, 05:40:03 UTC
Dante stared at the Scholar, not certain if she should feel grateful or shamed. Lust's cocky attitude had become just as aggravating as the idea of spending another nightshift alone, but now she had no choice but to follow behind her former servant and hope that she could turn things around. But with the appearance of the other woman came a chance of escape: a chance of finding some alternative to her present predicament.

Ling had seen Dante in the shower, and yet perhaps she wasn't yet aware of the details of her past. Perhaps there was still some chance of winning her over.

Still, Dante hated the idea of being called "not worthy". Who was she to judge Dante's worth? Nobody was giving her credit for her true strength. But she would change that as soon as possible. She would show them just how worthy she could be.

"Why, hello." Dante grinned sweetly, advancing towards the Scholar. "I believe we met in the shower, but I've already forgotten your name. Could you please tell it to me again?"


lustful_thing November 8 2006, 05:46:32 UTC
"Don't speak unless you're spoken to," Lust said, almost offhand to Dante. It was too easy to let power go to her head, really. She had brushes with it before, and this was far more heady than the last time. She turned her attention to Ling, returning the smile.

"She needed to be put in her place. Consider her as you would a servant." She inclined her head. "But enough time has been wasted. I have arrangements to make contact with one of my male allies. And then I intend to resume my search for this place's center of operations. Will you be joining me, then?"

She had no protest to the other woman's company. She was level headed, she could fight, and she didn't bother with idle or useless chit chat. She was far better than a good many companions Lust had traveled with in this place.


soulofdiscord November 8 2006, 06:56:38 UTC
"While I would prefer to join you, I'm afraid that I am awaiting someone else tonight; while I might be searching later on, I believe that bringing out the power in others might prove more beneficial. Far too many here are clouded and in doubt; my power is to free them from such doubt."

She considered Lust for a long moment, pondering that. "However... the ritual requires far more preparation than I would wish to bother with, however. Might I borrow your servant for the night? If she can not even hold someone down, then she truly is a waste of your time."

"That, and I did so enjoy our last exchange of information. As I said before, I hope that the next dialogue will be as informative."


lapis_inferno November 8 2006, 23:03:34 UTC
Dante listened attentively to the other woman's words, resentful of the way they were both speaking of her as if she was an object that couldn't hear them, but hopeful at the idea of escaping Lust's company for a few hours. She had wanted allegiances, but not of the master-servant nature; or, at least, not allegiances that put her into the position of servant. Every vicious word Lust spoke was a reminder of the ways in which she was being shamed.

Even if she knew she would have the upper hand eventually, at present the idea of spending one more second in Lust's company was utterly disgusting.


lustful_thing November 8 2006, 23:18:17 UTC
"I'm afraid I can't let her out of my sight." Not until she was properly trained and brought to heel, at least. No, Lust wasn't going to lose her grip on the woman the moment she'd gotten it. All it would take was Dante to find one weak willed person and get her claws in and Lust would lose what she had gained. And besides that, Dante was hers now. She was going to savor every moment of this.

"I appreciate the offer to take her off of my hands, but I have need of her. Perhaps another night." Lust offered a small smile, still ignoring Dante as though she weren't there. "I wish you luck in finding another to aide you in your tasks this evening."


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